Hey LWuz up JB Looking good, By the way where do you get your seeds? Which bank?
Damn man...wifey's got you on a short leash...you sure thats not u in your av pic? lol j/k...you got me sitting in front of my cpu waiting for your pics...YOYOYO Whats up JB30!
Sorry I havint been on lately! Ive been working like hell! lol.?
And on top of that the wify is all "youve been spending to much time on that computer, What are you looking at porn?!?!"
Me- "WTF, No woman! shit! (well not while shes standing there or anything..)"
Ok Just got through reading the last couple pages...Very nice setup JB! Loving it! Very clean, Very Professional. +Rep If I could!
On my setup yes I have it done, But Im waiting on one thing to come in until I make an offical post!
Should be any day now : )
Im stupidly excited! lol
Great Work on the Setup and the Babies are looking amazing!
what are you waiting on in the mail? Light set up?LOL! As soon as my package arives in the mail Ill be posting within the hour. I Ordered on the 1st. So hopefully it will be here tomorrow or Tue.!
Im so excited. Im freakin out,lol!
haven't had any problems so far...attitude ships their seeds wicked fast...I live on the East Coast and got my seeds in under 5 days from them.yeah i am thinking of ordering some attitude seed bank or world wide I have been doing doing some research on it. Have you ever had any problems with any of your order?
yeah i am thinking of ordering some attitude seed bank or world wide I have been doing doing some research on it. Have you ever had any problems with any of your order?
oh yeah, duh! how could i forget about the U.F.O (Unbelievable Free Offer)you can get a free seed or so if you check out the tudes site till 10/5 or somethin like'at , and no didn't have a prob w ordering or any part of it
i asked in your journal what nute schedule you're following...i can help you determine whats happening with detailed information...Hows the girls JB?
New leaf growth on mine shows slight P deff. But ima watch it close and see.