Wow~!Can i ask you?Led light is good or bull shit because what i see your plant look nice healty and sexy.i need buy new light but i dont know if hps or Fluorescent or led light ?i am useing 250w hps and i need some more light so what you think?Pm please
Wow~!Can i ask you?Led light is good or bull shit because what i see your plant look nice healty and sexy.i need buy new light but i dont know if hps or Fluorescent or led light ?i am useing 250w hps and i need some more light so what you think?Pm please
led,s really aint the best m8 . u shud use either hps or halide. even though you have a big plant in your grow room dont mean that they work... for instance have a look at my journal and when you compair plants just have a look at my big bigbud in the left hand side tank.. its only 4 wks old and is just touchin 28 inches in height and its almost 25 inches wide with hps from the start. best of luck to you wit your grow n i hope you keep us all up2 date with your progress