4 Diff. AUTOS in a "VERTICLE" Perpetual/Stagger crop A.K.A. AUTOBOTS, TRANSFORM!!


Well-Known Member
6 sour60's @ 13 dayz..others are Mi5,purple jem,auto assassin and sour60...got some kinda weird leaf twisting goin on..but nevertheless green and no drooping...just fed them 1/8 strength dose of grow today along with some additives...:roll:


Well-Known Member
Here is a progression of pics of the last runt,[ak47] of the bunch...look at the dates...started out small in pic 4, then look @ pic 5.. BOOM!! that's a 12 day growth spurt!!! now look at her @ 9wks!!! think I'm gonna let her go for 11wks to catch up to her full potential & put on some weight...may even try and get some female pollen??!!!!:hump: just fed her 1/2tsp AN conno part a&b, 1/2tsp FF Cha-Ching, 4tbsp FF Big Bloom, 4tsp AN Seni-zyme, 1tbsp molasses,1tsp Cal-Mag...start flushing when she goes dry ....



Well-Known Member
those sour60's look good man..what are they in? one gal bags?
Nah...they are in "tree pots"...they are 9.5" deep...cool,huh? the only thing I dont like about em' is they have these 3 potruding 2.5" long narrow openings on the bottom which make it hard for them to stand straight up..[guess they are made to sit on dirt<for drainage...] they are easliy prone to tip/fall over...so on my next go round imma use 1gal bags to start...


Well-Known Member
Okay you people it is the big 10wk update for this grow!....it will be coming to and end now....been flushing for a week, like every 3 days..although it looks like the seeded ak#1 can go for another wk as well as WD#5<which is @ week 9 of course and the runt...most are statring to get a lot of yellow leaves too.....chk trics yesterday and it looks mostly cloudy with a lil' amber here and there..maybe on a couple, a lil' clear too....so I'm gonna give em' 48hrs of dark time this weekend..I also have changed the light schd. to 17/7 yest. to ease them in to the dark cycle...gonna change it again today to 16/8, then 15/9..whatta ya think?? Oh, any early estimates on yeild?? :roll: 13 plants<2 of them are small runts, all under 600hps...

look @ pic# 2,3 and 11...that is the seeded AK#1...looks like i will have a good seed run with her...I can see seed pods everywhere underneath the lower buds!!! BUT,this bitch iz STILL throwing out white hairs!! look @ the top of the cola...cRAZY formation! this bitch is about 4.5"w from top to bottom!!!trust me these pics dont do it justice...I mean I'm really excited to see what she looks like when trimmed??!!!!

remember the WD that had the broken branch..? look @ pics#4,5,15 &19.. squeezed the buds and they are hard as F%$%!

the first pic is that last runt I showed you guys a couple of posts back..just look @ her...filling out nicely....
Anywayz, Pics


Well-Known Member
HOME STRETCH BRO!!!! looks like your rounding third now, how much you guesing your gonna yield? plants looking great btw =D


Well-Known Member
DEFINETLY WILL put up all stages of harvest pics.....going into 48hr dark period tomm except the preganate ak and the last runt<gonna see if I can get some female bannas on her for that female pollen!! maybe another wk or 2??? she is 10wks also, but remember she started out kinda slow then exploded late...i think she can get a lil bit more fatter....


Well-Known Member
Here is a shot of a lower bud off WD#3< [the snapped-off branch plant] i cut a week ago, dried for 24hrs and cured it for a week.....WOW! for this being an lower/airy bud it paks a nice punch...sorta numbing/tingling in the face.....i cant imagine what the mature/dense budz r gonna taste/feel like!!:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Well its that time that we all wait for.......HARVEST! So far I chopped dwn the 2 small runts AK# 4 & 7, AK#6 and the lone LR2<which btw did NOT make any seeds!!! WTF!? they have been drying for 2 days now....anyways...chpped em', trimmed em' and have the wet weights as follows...Ak#4 was 28g's, AK#7 was 68g's, AK#6 was 55g's and LR2 is 48g's...kinda wimpy, BUT these are the smaller plants...none reaching over 8" high..so prob. end up with 7-9g's on #4, 14-20g's on #7, 14-18g's on #6 and 12-16g's on the LR2....around 1.5oz?? I'm cool with that..being these are the smallest onez..BUT ak#6 & LR2 are "dense as fuck"! very solid, no airy buds like AK#4&7....gonna continue to chop today<the big girls! have 9 to go!!:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
okay, so here are 6 more..much betta wet weights...most of these are gonna be 1oz dry....and it appears that I have bannas on one of the WD's...didnt see it until I chopped it! ugh!!!!:evil:< would've liked to let it keep growing to get some of that female pollen...oh well I still have that AK that was the last runt still growing...i'm going to let her go for another week and see what happens..got 2 more + the runt left to chop...[the pregnate AK< showing a good amount of seeds might I add...and WD#5< which will be 10wks in 3 days] anyway pics...I tried to put them in in order,[before chop/after trim w/wet weight] but RIU new set-up just mixes them up...


Well-Known Member
THANKS MG & ARBY!! and yeah, all this shit cost a pretty penny...and I find my-self, STILL buying shit!?! LmaO!