4 day working week.

Actually, my clothes seem to always come out really clean when they are washed by locals near the dive centers I have worked in. Hanging out in the sun is also preferable to the machines. I'm not saying I have a great preference as to how my clothes are washed, I'm saying your enterprise doesn't meaningfully contribute to improving society when the things I have mentioned are taken into account. You're the one getting bitter about it, twisting my words and trying to convince yourself your laundromat is making the world a better place. You certainly didn't make the world a better place in uniform.

I have not seen one single air force joe in any of the spectacular diving destinations I have worked in or visited as a client. Not even one in 32 countries over the last 5 years has crossed my path. In fact, when I was in the army, I was always surprised to find how these airforce joes would talk about the places they had been, including warzones, but had never actually gotten out and explored. They seemed to stay in the FOB, out of danger so I am guessing they never left the comfort of the airport in places other than warzones.

I do get bitter about overpaying for laundry services and getting back clothes that I have to turn around and take to another launderer. It never happens in these "third rate countries" only in the US where people think they're important. You should just get over it. You're just another squirrel trying to get a nut. Do your business, hustle your laundromat, nothing wrong with that. Quit trying to convince yourself that you're important. I'm not bitter, you replied to my comment and I'm just keeping it real.
Poor Dear
Long rant oveer laundry service guy.lol
My business is not what makes me important. How I raise my kids,provide for my wife and take care of others do. Sorry you lost a few quarters in the machine.
Anywoot.. I see you have never met any TACP or Combat Control while in the Army, which lets me know your mos was not one of a special forces. What was your mos in the army ? Do you hate Pararescue as well ? Do you even know what a SERE course is ? Do you know who all has to take it ? Never mind you bitter about some other shit that got you on RIU talking crazy. Who the fuck calls airforce personal "joe" ???red flag
She'd call him a liar and eat in front of him.
I have worked with three programs that feed people on the streets. ONE common factor was drugs. Just stating facts. Be it crack, meth, or heroin something got a hold of some of these people and made them addicts
I have worked with three programs that feed people on the streets. ONE common factor was drugs. Just stating facts. Be it crack, meth, or heroin something got a hold of some of these people and made them addicts
And our govt., in collusion with big Parma, made getting those drugs, both legally and illegally, easy peasy. Something like an average of 4BN opioid pills produced annual in the US., multiple times the amount prescribed. You think the pharma companies are manufacturing to throw them away? And they our military protects foreign poppy fields or imports cocaine. Yeah, sure, lack of willpower will lead to addiction, but of it wasn't easily available on any street corner USA, like milk and eggs, we wouldn't have the epidemic we have.

Oh, and I'd gladly pay taxes for people to not work and shoot up, before my money went to the fucking military, the largest welfare program this country has.
There is a discussion going on about UBI and this idea, a 4 day working week, is another that seems to be gaining support in some parts of the world/political spectrum. I can think of a few positives about this idea but not really any negatives. Obviously that doesn't mean that there aren't any negatives but I'd be interested to hear opinions.

There really is no downside to it. For several years I actually worked a three day work week that consisted of 3 14 hour shifts and then 4 days off. It took a bit of getting used to, but I actually enjoyed it.

What we really need to do not just as a country, but as a planet, is more telecommuting. Lets face it: there is really no reason on this earth for most cubicle employees to be in the building. When all you do is answer phones, process files and take a lunch break, you can do that from a home office just as effectively.

The sooner we all get over this "you have to be in the building even though there's really no reason on earth for you to be there" mentality, the sooner we can relieve traffic, cut down on pollution and help save on ridiculous amounts of energy spent to cool off cubicle farms.
Poor Dear
Long rant oveer laundry service guy.lol
My business is not what makes me important. How I raise my kids,provide for my wife and take care of others do. Sorry you lost a few quarters in the machine.
Anywoot.. I see you have never met any TACP or Combat Control while in the Army, which lets me know your mos was not one of a special forces. What was your mos in the army ? Do you hate Pararescue as well ? Do you even know what a SERE course is ? Do you know who all has to take it ? Never mind you bitter about some other shit that got you on RIU talking crazy. Who the fuck calls airforce personal "joe" ???red flag

Actually your wife provides for you..anesthesia nurses make bank..something tells me she's a pretty organized serious smart lady..WTF is she doing with you?
Poor Dear
Long rant oveer laundry service guy.lol
My business is not what makes me important. How I raise my kids,provide for my wife and take care of others do. Sorry you lost a few quarters in the machine.
Anywoot.. I see you have never met any TACP or Combat Control while in the Army, which lets me know your mos was not one of a special forces. What was your mos in the army ? Do you hate Pararescue as well ? Do you even know what a SERE course is ? Do you know who all has to take it ? Never mind you bitter about some other shit that got you on RIU talking crazy. Who the fuck calls airforce personal "joe" ???red flag

:shock: Whoa..looks like @abandonconflict touched on a nerve?
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I have worked with three programs that feed people on the streets. ONE common factor was drugs. Just stating facts. Be it crack, meth, or heroin something got a hold of some of these people and made them addicts

How about offering FREE laundry services for the homeless?..they get fed everywhere.

