4 day working week.

When i was in the navy we use to do 12 on and 12 off shifts. It worked out to where we only actually worked 15 days a month. The only thing that sucked was that we switched from days to nights every 2 weeks.
That rotation really fucks up a persons system. For some reason doing without sleep is a male macho thing. Why would we want our warriors and our doctors to be sleep deprived?
I think "you" better reread the first post. Nowhere does it say work 4 days and get paid for 5.

Goddamn, do you realize op supports UBI also? Universal Basic Income - money for doing nothing - free money

Maximum benefits for minimum effort is what these people want. Is it that hard for you to understand?
There is a discussion going on about UBI and this idea, a 4 day working week, is another that seems to be gaining support in some parts of the world/political spectrum. I can think of a few positives about this idea but not really any negatives. Obviously that doesn't mean that there aren't any negatives but I'd be interested to hear opinions.

:peace: :leaf: :blsmoke:

Would you have this idea administered on a mandatory basis and what would you propose doing to people who decided to make other arrangements they liked better?
Goddamn, do you realize op supports UBI also? Universal Basic Income - money for doing nothing - free money

Maximum benefits for minimum effort is what these people want. Is it that hard for you to understand?
I think the theory is 4 10 hour days so you still get paid like it is 5
Goddamn, do you realize op supports UBI also? Universal Basic Income - money for doing nothing - free money

Maximum benefits for minimum effort is what these people want. Is it that hard for you to understand?
I support UBI because it is basically an antedote to the economics of greed embraced by the elite. If the elites and the corporations they own/represent paid the correct amount of taxes, or our politicians presided over a fairer system, we probably wouldn't be talking about a UBI. In the UK we have what is called "In-work benefits". These have come about because people aren't paid enough to live on. A person gets out of bed at 6am, goes to work for 12 hours day after day and yet they don't have enough to live on. They don't have aspirations because those aspirations are so unachievable.

A 4 day working week would give people a chance to enjoy more of the limited time they have on this planet. Human beings aren't on this planet simply to line the pockets of the 1% although that is exactly how they are being treated. A 4 day working week, like a UBI would actually save society money because many illnesses such as depression would be massively decreased.

In the end it comes down to what kind of society we want to live in.
No it shouldn't be mandatory. People atm can work 7 days a week if they like but they make a choice to do so and aren't, or shouldn't be forced.

People already work 4 tens and sometimes 3 twelves. You just don't know it because you have never worked.
I support UBI because it is basically an antedote to the economics of greed embraced by the elite. If the elites and the corporations they own/represent paid the correct amount of taxes, or our politicians presided over a fairer system, we probably wouldn't be talking about a UBI. In the UK we have what is called "In-work benefits". These have come about because people aren't paid enough to live on. A person gets out of bed at 6am, goes to work for 12 hours day after day and yet they don't have enough to live on. They don't have aspirations because those aspirations are so unachievable.

A 4 day working week would give people a chance to enjoy more of the limited time they have on this planet. Human beings aren't on this planet simply to line the pockets of the 1% although that is exactly how they are being treated. A 4 day working week, like a UBI would actually save society money because many illnesses such as depression would be massively decreased.

In the end it comes down to what kind of society we want to live in.

Wouldn't it just be easier to get rid of Corporate shields entirely and allow people to start a business if they feel like it and make employment agreements on a mutual basis between consenting parties ?

I agree human beings shouldn't have to line the pockets of anyone they don't want to, nor should anybody else make their choices for them. Which is why insisting a one size fits all schedule for people to work on is doing exactly the opposite of what you hope to achieve, freedom from oppression.

By the way, your motives seem good, but your means to achieve them are suspect.
I support UBI because it is basically an antedote to the economics of greed embraced by the elite. If the elites and the corporations they own/represent paid the correct amount of taxes, or our politicians presided over a fairer system, we probably wouldn't be talking about a UBI. In the UK we have what is called "In-work benefits". These have come about because people aren't paid enough to live on. A person gets out of bed at 6am, goes to work for 12 hours day after day and yet they don't have enough to live on. They don't have aspirations because those aspirations are so unachievable.

