Very nice BC, if i knew how to i would +rep

. Are you BHO'ing your trimmings? I harvested a few days ago and planning on trying that qwiso technique. Have you tried it before?
Heres how to rep for old and new layout..

I always make honey oil with my trim.
You can buy extractors online and shit, but I made one for about $5. The cashier probably thought I was making a pipe bomb..

I bought the pipe with threaded ends, 2 end caps, and 4 cans of butane that
Heres my ghetto extractor that works Perfectly.

The wire is just there so I dont have to hold it the whole time. The duct tape also helps as a bit of an insulated handle. That pipe gets fucking cold when you pump it full of butane!! Wear gloves or you could get frostbite
I extract right into a pot of warm water. It helps the butane evaporate faster, And its sooo much easier to scoop oil off of water rather then scraping it out of the corners of a pot. Even the shit that sticks to the side is in a nice ring around the water line. Scrapes off perfectly with a razor blade.
And I always wear gloves and something over my face when extracting oil. And always do it outside. I mostly where the gasmask because IF anything ever happened I wouldnt want the flames going up my nose and down my throat.
Nothing has ever happened though, just do it outside where theres a lot of airflow and you will be fine.