4 day working week.

Welfare is not a fucking earned benefit weirdo. You can get that shit by not working and applying for it. I'm all for it for those who need it, but fucks who abuse the system and sit on their fat asses doing nothing tends to piss me off. Grown ass man sitting around with his wife and 3 kids collecting a fucking check, because it is easier than putting on boots and getting to work

See? You're wrong..you cannot get welfare without having a job.

See Bill Clintons Welfare-to-Work Program.

You are STUCK in the Welfare Queen era of the 80s.

You're as dumb as a mud fence too.
Someone is flustered.
I worked 4 10s at my first job in a prototype machine shop. Only reason they had those hours were the bosses were also part owners in a strip club and wanted 3 days there. Best place I ever worked:hump:

Everyone says people need to work. There's a population growing by multitudes while more jobs get automated or shipped off. Eventually, universal income will have to be a serious conversation. The "I worked hard, so you have to also" argument needs something added that goes unspoken, but it's implied......" Or life's not fair! "....Snowflakes?

No I dinit!:o
See? You're wrong..you cannot get welfare without having a job.

See Bill Clintons Welfare-to-Work Program.

You are STUCK in the Welfare Queen era of the 80s.

You're as dumb as a mud fence too.
You dumber than a box of rocks, You very well can get welfare without having a job. Hell its a fucking safety net. You lose your job. Go apply for welfare. Most people get off and try to find other employment. Folks like you attempt to find ways to stay on it, so you can get EBT and "eat good".
Mud fence ?? is that your underhand racism showing