A 4 day working week would give people a chance to enjoy more of the limited time they have on this planet. Human beings aren't on this planet simply to line the pockets of the 1% although that is exactly how they are being treated. A 4 day working week, like a UBI would actually save society money because many illnesses such as depression would be massively decreased.

In the end it comes down to what kind of society we want to live in.

If you're working 12 hour days 5 days a week and still can't get by, maybe it's time to reevaluate your lifestyle? Live within your means.

I work 10-12 hours, 5 sometimes 7 days a week. I still have plenty of time to ride my bike, walk my dog, sharpen knives and keep a needy girlfriend satisfied. I'm definitely no one special, if I can do that, why can't other folks?
UBI is a sugar coated way of saying socialism.
You say "socialism" as if it is a dirty word.

Socialism is a range of economic and social systems characterised by social ownership and democratic control of the means of production, as well as the political ideologies, theories, and movements that aim to establish them.

I don't see what is wrong with that. Nowhere does it say that people can't start a business and make profit. It's just that all people have the same chances in life instead of the 1% keeping everything for themselves.

Why should water be owned by private companies who use it to make a profit? That seems sick in the extreme to me.
If you're working 12 hour days 5 days a week and still can't get by, maybe it's time to reevaluate your lifestyle? Live within your means.

I work 10-12 hours, 5 sometimes 7 days a week. I still have plenty of time to ride my bike, walk my dog, sharpen knives and keep a needy girlfriend satisfied. I'm definitely no one special, if I can do that, why can't other folks?
Because not everybody has the same chances in life. It's like Usain Bolt saying if I can run a sub-10 second 100 meters then so can everyone else.
Corporations have had the law set up to serve them so that imbalance needs redressing.
You say "socialism" as if it is a dirty word.

Socialism is a range of economic and social systems characterised by social ownership and democratic control of the means of production, as well as the political ideologies, theories, and movements that aim to establish them.

I don't see what is wrong with that. Nowhere does it say that people can't start a business and make profit. It's just that all people have the same chances in life instead of the 1% keeping everything for themselves.

Why should water be owned by private companies who use it to make a profit? That seems sick in the extreme to me.
This type of thinking is what created Venezuela. To create what you say there how big does government need grow and Taxes increase? Tax the wealthy to pay for it? It's a big world companies and the wealthy will just go to where taxes are lower. Why do you think so many jobs have been leaving over the last 10 years. Then Obama strangled them with regulation. And even more left.
If you're working 12 hour days 5 days a week and still can't get by, maybe it's time to reevaluate your lifestyle? Live within your means.

I work 10-12 hours, 5 sometimes 7 days a week. I still have plenty of time to ride my bike, walk my dog, sharpen knives and keep a needy girlfriend satisfied. I'm definitely no one special, if I can do that, why can't other folks?
Perhaps the system that allows this to happen needs changing? People have to pay for water for example. Water is metered in many countries and people pay for what they use. They have to be careful how much water they use because they will find themselves with a bad credit record because they couldn't pay for their water. A bad credit record means they can't get a loan to start a business, for example. The system is set-up and ran by the 1% for the 1%. The sooner we change that the better.
This type of thinking is what created Venezuela. To create what you say there how big does government need grow and Taxes increase? Tax the wealthy to pay for it? It's a big world companies and the wealthy will just go to where taxes are lower. Why do you think so many jobs have been leaving over the last 10 years. Then Obama strangled them with regulation. And even more left.

Cool2bum, what happened to your other account? Ashamed? I don't blame ya, you're dumber than a box of rocks.
This type of thinking is what created Venezuela. To create what you say there how big does government need grow and Taxes increase? Tax the wealthy to pay for it? It's a big world companies and the wealthy will just go to where taxes are lower. Why do you think so many jobs have been leaving over the last 10 years. Then Obama strangled them with regulation. And even more left.
It wasn't the system that created Venezuela, it was the fact that the system was abused. Oil money was syphoned off for personal gain instead of being reinvested into infrastructure and services.
Regulation is often what saves lives. We just had a fire in London that has killed 79 people - with more still missing - and the fact that regulations were not followed is likely to be found as the cause.