30 600 HPS 400 site room. Pictures!

And your right,your not an old man like me,with age comes wisdom.

I love this.

Age automatically makes you "wise"

I'm afraid thats not true. But if you want to elevate yourself based on bullshit, be my guest. My fiances mother says that shit to her all the time and we just laugh our asses off at it.

but once again since you're of the habit of only seeing what you wanna see, I never said I'd grow better than him, or knew more than him. But I would still build a better garden than that. And guess what, I wouldn't need to steal power to do it.

Also, you assume because I'm on my first personal grow that I don't have experience with grow rooms. Great job, panini. Assumptions are the the crutch of a weak argument. I have been inside gardens that prodcued 100's of lbs of weed a year. I have helped set up an entire aero garden using pvc pipes, 18 x 1000w lights in the flowering room. And another 4000 in the veg room. Over 7000$ in lights/co2/fans/containers/reservoirs etc I've been in 3 gardens just this month that prodcued 5+ lbs a harvest. One was on a 6 week schedule producing 14lbs every harvest, all done in a garage. That garden belongs to one of my long time friends and I've seen him go from a closet grow and a toyota sentry to a commercial grow room and a m3 beamer.

Having a "green" thumb doesn't correlate with physics and environmental control. I don't need to know how to clone to know how to set up an efficient garden. Maybe the fact that my garden is absolute low budget is the reason I have even had any issues. You know whats invested in my grow? About 300$. Call it what you want, but a 300$ garden doing as well as mine is something I'm completely proud of.

You say I have "google" knowledge That's a clever way to try and defunct literature and documented evidence. I will admit to be knowledge hungry, I have read every book (not googled shit) and read all the old OG database stuff, all the good 420 and IC Mag stuff, and a bunch more I'm sure. But do you have any experience in a grow this size? I'm guessing your a mile short. You probably have even less than me as you've probably never had the opportunity to be in a large garden liek this. and I have been in MANY. So where do you come from off commenting on his grow? By your own argument you have no clue either because you lack experience. Get back to me on that one. Go build a garden like his and then you'll have the experience neccessary to say it's a good garden.

You say I'm tearing his grow apart because I say he's not using his light efficiently. God forbid someone has an opinion and expresses it? I guess I'm just a total ass if I don't say "OMG BRO SWEET GROW, I WISH I COULD BE LIKE YOU"

Instead I say, "hey, have you thought about a light mover? you could get better use out of your lights and run less power, and have less heating issues." I then go on to wish him luck with his grow and admit that he is almost assuredly a better gardener than I am and wish him luck on his grow.
And that is just to much "tearing apart" for you to handle?

You've been a little to judgemental and immature about this whole thing and you're making me do the same thing. I'll go ahead and apoligize for offending you, but I will not admit that I'm doing anything wrong by expressing my opinion in the way I did.

I'm sorry about polluting your thread with an argument that could be kept to pm, Commercial. And I'll exit stage right on this one.

Good luck with your grow. I'm sure you're gonna get massive buds. I'll be watching.

Panhead if you want to continue this discussion civily between the 2 of us, I will do so also, through pms.
Why are you attacking me for not liking this mans grow?

He has to steal power for this to even be worth it.

I post videos of a grow that works better.

I've been in grows that were set up much better. I'm not attacking him, I'm just participating in discussion.

this is a forum, i dont need to kiss someones ass because they blew an ass load of money on a grow op and stole power to run it. whos to say i wont ever be on this level either? i am just getting into growing my own. im also 1 year from my masters and afterwards i wont have any ties to the states. i could fly across the worls and start growing large scale. im not an old man like you, pandhead.

bottom line. i am entitled to my opinion and i will express it because thats what a forum is for, if you don't like i don't know what to tell you, id say get used to it, but if you havn't yet, i doubt your going to start now.
I dont know about you, but while stealing power isnt such a great thing, I think its better than the telltale 20 KW 12 hour spike that would stick out like a sore thumb on a power bill. Sometimes you do what is necessary and not what is necessarily right.
I'm not trying to be a dick, but you need to get humble in a hurry. If you're too full of yourself to do that, you've gotta work on your walk and get it up to par with your talk.
Either way, your fictional imagining of how you would do something vs. something of this scale actually done effectively are two different things.
Also in that video, dude gets a nasty case of the borg and has to pull out early, so it just shows you even the "pros" fuck themselves every now and then.
You 'could' fly across the world and grow a thousand tons of dope in a 3x3 closet but you're not. I 'could' have a fucking golden toilet, but i don't. Commercial here does have a sick setup that produces so why not just sit back, enjoy the show, and save to advice\criticism for someone who needs it.
Sorry if i'm being harsh, i've got nothing but love and appreciation for expanding ones knowledge of this fine art\science of marijuana horticulture... You can run around waving charts and graphs of lux\lumens vs distance and talk about the glory of light movers and what not, remind us that jorge gets 50 pounds off of a bunch of fireflies trapped in a jar and seemore buds actually grow marijuana instead of toenails... but still not have any idea how it practically applies in the real world. In this game, experience talks, bullshit walks.

