400 hps Scrog flowering


Well-Known Member
nope i only pollenated a little bud on the afghooie and nothing happened.:-?

i dont think shes a hermie, shes just trying to pollenate herself but i wonder what will come from any seeds i get..if its worth leaving the bananas where they are and possibly get fem seeds..or if the bananas will produce male, female, or hermie seeds and should just be removed from the buds.

something tells me that im not going to get a definite answer until i get the seeds and grow them...if thats the case its fine..just wishing i could know what will happen before it happens.

fuck it, im leaving the bananas and hoping for a couple plump beans and keep my fingers crossed for females and see what happens...then ill know whats up with these banana fuckers:twisted:


Well-Known Member
Hey JG... Looking good...

So you got my "I am speechless" comment... lol....

Hey just a thought on your seeding attempt...

How long does it take for the seeds to mature?
Will that be ok with your bud cycle? will you be willing to sacrifice buds to have seeds if they are not mature when the buds start to degrade?

Just some food for thought...

Freaking awesome plants man...

And as for a tent... man.. get yourself a roll of panda film and you can make 10 of them...

for my tent (without accessories) I paid $100 for 10' x 100' (1000 square feet) , $25 for the frame and $15 for some heavy duty tape...

So that's $140 for my tent and extra plastic to re-build 9 more times... or...
$500 for 10 tents...including the frames and tent... use a wood frame for even greater savings...

And these are Alaska prices... anywhere in the world you are looking at 15 to 20% cheaper....

some more food for thought...




Well-Known Member
i dont know how long it takes for seeds to mature...before when i grew a hermie you could tell when the seeds were ready because the bud starts to split open for the seed to fall out but it pollenated itself around the 4th week of flowering so they had time to ripen.

before i said there was a banana in 3 buds, well it was only 2 buds and i picked the naners out of one so to my knowledge theres only 1 naner in only 1 bud which happens to be on the smallish side so maybe i could leave that bud a little longer..i dont know

what would happen if you harvested all the buds on a plant except one? lol
that would look pretty crazy..:shock:

as for the tent..im sure i could put one together half decent..im not sure where you would find panda film though


Well-Known Member
lets start with the other lady

banana pics..there not great but you get the point

purply buds

and some bud shots

now the afghooie..
i looked at some trics today..mostly cloudy with some amber..not sure about harvesting tomorrow, might give her a few more days



Well-Known Member
thanks guys.

i bought a scale off ebay..suppose to hold up to 100gs and be accurate to +/- 0.01g
hopefully its not a complete piece of shit but it was cheap

anyone own anything similar?


Well-Known Member
Those girls are so beautiful, I just wanna hug them!!! Smoke a blunt with them for me bro. If they don't have enough amber then let them go for another few days. On my last grow I waited till they were at about 35-40 % amber, it knocked us out!


Well-Known Member
Next time I'm gonna cut them at about 15-20 % and see how that goes. I havnt seen that scale, but it looks decent.


Well-Known Member
haha im probably going to give her until wednesday...thatll make it the very end of the 10th week

i dont necessarily want to smoke a bowl of it and be retarded for the rest of the day..but itd be a shame to chop her before her time and her not reach her full potential.

im stuck smoking shwag 90% of the time and splurge every once in a while and score some good bud. so either way im sure this shits going to blast me out of my mind, i cant wait!


Well-Known Member
Thats about how I am, its usually just swchagg, I used to be able to get a bag of nugs like once a month prolly, but they havn't existed for the last 2. Its been gay.


Well-Known Member
i was thinking of maybe cutting some buds tomorrow, and then harvesting the rest like a week later and see if i can notice the difference.

but i dont know.. ill probably end up harvesting all the buds at once

i probably should have done some sort of research on scales but i have hardly any money to spend and needed one and those were cheap so hey..
im just hoping it at least shows up in one piece and turns on


Well-Known Member
i feel your pain man..all the tasty nugs cost more than im worth
and the way i smoke..a gram of good goes just as fast as a gram of shwag


Well-Known Member
I'd go ahead and try cutting one, you have a good amount of buds. They are definitely real close to done, so 2-3 days early would prolly be ok, and you could even leave a bud for like 2-3 days longer after you harvest the main plant, try a few different time frames. I had to cut all at once last time, I had a limited window, we were gonna be moving. Maybe you should go cut a bud right now, then harvest weds, and then leave one bud till next saturday. It would be a purfect experiment.


Active Member
Nice read mate and bloody nice buds :) been researching Scrog as i aint got alot of hight in my grow and my plants are on there 3rd week of veg, stumbled across your journal and im definitely going to give it a try.



Well-Known Member

what the hell is this??:confused: two buds have this weird thing ontop

i cut 3 branches..two good sized branches and 1 branch that was the furthest down the stem but grew straight up so it was long and skinny

im happy


Well-Known Member
dude thats what i thought when i first noticed it, but i dont think thats what it is..its purple and white, i dont fucking know..

anyways, thanks guys:joint:


Well-Known Member
very nice shit, greengiant! big up! near ten weeks eh..:weed: i will chop my indoor sensi * and ww this weekend :mrgreen: whoooo hoooooooo !! !!! :D