3rd Week Flowering Little White Spots All Over the Leaves

Ok so what should i do about the spider mite issue is it going to really screw my plants since im 3 weeks into flowering. this sucks its the best plants ive grown so far and now this i feel like i just cant figure this shit out
Ok so what should i do about the spider mite issue is it going to really screw my plants since im 3 weeks into flowering. this sucks its the best plants ive grown so far and now this i feel like i just cant figure this shit out

What did you use for them last time and how often did you use it?
neem oil works well but once you get about half way into flowering then i wouldn't use it, could make your buds taste like shit.. Your not using co2 are you?
well i check ph all the time and my meter says 7 to 7.5 so i keep feeding with 6.0 6.5 ph'd water and they seem to get lower each time but it comes right back up by the next watering. maybe its my ph reader cause i thought that it seemed wierd i had to keep setting water to 6.5 - 6.0 and the soil never reaches 6.5 which was my goal
it's probably not your water that's the problem its your soil.. Do you have a ph soil tester by any chance? You can get some dolomite lime and topdress with it
yea i have this tester i got thats 3-in-1 tester it shows lumens, ph, and moisture content. it was like $5 and has two metal prongs that go in the dirt. its made really cheap but the local hydro store doesnt have anything better which was really odd imo i figured there would be a more accurate way to test soil for ph. I can get some lime from Home depot if thats what you think will help. Oh and for the spider mites i could see them so i looked everywhere and killed them all and didnt see them since. i trimmed leaves and smashed them.
no pest strips for 2 days, will kill them, put them in a ziplock bag, reuse in about 10 days when the next eggs hatch. They will kill them, and not very healthy for you to breath for extended periods of time, need to be use in a well ventilated area. turn the fans off at night and it will zap them. quick fix.
lowes or home depot for about 7 bucks, it has the same shit flea collars have it but stronger. They work and fast. acute expoe is fie but not healthy for humans either. my garden is in my garage so i dont care. I don't have anything crawling in mine.
* no pest strip*
ok so some lime and pest strips and i should be good? i think this sounds like it will fix my problems.

Make sure its dolimite lime and you want the powder not the pellets. If you can only find pellets then you can crush them in a coffee grinder or something.

Is this what you speak of?