lulz leaving them unchecked is one thing, but giving them tools to do better is another. I love the mentality "this is bad, quick lets make it worse!" It seems that's all our government can pull off anymore (liberal or conservative). More people have died in Mexico in the last 7 years than our last few wars, and it "ok" cause other presidents have misused positions? So if George Zimmerman IS found guilty of a hate crime, he should use the defense, "Its ok people Hitler was worse!" and we all go our happy way? What a crock. Bush was a terribad president, we all know what, but ignoring accountability because of the past is piss poor way of handling things....Holder and ATF top dogs need to be made an example of, all of our 3 letter abbreviations departments are out of control and need checks and balances put in place. Ignore this now and it only gets worse next time, and it might just be you on the receiving end.