3rd Party Cup Growoff Official Update Thread


Well-Known Member
Some friendly advice or reassurance that i'm right about my bottom leaves starting to wilt/curl...die.....would be nice:)Like I said everything was growing along smoothly until I added a little spoonful of espoma organic garden-tone 3-4-4.Then I went out of town,I was gone from friday night till monday night.3 days with no love and they dried out,like I dumbass I overwatered the past couple days.Would you guys agree that it's overwatered or over nuted??...

View attachment 2832772
Yeah I agree that your girl is having issues with to little O2(overwater) in the root zone and not nute burn. A spoonful of that low npk Shouldn't hurt at all. My question to you is did you scratch in the product or just lump it on top? Organic pelleted ferts are usually made from manures/guanos and can get slimy if not properly applied/lumped (light + moisture with shit breeds bad bacteria) and will suffocate the root zone/rot.if she doesn't improve after letting her dry out, pull her out of the cup and check/clean the root area if necessary.

Good luck and she should recover once you amend your watering habits.if not check the bitch's roots!


Well-Known Member
Yep.....I just lumped it on top!..I already scraped it off.Made me feel better anyway:).I didn't think it was overnuted,like you said with such a low npk.Im sure ive overwatered.With the cooler weather and rain the past couple days I didn't adjust my watering.Not making excuses but I have 12 other plants going and 7 solos so when I watered I was overwatering the comp cup......HERMAN.
Thanks for the time,advice and words of encouragement:)

She looks good otherwise and looks like she's gonna fill out nicely:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
^^^^ punch holes in the bottom of the cup for drainage. You don't want root rot. Place cup on a saucer or in another cup.


Well-Known Member
^^^^ punch holes in the bottom of the cup for drainage. You don't want root rot. Place cup on a saucer or in another cup.
I slice the sides and put holes in the bottom of all the solo cups.The vertical razor slits don't leak water but im sure O2 can still get to the roots

With the cooler temps in my grow area and outside with rain and humidity,i guess they weren't drying out as fast and like an idiot I kept watering everyday,not checking the weight.I gave it a little spritz today but other than that its been two days without watering:).


Well-Known Member
I slice the sides and put holes in the bottom of all the solo cups.The vertical razor slits don't leak water but im sure O2 can still get to the roots

With the cooler temps in my grow area and outside with rain and humidity,i guess they weren't drying out as fast and like an idiot I kept watering everyday,not checking the weight.I gave it a little spritz today but other than that its been two days without watering:).
use a Philips head screwdriver. Maybe a knife in a twisting motion to start the holes. I water mine about every 3 or 4 days. I topdressed with compost and castings. So retains some moisture.

Its been hot. A/C is set at 75. Its been in the low 70's - high 60's at night and early in the morn. I've been opening the windows. Its been in the 80's during the day the past few days. Now its back to a 100 degrees. My flower runs from 7:00pm - 7:00am.

My outdoor loves that bu's blend compost. So friggin perky. My indoor got topdressed the other day. But I watered with a tea last night. The outdoor got watered with a tea the day before.


Well-Known Member
Could I make a tea out of the Espoma 3-4-4 fertilizer I have?If so,HOW??
you should be able to. Get a bucket, lid, air pump, air stones, tubing, and unsulphered molasses. Fill up bucket ( 1 gal or 5gal) with water. Aerate for a day. Add molasses. 1/2 -1 tbsp per gal of water. Aerate for another hour. Add your epsoma. How much you gotta experiment. I'd say startow 1/2 cup- 2/3 cup for 5 gal bucket. The aerate for 2 or 3 days or til tea foams up. A nice head of foam. Then tea is ready

for mine. I throw in a couple handfuls of compost, a couple handfuls of worm castings, 1/4 cup kelp meal. 2 tbsp Epsom salt. Of course molasses. Then I pour half the bucket into another bucket and add aerated water to both buckets. That's for 10 gal of tea.

also add a couple tbsp of oats or oatmeal pureed. It will make a more fungi tea. Which is good for flower. The fungi regulate the amount of nitrogen the plant can uptake when colonized the roots.


Well-Known Member
are you gonna warn him about the smell hyroot?:-P hmmmmm aerated chicken manure, yummy!

I did it with the RO uprising and my God what a mistake by not putting it into a cheese cloth! Oh the sludge was fucking disgusting.

