4 day working week.

@abandonconflict that's the spirit. You too should feel special about yourself. Stop being so hard and down on yourself. You are special too.
Tell you what, Go put on some clean clothes and go out and help someone today. Go save a puppy from the shelter. Fix food for the homeless. Hell offer to pay for someones wash at the laundromat.
I hope you find happiness, right now you sound like a bitter, angry, lonely old man. Wait are you married ?
@abandonconflict that's the spirit. You too should feel special about yourself. Stop being so hard and down on yourself. You are special too.
Tell you what, Go put on some clean clothes and go out and help someone today. Go save a puppy from the shelter. Fix food for the homeless. Hell offer to pay for someones wash at the laundromat.
I hope you find happiness, right now you sound like a bitter, angry, lonely old man. Wait are you married ?
7/10 decent spike, will let you have last word
Hey londonfog, off topic, I was wondering about the change machines, like at the laundromat. Do you buy them and own them outright or are they leased/rented? My buddy wants to put a coin machine at a campground by his house. If you can buy one, are they pretty expensive? Do they require service much or are they reliable?
Hey londonfog, off topic, I was wondering about the change machines, like at the laundromat. Do you buy them and own them outright or are they leased/rented? My buddy wants to put a coin machine at a campground by his house. If you can buy one, are they pretty expensive? Do they require service much or are they reliable?
go to Global vending group . com
Depends on what you looking for your cost to own would be anywhere from 1500-3000 depending on the capacity and bill denominations.
Only service I need is when people stick shit in that does not belong...easy fix.
and when you need to reload..again easy fix
go to Global vending group . com
Depends on what you looking for your cost to own would be anywhere from 1500-3000 depending on the capacity and bill denominations.
Only service I need is when people stick shit in that does not belong...easy fix.
and when you need to reload..again easy fix

Right on. Thanks man.