Something? Considering your wife is educated, how can she stand being married to you?

Addiction is a disease.

Update yourself we aren't living in the 80s anymore.
There really is no downside to it. For several years I actually worked a three day work week that consisted of 3 14 hour shifts and then 4 days off. It took a bit of getting used to, but I actually enjoyed it.

What we really need to do not just as a country, but as a planet, is more telecommuting. Lets face it: there is really no reason on this earth for most cubicle employees to be in the building. When all you do is answer phones, process files and take a lunch break, you can do that from a home office just as effectively.

The sooner we all get over this "you have to be in the building even though there's really no reason on earth for you to be there" mentality, the sooner we can relieve traffic, cut down on pollution and help save on ridiculous amounts of energy spent to cool off cubicle farms.

Police went to 4-10 hour days in my town, too.

Smart companies have been doing this for quite some time, cuts way down on their expenses..we Skype meetings. The downfall is production. Hires must be able to work independently while maintains company standards and revenue goals. People do not all have the same work ethic.
There really is no downside to it. For several years I actually worked a three day work week that consisted of 3 14 hour shifts and then 4 days off. It took a bit of getting used to, but I actually enjoyed it.

What we really need to do not just as a country, but as a planet, is more telecommuting. Lets face it: there is really no reason on this earth for most cubicle employees to be in the building. When all you do is answer phones, process files and take a lunch break, you can do that from a home office just as effectively.

The sooner we all get over this "you have to be in the building even though there's really no reason on earth for you to be there" mentality, the sooner we can relieve traffic, cut down on pollution and help save on ridiculous amounts of energy spent to cool off cubicle farms.
Most "cubicle" jobs are unneeded. Computers can do the majority of it. Really only need a fraction of that workforce to do the actual, physical part of the job. The problem lies in the fact that as a society we feel it's imperative for people to work to put a worth on them. In the eyes of the govt and commerce, people are nothing but revenue.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.
Most "cubicle" jobs are unneeded. Computers can do the majority of it. Really only need a fraction of that workforce to do the actual, physical part of the job. The problem lies in the fact that as a society we feel it's imperative for people to work to put a worth on them. In the eyes of the govt and commerce, people are nothing but revenue.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.

One man; one vote..if only..
One man; one vote..if only..
Ehhhh, that's tricky, allowing 51% of a population ultimate power over the other 49%. It's a good way to promote multiple civil wars. I believe our system could work, just needs some tweaks, and better oversight by the public.

Until the majority of the general public actually takes a serious interest in politics, the same way they obsess about sports, celebrities and fashion, it's not going to get much better.
Actually your wife provides for you..anesthesia nurses make bank..something tells me she's a pretty organized serious smart lady..WTF is she doing with you?
Yes my wife makes a good salary. I also bring home a nice pay. She will tell you herself she appreciated the time she was allowed to finish school and raise our babies, while I put in my life, time and other sacrifices in the USAF.
She says she is with me because I can make her laugh even when she is pissed off. She loves how I work with children. She enjoys my BBC. She also likes the fact that I listen to her and takes her opinion seriously. She did map our lives. I would have never applied for OTS in the USAF, without her push !!! I'm lucky and proud to have the lady as my wife. Oh she likes that I can cook as well

Now why did your husband leave you again ? Why did the kids decide to stay with him ?
How about offering FREE laundry services for the homeless?..they get fed everywhere.

Something? Considering your wife is educated, how can she stand being married to you?

Addiction is a disease.

Update yourself we aren't living in the 80s anymore.
Come on fucking Sky. If you paid attention to my post you would already know I offer Free laundry service to the homeless. They can also get clothing as well.

Yes my wifey is educated. She made sure I also obtained at least a BS.
She loves being married to me as I love being married to her. Stop being so jelly. You will never have me. Find another BBC. and stop acting so damn crazy and maybe you can keep your next hubby.
I have worked with three programs that feed people on the streets. ONE common factor was drugs. Just stating facts. Be it crack, meth, or heroin something got a hold of some of these people and made them addicts
I was poking fun at the poster.

Agreed. Have dealt with them on a few occasions and nearly all had some kind of hard drug addiction problem.

Another common thread is mental illness. America used to have institutions but as our society has gotten ever more callous and greedy they've been shut down and those residents pushed out onto the streets- and into jails.
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Yeah maybe I do get upset when people try to diss my service buddies.
My problem is generally not with the servicemen and women- though there's always a few assholes in any large group- but rather with those who would send them on missions and into situations frivolously or for profit.