3rd week of flowering, yellow leaves

The plants have been in these pots for 5 weeks. I will try to implement the sips or try another way to keep the roots moist

I'll try to correct it in the next soil batch. Half would be enough?

Should I forget about the deficiency and correct these defects first? Can I prune the yellowed leaves?

I forgot to say but here where I live it is very hot in this season, between 26-28C degrees inside the tent (78-82F), and I have no way of correcting that.

I apologize for pestering experienced growers with my novice questions.
Im no expert but from what Ive learned and tested 20% max of your mix for ewc/compost.So yeah bigger pots will help keep your roots cooler.
Have you tried a tea?Is your EWC fresh/home made? Mix a few cups in 3-5 gallons of water,1 tbls unsulfered molasses .This will have a low ph so should help.Mix and stir let sit 24-36 hours mixing when you can or use an air stone.