4 Diff. AUTOS in a "VERTICLE" Perpetual/Stagger crop A.K.A. AUTOBOTS, TRANSFORM!!


Well-Known Member
WOW, no activity......no one is answering any of my ques neither....anywayz update in 2 dayz...

Id hit up the silver stuff but never read up on any of that. But i feel ya i got tons of subs but hardly any replies. Got a shit pot of views though....thats aggravating


Well-Known Member
ive been following just dont know anything about making fem seeds so i cant give any advice but did check out what your link and that seems sic so do you spray the silver on a fem seed female or a reg seed female? i know i cant wait to see if it works for you...


Well-Known Member
You know, that's a damm good question!!!! I need to find out! because i'm gonna order somemore seeds, mostly fems, so i need to know this BEFORE i order....
ive been following just dont know anything about making fem seeds so i cant give any advice but did check out what your link and that seems sic so do you spray the silver on a fem seed female or a reg seed female? i know i cant wait to see if it works for you...


Well-Known Member
definetly aggravating! it's like people are scared to post or to comment...I i dnt care if it's good or badd...JUS SAY SOMETHING! That's how WE ALL LEARN!
Id hit up the silver stuff but never read up on any of that. But i feel ya i got tons of subs but hardly any replies. Got a shit pot of views though....thats aggravating


Well-Known Member
it's update time if, anyone even cares to even comment and not jus look......:weed:
Okay pics #7,9,10,12 are the last runt to flower....AK#12...she's coming along nicely....
pics #8 is my first "super runt"! that bitch is lil' huh??!!! whatta yall think imma get ouut her??? I say maybe 7g's....
pic #3 & 11 is my Ak#1<pollinated the lower branches....calix's are getting FAT!
pic #13 is the WD that the branch got snapped off....looking super dense!
pics # 5 is WD#5 and is only 50 days old! plenty of bud sites!!!
pic #15 & 18 up top are Ak#1<seeded, WD#5 & snapped off branch WD.....
pic #19 is my only Ak that the leaves are starting to turn yellow on...I checked trics and they are still a mix of clear/cloudy..
pic #20 is my second biggest WD....
So, how do they look????
Gonna give em' 1 more feeding with nutes tomm. and then start flushing with AN Final phase & Molasses for 2wks....
10wks total grow...


Well-Known Member
man dude all your ladies are looking great! still have all green leafs, also got you some seeds brewing. i forgot did you do any crosses or just breed back to the same strain? anyways looks like everything is coming along nicely cant wait to see em a week from now!:hump::hump:


Well-Known Member
THANKS! Yeah, nice and dark green...I gave em' grow nutes up to day 45!! I did both, bred ak to ak & bred ak to that lone LR2...i DONT KNOW WHY I DIDNT POLLINATE A WD??!!!
man dude all your ladies are looking great! still have all green leafs, also got you some seeds brewing. i forgot did you do any crosses or just breed back to the same strain? anyways looks like everything is coming along nicely cant wait to see em a week from now!:hump::hump:


Well-Known Member
gave 4 of the ladies a nice cocktail this morn.
1/4tsp of FF Cha-Ching
1/2tsp of AN Conno, part A&B each
1tbsp of BS molasses
4tsp of AN Sensi-zyme
4tbsp of FF Big Bloom
PH 6.9, runoff PH 6.7
feeding others tomm. morn.


Well-Known Member
lol i love that fucking avatar of yours that was your plant right? is it one you have going right now?


Well-Known Member
Oh, here is a pic of my Non-Autos...Thai Super Skunk @ day 52, Fim'ed em on 4/23....time to transplant now and switch em' over to 12/12 a week later, wouldn't ya say????:leaf::weed:
btw, second pic was taken on the 1rst of may...look @ the diff. in growth...!


Well-Known Member
man those autos looking good bro i just started following auto threads never really followed them but i must say yours look just as tasty as any other non auto ive ever seen cant wait to see how mine turn out


Active Member
love the grow bro. your doing a fantastic job, and the plants look great. i dont know if this has already been asked, but why are you doing all auto flowering. you invested so much money into all of this shit and i dont feel youll get half the money you invested back this round or next round. do you think you will? i hope you do! like i said though, the weed looks fantastic, so does the setup. ill be stickin around for this one!!


Well-Known Member
nice plants. how come you didnt tale us you had Thai Super Skunk ???? did you clone them? i whould love to see them in some flower action..how big of pot you going to transplant them into?