3rd Week Flowering Little White Spots All Over the Leaves

I had it backwards the food grade is not stable, that is why it is refrigerated, the 3% is stable but it is due to the chemicals that they add to it, and one of them is bad.
% Hydrogen Peroxide (Drug/Grocery Store Variety)
Used as antimicrobial agent for treating wounds and sanitizing agent
[Made from 50% Super D Peroxide, Diluted. Contains stabilizers - phenol, acetanilide, sodium stanate, tetrasodium phosphate among them.]
[This peroxide contains known chemicals do not ingest!]
well next time i will use the 35% i will just have to order it i doubt one usage will harm the plant or the smoker. What do you think?

I don't think it will, Look around for it b4 you order it, it should be available locally. call the health food stores or the hydro shop they have it. it's about 17 bucks a qt, but it works wonders for lots of things. And it will not harm the plant, just may be bad effects on the smoker or if it is used in hash for consumption.
Yea ill have to check my hydro store there is one like 5 mins from my house so that would be awesome if they have it but i wont know till tomorrow.
Today is day 4 for my no-pest strip. I havent seen a mite in 2 days, however the fungus gnats remain. I thought they were gone 2 days ago but they made a comeback yesterday and im seeing more of them today.
after about 10 days the next batch of eggs will hatch and after they are done the mites should be dealt with. fungus gnats generally come from not sterile/sanitary soil. the peroxide will help with that.
Plants look more vigorous today since h2o2 i added yesterday plus I fed them with a little extra bloom nutes and looks like they like it. Another great thing is i see no sign of any mites left which is awesome thanks alot for all the help thus far!!! now i just have to pray everything will be good from here on out. I will keep updating on the problems weather anything changes or not. Oh i forgot to add that since i have not added any lime yet nothing seems to be worsening on that particular plant so i think i am going to just watch it closely everyday and if things start to get any worse ill add lime asap.

after about 10 days the next batch of eggs will hatch and after they are done the mites should be dealt with. fungus gnats generally come from not sterile/sanitary soil. the peroxide will help with that.

well i still have mites....6 days with it in the room. Either im doing something wrong or these things dont work.
I think you said an 8 x 8 room one should cover that. 2 certainly wont hurt. Maybe the one you got was a dud. No telling. My cabinet is much smaller than that and one seems to work fine for me.
How much longer do you think for the one with brown pistils and its only like 5 1/2 weeks into flower could it be getting close already it just dont seem like it should be ready yet but 80% of pistils are brown already.
Also i do not have a scope to see the true color of the trichomes if i need to i will try and find one but i tried to find one before like a jewelers scope but couldnt find one unless i buy one online which i really dont like to do because i like to buy it and have it immediately.
Bro that thing has weeks.
Brown pistils can result from low humidity and high temperatures. Or light burn.

You probly have it just a tad too close to the 1000w you said you were using.

I didn't use a magnifying glass for my first grow, I simply put my eyes behind the colas, and put a cfl behind them, and guessed based on the "fuzz" that the light was illuminating.

Not very efficient but it worked for me, kind of.
well i was hoping it had more time because they didnt look very swollen yet i was hoping for a little more yield. Also I guess im going to by a scope of some sort so i know i am doing it right no more guessing for me this is my fourth grow and i believe i pulled all my plants too early so to prevent that im just going to have to buy the scope. Thanks for the idea with the cfl tho i enjoy learning new technique so i can adapt them and or use them in a way to help my grow. knowledge is power. Thanks again