4 day working week.

I was poking fun at the poster.

Agreed. Have dealt with them on a few occasions and nearly all had some kind of hard drug addiction problem.

Another common thread is mental illness. America used to have institutions but as our society has gotten ever more callous and greedy they've been shut down and those residents pushed out onto the streets- and into jails.
Ehhhh, that's tricky, allowing 51% of a population ultimate power over the other 49%. It's a good way to promote multiple civil wars. I believe our system could work, just needs some tweaks, and better oversight by the public.

Until the majority of the general public actually takes a serious interest in politics, the same way they obsess about sports, celebrities and fashion, it's not going to get much better.
I think getting the money out of the political system- and enforcing that prohibition with teeth- would do a lot to level the playing field in America.

As things stand, we are an oligarchic state, Fascist to our own poor and those of color, and imperialistic/economically colonialist to other countries. Both trends are driven by the profit motive.
My problem is generally not with the servicemen and women- though there's always a few assholes in any large group- but rather with those who would send them on missions and into situations frivolously or for profit.
I can also agree with this. Sometimes we are blind to what we are doing at the time. You are just told to do your piece of the puzzle
Yeah and it also can depend on the Admin in office and what is their agenda.
No one speaks of the humanitarian aid we provide. I have been on a few of those trips/missions as well
Killing innocents seems to take up all the headlines these days.

If we did more humanitarian aid and less killing- even in war zones- I think both outcomes and reputation would improve.
The US only provides "humanitarian aid" if there is an ulterior motive. Take the ebola bullshit in Africa relatively recently, we sent troops to secure the palm oil holdings and maintain order as the people of those countries were damn near revolt over it. Meanwhile Cuba sent doctors, since they're not a colonial empire. Or in Haiti after the earthquake when the US went in and wasted resources on a show of support that was in reality meaningless and according to Haitians actually detrimental such that they'd have been better off without Uncle Sam's "assistance". I even read that the Clintons profited from all that.

Service members are fed a load of crap and told they're doing something good, but really they're just indoctrinated pawns serving the reincarnation of Rome. Good for them for believing they're doing something good, it really might make them good people if they believe that.
9-5 ?? Hell with hours like that I would miss a lot of money. I think people like to smell nice and wear clean clothes and sleep on clean linen. How often do you wash your pillow case ?
I can tell you're butt hurt because you are unable to actually face what I am telling you. You're just doing circles around it. It's like how you made this big deal about your time in the airforce as a response to what I said about how obvious it is you haven't done much traveling. You seem to think people in other countries don't wash their clothes, like clean pillow cases only exist in the US. Thank you for inventing laundry so that the world may know what unsoiled fabric is like. If it had not been for the exploring airforce joe who has been everywhere except China, Hong Kong and Russia to see that the world needed this, we'd all be wearing grimy rags.

Instead of trying to be so offended (you started this exchange and have been crying bitter insults at me) just understand what I am saying and stop taking it all so personally. You're not special. Your contributions to society are no more significant than those of anyone else just because you have an economic niche. In fact, your apparent hatred of the poor shows that you're probably struggling to find some reason to tell yourself that society will be any worse off if you'd never existed. This isn't specific to you, nobody is important just because they have a job.
I can tell you're butt hurt because you are unable to actually face what I am telling you. You're just doing circles around it. It's like how you made this big deal about your time in the airforce as a response to what I said about how obvious it is you haven't done much traveling. You seem to think people in other countries don't wash their clothes, like clean pillow cases only exist in the US. Thank you for inventing laundry so that the world may know what unsoiled fabric is like. If it had not been for the exploring airforce joe who has been everywhere except China, Hong Kong and Russia to see that the world needed this, we'd all be wearing grimy rags.

Instead of trying to be so offended (you started this exchange and have been crying bitter insults at me) just understand what I am saying and stop taking it all so personally. You're not special. Your contributions to society are no more significant than those of anyone else just because you have an economic niche. In fact, your apparent hatred of the poor shows that you're probably struggling to find some reason to tell yourself that society will be any worse off if you'd never existed. This isn't specific to you, nobody is important just because they have a job.
why such anger over clean clothes.
Seriously I'm fucking laughing at you.
Now write another novel to me.

Oh and clean clothes are very important
Oh and clean clothes are very important
And so are you. Without airforce joes to go to "third rate countries" to learn how those foreigners have filthy rags, how would "lazy fucks" and "homeless drug addicts" ever have clean pillow cases?

Seriously, you sound like a self-important Trump supporter. Now reframe this so it sounds like you're not all butthurt for me.
And so are you. Without airforce joes to go to "third rate countries" to learn how those foreigners have filthy rags, how would "lazy fucks" and "homeless drug addicts" ever have clean pillow cases?

Seriously, you sound like a self-important Trump supporter. Now reframe this so it sounds like you're not all butthurt for me.
I understand 4th July is a hard holiday for you.
Seriously, that guy is so sensitive about being told he's not special.
You're making the mistake things you understand my emotions over the internet. I'm actually laughing at you and how upset you are getting over clean clothes.
I told you before what makes me special. My middle daughter will be off to college soon. Two down one to go.

again sorry you lost your quarters in a machine...also sorry the dryer did not dry your clothes completely. Truly hope that you can find a proper laundromat or cleaners to fulfill your services. Wearing the same dirty panties over each day is starting to change you.
I told you before what makes me special.
You seem upset. You keep projecting something about me being upset over clean clothes just because I don't think you're special. Fine, you win, you're special.

Now make another response about how clean clothes make me upset.