Yeah good luck with that


Well-Known Member
Psu I never used epsoma. So I can't speak on the smell. Dr. Earth in a tea smells like a camels asshole died a few days ago. Lololol. Not that I know what that smells like. But it was foul.

with the bu's blend. It smelled like pasta. No bullshit. It brewed for 4 days. On the 2nd day. I came home. It smelled like spagetti & meatballs. Like Toucan Sam I followed my nose. It lead me to the tea..lol. If you use a bag it takes longer for the tea to be ready. The left overs. You can topdress or throw into a compost pile or worm bin.


Well-Known Member
Lol...no warning needed,you can smell it through the bag.Like the ass of a 3 days dead camel:).Thanks for the tea help,Hyroot.I should have everything you listed except ewc.Now,...I hope y'all lose:).peace


Well-Known Member
Weekly Update.

Another one using ^^^ mind tricks.........."my girl doesn't look so good/ slow growing" yeah ok grower ;-)........even canopy/multiple bud sites/ if she fills up nicely you will be in contention IMO.....keep her green bro!
OK, no more mind tricks. This ones for you PSU^^^.

So this week has seen some good growth. It looks like she is going to turn out nice. She has started to get a little frosty and the buds are also starting to develop nicely. Here are a few more pics than normal just to get a better idea of how she is going. It definitely didn't stretch like i thought it would so it looks like she will be short and stocky. :weed:



Well-Known Member
Goddamn! That's awesome Jim. You must be using dingo piss. Isn't dingo piss an illegal steroid Dawg? FOUL!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Weekly Update.

OK, no more mind tricks. This ones for you PSU^^^.

So this week has seen some good growth. It looks like she is going to turn out nice. She has started to get a little frosty and the buds are also starting to develop nicely. Here are a few more pics than normal just to get a better idea of how she is going. It definitely didn't stretch like i thought it would so it looks like she will be short and stocky. :weed:

View attachment 2838429View attachment 2838430View attachment 2838432View attachment 2838434View attachment 2838435View attachment 2838436View attachment 2838437View attachment 2838438
MotherFuc***! ^^ we're in trouble fellas................seriously nice girl Jim, she's gonna be hard to beat if you don't fuck up:eyesmoke:

Goddamn! That's awesome Jim. You must be using dingo piss. Isn't dingo piss an illegal steroid Dawg? FOUL!!!!!
Oh shit...................get those cute pics and gifs posted ASAP Fran!!!!

My video update. My Verizon interweb is down. Those union f#ks won't get off their ass to replace the fried OTN connection box outside. It is their fault too. So called engineers. So I figured out how to upload to YouTube from my phone. Since there's no windows 8 apps. Its super compressed though. Its a little blurry in spots. So here we go.

IS your phone from 2005???..............I'm never gonna shake this amish thing I guess, Goddamn you Fran!!!!!maybe I will southern trespass your froggy mom now:cuss:

Weekly update on my sensi seeds NL bitch..........under indagro 100 + hans led v1(182watts)

001.jpg002.jpg003.jpg004.jpg005.jpg keeps stacking and staking up, stretch is still minimal. Wants water all day, can't help her. Only chance this bitch has got if she turns blue with the cold temps coming in. Blue buds beats everything right guys?? right??? lol

006.jpg Still just alternating liquid kelp & organics rx general purpose every day..........very healthy results in bigger pots so far:)

sgt john

Well-Known Member
Update: buds getting better, still haven't figured out why the light green color.. (Any sugguestions would be appreciated)..
Probably wouldn't help now, but next time around I will know..

that damn JimJim, looks he's setting the standards... JimJim for the high, and mine for the low...

On another subject, I seen the post of Dawgs about the second place price and checked them out..
I was in need of another filter and I know I wouldn't take second, so I placed an order for one of the Green Gator Filters.
Robert was real cool to deal with, received in 2 days, free shipping, packaged safe..
He even sent a couple free gifts along also..
Took about 15 minutes to replace my old can filter and install the Green Gator Filter, and I'm pretty happy, happy, happy..


After checking out my old filter, I know I wasn't getting the air circulation that I needed, heat buildup along with that, from using a smaller size can filter, and it wasn't even that old..

Give them a thumbs up @ greengatorfilters.com


Well-Known Member
Small party cup+ heavy nitrogen feeder like cannabis is the issue John......you want constant nutrition in these unfavorable containers. but with synthetics fertilizer s you have to flush every other watering due to fast salt build up in a party cup.

