So all im trying to say is we just need more confirmation of the power of led's. After we finish our first grow, we will try experimenting with just our LED's. This will isolate the LED's from our noobishness of growing.
I totally agree with you on everything,
except for the "Pure Red" statement.
The Red Procyon LED are just as Spectrally
limited as the Red LED in this Grow. Science
just hasn't been able to hit 660nm Red yet.
All the LED grow lights that you see are rated
at 630nm or less. This is comes in at about 30-
40% of what Cannabis needs to bloom. 660nm
Red LED's exist, but they are around a $1000
per LED. It's the Red Wave length that NASA
uses in the Space Station and on Shuttles.
Soon... Science and Engineering will allow for
this difficult Spectrum to be produced cheaply,
but for now... It's just mad expensive.
On a side note... Very few HPS lights even get
close to 100% 660nm Red. Most are in the low
40% Photosynthetic Active Radiation. They just
push out so much power that it compensates
for the lack of the "True Red."
I will totally check out your Journal, and the
3 Procyon Grow.
Enough Thread Jacking...
TM21THC... I look forward to more
updates! Thanks again for the journal.