Nah just kidding, bullshit doesn't walk, its everywhere.
I dont know about you, but while stealing power isnt such a great thing, I think its better than the telltale 20 KW 12 hour spike that would stick out like a sore thumb on a power bill. Sometimes you do what is necessary and not what is necessarily right.
I'm not trying to be a dick, but you need to get humble in a hurry. If you're too full of yourself to do that, you've gotta work on your walk and get it up to par with your talk.
Either way, your fictional imagining of how you would do something vs. something of this scale actually done effectively are two different things.
Also in that video, dude gets a nasty case of the borg and has to pull out early, so it just shows you even the "pros" fuck themselves every now and then.
You 'could' fly across the world and grow a thousand tons of dope in a 3x3 closet but you're not. I 'could' have a fucking golden toilet, but i don't. Commercial here does have a sick setup that produces so why not just sit back, enjoy the show, and save to advice\criticism for someone who needs it.
Sorry if i'm being harsh, i've got nothing but love and appreciation for expanding ones knowledge of this fine art\science of marijuana horticulture... You can run around waving charts and graphs of lux\lumens vs distance and talk about the glory of light movers and what not, remind us that jorge gets 50 pounds off of a bunch of fireflies trapped in a jar and seemore buds actually grow marijuana instead of toenails... but still not have any idea how it practically applies in the real world. In this game, experience talks, bullshit walks.

Nah just kidding, bullshit doesn't walk, its everywhere.

my theories are based in science. if you want to try and humble science, be my guest. but science will prevail. fuck the monkeys and hours poking around learning from "mistakes"

id rather know what i was doing and do it right the first time, knowledge IS experience. why do i need to do something when i can just study the results from other people who have done the same thing?

i guess thats how the world works

doctors dont study, they just get right to wrk, try, try, and try again, eventually theyll get right. but of course they wont record the process for the next guy. the world doesn't work that way.
chemist never studied, they just summon knowledge of all things from the cosmos.
Sometimes you do what is necessary and not what is necessarily right.
I'm not trying to be a dick, but you need to get humble in a hurry. If you're too full of yourself to do that, you've gotta work on your walk and get it up to par with your talk

Right on,i couldnt agree more.

I will admit to be knowledge hungry, I have read every book (not googled shit) and read all the old OG database stuff, all the good 420 and IC Mag stuff, and a bunch more I'm sure. But do you have any experience in a grow this size? I'm guessing your a mile short. You probably have even less than me as you've probably never had the opportunity to be in a large garden liek this. and I have been in MANY.

Instead I say, "hey, have you thought about a light mover?

Nope,i wouldnt even know where to begin with a light mover,are these what light movers are :dunce:?


How would somebody cool that many thousands of watts if cool tubes were not applicable in that room,i wonder if this would work ;-).


I wonder how long it would take a guy to smoke all 160 of those plants in that room & why this grower would even need his other grow room,this guy must smoke like crazy :lol:


Is this how clones are supposed to look after they root,im not sure if this guy's method of cloning is any good,can ya take a look & let me know if they are ok :lol:.


Is this how bud's are supposed to look 30 days into flowering :confused:


Are these ozone generators any good for odor control,one of these day's i hope to get 4 of them :idea:


Your right there fella,i really dont grow anything i just like to pretend,it makes the time pass quicker & i feel much cooler pretending.

BTW,you've made it very clear that you dont approve of people hot wiring their electrical service,in every last post you make,can we say dead horse ?
my theories are based in science. if you want to try and humble science, be my guest. but science will prevail. fuck the monkeys and hours poking around learning from "mistakes"

id rather know what i was doing and do it right the first time, knowledge IS experience. why do i need to do something when i can just study the results from other people who have done the same thing?

i guess thats how the world works

doctors dont study, they just get right to wrk, try, try, and try again, eventually theyll get right. but of course they wont record the process for the next guy. the world doesn't work that way.
chemist never studied, they just summon knowledge of all things from the cosmos.
Just because you claim science as your ally does not make it so. With all your suppossed knowledge I would think you would take it down a notch. You are not science, just because you've read a bunch (we all have I assure you) doesn't make you anymore scientific than all the "monkeys" who are actually out there doing things and not just safely theorising about them.
Knowledge is required to do anything, the more you know the better off you are. BUT WITHOUT EXPERIENCE IT DOESNT MEAN SHIT!
Your logic is flawless i must admit. I mean as soon as doctors take an exam and prove they paid attention in class they get to start doing open heart surgery right?
Let me answer that for you.
Doctors need YEARS of practical experience before they're allowed to start operating on patients/writing in medical journals/anything at all.

These forums are about sharing knowledge and advancing our trade\hobby\passion, i certainly don't mean to suppress the exchange of ideas, i just think you need to pull back on the ego a little. By all means, share your thoughts, just try not to come off as such a dick about it.