Good luck, she may still pull through.

The Dawg

Well-Known Member
Weekly Update.

OK, no more mind tricks. This ones for you PSU^^^.

So this week has seen some good growth. It looks like she is going to turn out nice. She has started to get a little frosty and the buds are also starting to develop nicely. Here are a few more pics than normal just to get a better idea of how she is going. It definitely didn't stretch like i thought it would so it looks like she will be short and stocky. :weed:

View attachment 2838429View attachment 2838430View attachment 2838432View attachment 2838434View attachment 2838435View attachment 2838436View attachment 2838437View attachment 2838438
Update: buds getting better, still haven't figured out why the light green color.. (Any sugguestions would be appreciated)..
Probably wouldn't help now, but next time around I will know..
View attachment 2839504View attachment 2839505View attachment 2839506

that damn JimJim, looks he's setting the standards... JimJim for the high, and mine for the low...

On another subject, I seen the post of Dawgs about the second place price and checked them out..
I was in need of another filter and I know I wouldn't take second, so I placed an order for one of the Green Gator Filters.
Robert was real cool to deal with, received in 2 days, free shipping, packaged safe..
He even sent a couple free gifts along also..
Took about 15 minutes to replace my old can filter and install the Green Gator Filter, and I'm pretty happy, happy, happy..

View attachment 2839512View attachment 2839513View attachment 2839514

After checking out my old filter, I know I wasn't getting the air circulation that I needed, heat buildup along with that, from using a smaller size can filter, and it wasn't even that old..

Give them a thumbs up @ greengatorfilters.com
Ok I Give Up Why Is Their No Pics With Yalls Weekly Updates.Pics Or It Didnt Happen :fire:

The Dawg

Well-Known Member
Weekly Update.

OK, no more mind tricks. This ones for you PSU^^^.

So this week has seen some good growth. It looks like she is going to turn out nice. She has started to get a little frosty and the buds are also starting to develop nicely. Here are a few more pics than normal just to get a better idea of how she is going. It definitely didn't stretch like i thought it would so it looks like she will be short and stocky. :weed:

View attachment 2838429View attachment 2838430View attachment 2838432View attachment 2838434View attachment 2838435View attachment 2838436View attachment 2838437View attachment 2838438
MotherFuc***! ^^ we're in trouble fellas................seriously nice girl Jim, she's gonna be hard to beat if you don't fuck up:eyesmoke:

Oh shit...................get those cute pics and gifs posted ASAP Fran!!!!

IS your phone from 2005???..............I'm never gonna shake this amish thing I guess, Goddamn you Fran!!!!!maybe I will southern trespass your froggy mom now:cuss:

Weekly update on my sensi seeds NL bitch..........under indagro 100 + hans led v1(182watts)

View attachment 2839363View attachment 2839364View attachment 2839365View attachment 2839366View attachment 2839367 keeps stacking and staking up, stretch is still minimal. Wants water all day, can't help her. Only chance this bitch has got if she turns blue with the cold temps coming in. Blue buds beats everything right guys?? right??? lol

View attachment 2839368 Still just alternating liquid kelp & organics rx general purpose every day..........very healthy results in bigger pots so far:)
Update: buds getting better, still haven't figured out why the light green color.. (Any sugguestions would be appreciated)..
Probably wouldn't help now, but next time around I will know..
View attachment 2839504View attachment 2839505View attachment 2839506

that damn JimJim, looks he's setting the standards... JimJim for the high, and mine for the low...

On another subject, I seen the post of Dawgs about the second place price and checked them out..
I was in need of another filter and I know I wouldn't take second, so I placed an order for one of the Green Gator Filters.
Robert was real cool to deal with, received in 2 days, free shipping, packaged safe..
He even sent a couple free gifts along also..
Took about 15 minutes to replace my old can filter and install the Green Gator Filter, and I'm pretty happy, happy, happy..

View attachment 2839512View attachment 2839513View attachment 2839514

After checking out my old filter, I know I wasn't getting the air circulation that I needed, heat buildup along with that, from using a smaller size can filter, and it wasn't even that old..

Give them a thumbs up @ greengatorfilters.com
Ok I Give Up Why's Theirs No Pics With Yalls Weekly Update???????????????Pics Or It Didnt Happen Peeps :fire: