3rd Party Cup Growoff Official Update Thread

Weekly Update. A little bit of stretch has happened but not heaps. More hairs growing than anything else.


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Lol I'm out. As fast as it begun, it had ended. Must've let the taproot dry out too much before I transplanted cus that fucker is GONE. But it does give me space to start my Sour Kush..

Good luck every body!
Another one bites the dust...

ashame there. I wanted to see a hydro party cup in action too. See you on the battle field next time scotch
Update: Not as healthy as I would like, but it is what it is..

Sorry about that Scotch... Better luck next time bro...

JimJim has a good one, looks better than mine at the moment.. Good job man..
I'm outta town guys,i'll update Tuesday when I get back home.
In the meantime y'all check out my closet I just revamped it AGAIN....LOL
Photo09130930.jpg………and yesterday's pic of Herman.Remember this one grew balls that I pinched off and so far so good even though I left it in my closet and it got 20 hrs of light one night....oops!"She" looks great none the less and is starting to produce some trichs.Too bad I didn't top her.I watered all my solos and left them in a dish of water,hoping they don't stress(dry out)too much without my daily attention.Im having to water everyday so we'll see the damage when I get home:eyesmoke:.peace out fellas

Sorry about your bad luck Scotch....next time!:)
Hey all, weekly update. Not much going on here. Seedling is about 2" tall and growing slowly. Temps were running a little high at the start ( 88oF) and I think that slowed her down. The weather is starting to get cooler around here and I've got the temps down to about 82, humidity about 45%. I'm only posting one picture because they all look the same. As said, not much growth yet.
solocups 024.jpg

Sorry your out Scotch.:-(

Hey Dawg, now that cut-off date has passed, what's the final list on who's in the comp.:?:
Sorry Scotch. Ya should a just tried some dirt after-all :). The fact is that Dawg was all unemployed and shit, sitting at home watching his hydro cup last comp. I heard he took it to the bar with him. Well you know how them mad geniuses are.:blsmoke:

Still sorry to see ya go Scotch :(, but whatever you do, please don't vote for the rude Amish dude with the 'tude. Thanks. And where is that boy's update? I'll update later folks, me got real date first ;).

Go Big Blue, shouldn't lose the Manning bowl by more than 3 touchdowns today!!!!!!!​
Sorry Scotch. Ya should a just tried some dirt after-all :). The fact is that Dawg was all unemployed and shit, sitting at home watching his hydro cup last comp. I heard he took it to the bar with him. Well you know how them mad geniuses are.:blsmoke:

Still sorry to see ya go Scotch :(, but whatever you do, please don't vote for the rude Amish dude with the 'tude. Thanks. And where is that boy's update? I'll update later folks, me got real date first ;).

Go Big Blue, shouldn't lose the Manning bowl by more than 3 touchdowns today!!!!!!!​

WTF .........I can't watch my crappy eagles play in peace and quiet???..... don't worry your giants will cover the spread:P

Happy that you found someone in that 9 million NYC population to got "out" with FROGGY!!!

Weekly update on my NL bitch.

001.jpg002.jpg003.jpg004.jpg Cal issues arising in this tiny/shitty cup, looks like my "rock dust" fert ain't cutting it VVVVVV.......so I'll double the rates. Contains 9% at a regular feed, but I've been a cheapo with it.

006.jpg slow release vegan fert + flowering in a party cup............lol, shit's gonna get ugly

005.jpg less than a month under 12/12 from seed to show her girly parts..............grow on bitches!!!!

Edit...........nevermind looks like the giants rolled over in the 4th..........this is why I shouldn't bet:(
weekly update angels beat the astros... hehehe and bronco game on



stay frosty my friends
This update is dedicated to the San Diego Chargers who gave me a little consolation prize today. It's gonna be a looong season in the NFC East :roll:.

Okay so after mucho wrangling we've got some live ones. I have no idea what they are. Could be Black Widow, could be a Critical Mass x Black Widow. Whatever, it's what I'm using and they should be femmed. Info is in my sig. Cal Carb bath is next.

You takin notes here PSU? I hope so.
Well guys,my plants suffered big time,fortunately my comp cup plant did not:).They dried out big time,a bunch of leaves fell off on one and it's just a stem with a big cola on top:)...but it smells good!.I've missed 3 days pics total,2 this week.

B166ER's week 6 update:
Photo09101439.jpg..day 36
Photo09111346.jpg..day 37
Photo09130930.jpg..day 38
Missed day 39
Missed day 40
Photo09161419.jpg..day 41
Photo09171011.jpg..day 42
Weekly Update. Not much is happening, slow and steady


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So I'm throwing up an early update, too much shit on my plate the rest of the weekend. So far so good though. Looks like I'm favoring #1 atm. Nothing but Cal Carb, Super Plant Tonic and some Happy Frog 5/5/5.

[table="width: 1200, align: center"]

But the great news is my sponsor, Ghetto Gro™, has sent me their latest product for the professional Solo Cupper, the MTMTM Ghetto Mover Model 1. I'm not that up on this powerful new technology yet so I'll give this part of my update over to Ghetto Gro™'s own CTO and all around cock-rockin' dude MC I.N.Stine to explain the genesis behind this awesome product.


"Yo, so after mucho hours of studying the problem, well, actually it was the 2 hours between lunch and that first fat line of the afternoon, Ghetto Gro™ has decided that it costs waaay too damn much money to be moving a light around. Shit's fuckin dangerous yo and there's math involved. Fuck that shit. So I started lookin' at the problem a bit differently and after further consulting with my shorty who has a library card and a real job, we're pretty damn sure plants don't be havin' motion sickness. I mean Nasa's got 'em all up there in space, growin' and floatin' and shit. Plus they spin around at like 12,000 mph here on Erf so what's a few more revolutions gonna matter for fuck's sake. And that's how I came up with the concept of the MTMTM (Movin' That Mountain To Mohammed) Model 1 Ghetto Mover. The ghetto-genius part is the addition of the solar panels making us all Green and shit, because Ghetto Gro™ cares about that environment thing yo. Plus we done fuckin' ran out of all those dolla-dolla batteries so what else wuz we gonna use? So as you can see Mamma didn't raise no Amish-Italian line-cook, ya dig. Now, who wants to talk about muthafuckin franchise possibilities with the only MC that counts??? Literally."

There ya go. I couldn't of said it better if I wrote it all stoned out on some Yumboldt myself. Peace Bitches!

My God you got some issues froggy........lay off the ganja for a little bro........I'll say it again fancy pictures and gifs won't place you this time Fran.

Jim Jim girl has put you into overdrive huh,?? I think it will place as well..........stop sweating it and start growing it! Deuche!! Lol