4 x 1000 watt ( white widow, tan dream, new york power diesel, freeze cheese 89')


Well-Known Member
So I'm growing what the title says in 8 gal. air pots, with ffof/happy frog soil. The pic is 35 days into veg. Will begin flowering within the week.. I've topped it and lst'd it, and will continue to bend/ tie down until I feel that it is ready to be scrogged. Gunna use 4x4 hortitrellis with 6 inch squares but I'm gunna use two 4x4 sections and stagger them on top of each other so that the squares are 3 inches big= 128 squares in my scrrog instead of 64. Hoping to get a nice yield. Wish me luck. I didn't create a journal because I won't be able to make a bunch of updates, but I'll drop some pics here and there. Peace


Well-Known Member
In the pic the far left one is the widow, front one is tan dream, far right is diesel, and back one is the cheese.


Well-Known Member
The white widow has the best features out of them all. Hoping to get a clone rooted and have a mother for a bunch of outdoor girls this spring


nicely done. what you estimating for yield, and thats 4 plants under 1 1000W, yes? curious cause im doing the same with 14 under 2 x 1000W.


Well-Known Member
Those look spectacular, what kind of nutes are you using?
Im actually just using the nutes that are in the fox farm ocean forest soil for the veg. For the flowering nutes I'm going the old skool soma organics way and using bat guano compost tea.


Well-Known Member
nicely done. what you estimating for yield, and thats 4 plants under 1 1000W, yes? curious cause im doing the same with 14 under 2 x 1000W.
Im really unsure on what the yield will be. I'm hoping for an lb. The training techniques that I used I have incorporated from the west coast masters dru west and his book. He uses 1 plant per 1000w and gets anywhere from 1 lbs. to 2 lbs. Per plant. So im hoping I'm somewhere in there but we will see


Well-Known Member
An update that was snapped two weeks ago right after putting on the scrog. She is filling in nicely and will have new pics again in 10 days or so. duupe.jpg


Well-Known Member
For my scrog I took 2 4x4 (6 inch squares) sheets of hortitrellis and staggered them on top of each other so that my squares are 3 inches instead of 6, and there is now twice the # of holes.


Well-Known Member
An update. Pics taken last night. Everything is going smoothly except the diesel is acting a little goofy. The stems are turning purple and the outer leaf margins are yellowing. Any feedback would be appreciated.



Well-Known Member
I think it may be a cal/mag def. however, my partner feels that the 1000 watter was just too close. You can see some yellowing in the middle and to the right side of the scrog that is where the diesel is located. The light was never closer than 18 inches now we have it at its maximine heighth now, so we'll see. I'm debating on getting some cal/mag and adding some. Thoughts?


Active Member
dude your shit looks great. i can tell already that you are going to yield more than a pound. Your scrog is looking great, tons of tops. i am going to be using yours as a model for mine. i am growing 12 plants under 2x1000w hps. I would hit them with a little bit of nutrients to see if that helps. i am pretty sure the purple stems are from a P deficiency.


Well-Known Member

Hell yeah I figured out how to embed images.. nice! The pic with my dog is bad ass lol. I was just trying to snap a pic of my training and didn't even notice he was back there. He knows not to come in my tent, but he def likes to watch tentatively. The other pic was taken last night after I let some of the colas pop up thru now were just gunna let those babies get heavy!


Well-Known Member
dude your shit looks great. i can tell already that you are going to yield more than a pound. Your scrog is looking great, tons of tops. i am going to be using yours as a model for mine. i am growing 12 plants under 2x1000w hps. I would hit them with a little bit of nutrients to see if that helps. i am pretty sure the purple stems are from a P deficiency.
Man I sure hope I yield more than a pound! Some those colas are already getting fat! The cheese and the diesel are the smelliest of the four, but all smell damn good! We just gave them some maxsea 3-20-20 so that should help then! 12 plants man your gunna have your hands full! Good luck with it oughta be bad ass!