Yes, Renfro's gone. Luckily I have his cell. I would hate to lose him as a source of information. He was my most valuable source on here. But you can find him on Overgrow now.
What Renfro is gone!!! Wtf happened? Love this thread. This thread is a must read for anyone venturing into bigger build grows, there's such valuable info in here.
As was I because he’s helped me before. However I did not report him I sent him a PM saying I thought it was screwed up. To which he said he doesn’t care, he’s not racist because hes had sex with women of all races blah blah blah. So yeah bye Felicia
Some people have strange f upped views true enough. But as a species humans must grow, there is a great responsibility for us and our children, let's hope we can live up to it, David Attenborough said some scarey stuff to the UN.
An underrated notion is that if you dont "move" you dont learn/ comprehend. But then again if you dont "stay" with the issue, how on earth you gonna realise your bs
He had a temper tantrum and asked for his account deleted after we removed a racist comment by him which he claims was a "joke"
He couldve just moved on, but he wanted his accounted deleted so i complied, we dont delete accounts but we ban them.
It was not reported comment it was a comment i read, while doing my daily modding,
it was racist.
it was asked to be stop
Instead of just stopping he had a meltdown on his profile page and demanded to have his account ruined
it was not politics it was regular forum.
therewas no gas lighting or victimizing