Reminds be of an old proverb, i can't remember it verbatim but its along the lines of "Only when you can admit you know nothing can you truly start to learn"
I'll be the first to admit i don't know a damn thing, but one thing i do know is you, sir, are out of line.
Just because you claim science as your ally does not make it so. With all your suppossed knowledge I would think you would take it down a notch. You are not science, just because you've read a bunch (we all have I assure you) doesn't make you anymore scientific than all the "monkeys" who are actually out there doing things and not just safely theorising about them.
Knowledge is required to do anything, the more you know the better off you are. BUT WITHOUT EXPERIENCE IT DOESNT MEAN SHIT!
Your logic is flawless i must admit. I mean as soon as doctors take an exam and prove they paid attention in class they get to start doing open heart surgery right?
Let me answer that for you.
Doctors need YEARS of practical experience before they're allowed to start operating on patients/writing in medical journals/anything at all.

These forums are about sharing knowledge and advancing our trade\hobby\passion, i certainly don't mean to suppress the exchange of ideas, i just think you need to pull back on the ego a little. By all means, share your thoughts, just try not to come off as such a dick about it.

Reminds be of an old proverb, i can't remember it verbatim but its along the lines of "Only when you can admit you know nothing can you truly start to learn"
I'll be the first to admit i don't know a damn thing, but one thing i do know is you, sir, are out of line.

I never said an md was was right and ready to go right out of exams. Don't put words in my mouth to make your own argument more valid. Please bring it on your own laurels, do not falsify my arguments by mislabeling them. I implyed that without knowledge, experience won't get you far.

My argument is valid, against the "lol google knowledge you dont know shit because you han't done it" bullshit that Panhead clutched at. Neither alone will get you very far. Knowledge is my ally. I have no problems with people learning from mistakes and experience. I'll chose to learn from both, but before I take on the experience, I'll make sure I have the appropriate knowledge. Be that from visiting and setting up giant gardens, or from studying all the different aspects of canna growing.
Tronica stole the INVERSE SQUARe law posting from me....I posted that shit a year ago.... FDD2BLK quoted...."I bought one of theese" this is getting funny....I think it's a poser....Sorry I even en-terd this thread...............

(quoted........Sorry if i'm being harsh, i've got nothing but love and appreciation for expanding ones knowledge of this fine art\science of marijuana horticulture... You can run around waving charts and graphs of lux\lumens vs distance and talk about the glory of light movers and what not, remind us that jorge gets 50 pounds off of a bunch of fireflies trapped in a jar and seemore buds actually grow marijuana instead of toenails... but still not have any idea how it practically applies in the real world. In this game, experience talks, bullshit walks.)

See the link and looky at the posting dates... haww haww!

http://i248.photobucket.com/albums/gg185/panheadxxx/87ba3650.jpg Nice pic!!!!!! Howd you do that...i'm getting photohard...
i hate to chime in on an argument, but by hangin around and helping set up a a gro OP does not give you the expierience, you just might aswell have said you watch jorge cervantes dvd, unless your all alone and you got leaves burning up at the tips and plants turning yellow, or your the only one standing there measure ML's...to watch it being done right and doing it right are 2 Totally different things...i also agree with you about the science of horticulture, but a bookworm would still need a greenthumb....i apologize i dont wanna come off like a dick, but your gonna get some harsh criticism round here talking like this...PS his gro op is lovely and very streamlined and making a grow op look so simple is mastery
Oh....and one more thing... While I'm dropping names... I do believe "See More Buds" IS a mod on this forum by another name....might wanna watch what cha say.,,. Zuess...JMHO... and Tronica... your THEROries can not be based on Science....Science does not support theories.........................Science is based on LAWS............As does mathematics. Theories can not be proven,... only debated.
Laws, on the other hand can be proven SCIENTIFICALY, ie. IVERSE SQUARE LAW...If you understand it.... I understand where your'e coming from...I just don't understand why youre cumming.

Why does everyone have to be such an Undegreed Botinist here?

( I love Nancy Botwin.....

Commercial........... way to grow....if you can proove to theese neophytes your for real by posting a different and new pic....of this grow.....I'll support you...otherwise I'm thinking youre either Jacking off to thees new posts / debates.... or just a egopantyack looking for attention... Look what youve started. Shame on the rest of us for falling for such a thread...

Pencap Is off this thread.
This post has gone bad, instead of bashing each other, we should tap each others brains for knowledge. You know what the best thing about my grow op is? That in these down times when the econemy sucks. Marijuana is still thriving. I wish every one had a set up like mine or bigger. I wish everybody luck, be back in a bit.


dude how much do you yeild from that setup
This post has gone bad, instead of bashing each other, we should tap each others brains for knowledge. You know what the best thing about my grow op is? That in these down times when the econemy sucks. Marijuana is still thriving. I wish every one had a set up like mine or bigger. I wish everybody luck, be back in a bit.


thnx u, I hope your wish comes true for us :eyesmoke::mrgreen:bongsmilie yiii haaaaaaaaaaa :D