400W, 5 Plants, Indoor, First Grow


Well-Known Member
Soon, no more than 2 weeks.
I'll give it a look for, I saw one of those at the hydrostore and didn't know what it was.
I just flushed the desert dream, the DD, MB, NL, are all ready for nutes and water whenever they are ready.
The desert dream felt somewhat ready, but not 100%. But she was looking a little ill and I havent really FLUSHED her so I did.
I went ahead and PH'd water to 6.6 and flushed her with about 3.5-4 gals of R/O water.
Then mixed up a new batch, 5 ML bloom 5 ML Micro 1/4 tsp MOAB 1tblspn molasses and some coco-wet + a whole lot of PH-up to about 6.6.
Went ahead and gave that to her, was about another 1.5 gals.
we'll see how she takes it.
her top colas are thickening up so fucking fat, one of them looks like a rounded cube hahahahahaha wow!
cant wait to smoke.
best advice i've gotten in a while.
everything will be fine in life aslong as you treat your bitches right :]
what is the prupose of the 6.6 ph water?? srry im still an idiot when it come to Ph and stuff. I make sure its 7 or less and thats it. know of any threads or post that might help, not finding much


Active Member
what is the prupose of the 6.6 ph water?? srry im still an idiot when it come to Ph and stuff. I make sure its 7 or less and thats it. know of any threads or post that might help, not finding much
Nutrient uptake into the plant is dictated by the pH of the water you are using. Hydro for example needs to be between 5.2-6.2, 5.8 optimally. If you get higher you lock out Zinc, etc. Fluctuating in between those numbers will allow the plants to take in more nutrients therefore bigger and healthier plants. For soil the pH should be higher as the soil itself is a buffer.


Well-Known Member
My thoughts of why my plant was looking that way, was because i've been locking out calcium and magnesium by watering with water lower than 6.4 PH.
I flushed with water higher than 6.4 just to be safe, and fed her with higher than 6.4 to make sure they get that into their system.
She seem to be taking it well, for having 5-6 gals of water flushed through her she seems fine, i'll keep you updated.

She doesn't look bad, just not 100% healthy. plus she got moab so i'm excited about that.


Active Member
My thoughts of why my plant was looking that way, was because i've been locking out calcium and magnesium by watering with water lower than 6.4 PH.
I flushed with water higher than 6.4 just to be safe, and fed her with higher than 6.4 to make sure they get that into their system.
She seem to be taking it well, for having 5-6 gals of water flushed through her she seems fine, i'll keep you updated.

She doesn't look bad, just not 100% healthy. plus she got moab so i'm excited about that.
if you arent supplementing with Cal/mag when using RO water, you arent locking it out. They just arent getting any. Humbolt has SeaMag and SeaCal. They are more expensive but are more concentrated (so you actually use less than the cheap one so you end up paying less in the long run). In flower you only need 2ml mag and 1ml cal per gal and your ladies will thank you.

These are the symptoms i found for those def.

yellowing older leaves and between veins, leaf curl over, necrosis

leaves are dark green, necrotic (dead) blotches of tan dried tissue appear mostly on new growth. stems and branchs are wea, lack flexibility


Well-Known Member
if you arent supplementing with Cal/mag when using RO water, you arent locking it out. They just arent getting any. Humbolt has SeaMag and SeaCal. They are more expensive but are more concentrated (so you actually use less than the cheap one so you end up paying less in the long run). In flower you only need 2ml mag and 1ml cal per gal and your ladies will thank you.

These are the symptoms i found for those def.

yellowing older leaves and between veins, leaf curl over, necrosis

leaves are dark green, necrotic (dead) blotches of tan dried tissue appear mostly on new growth. stems and branchs are wea, lack flexibility
Yea I should pick some up then.
The molasses i'm using has cal/mg in it.
Also stopped the 24/0 on the seedlings.
Now they are getting 18/6.


Well-Known Member
Fill up a bucket with tap water.. let it sit for a day.. ph it and feed.. whalaaa Calmag for free... Or go spend 20 bucks on some ... but if you keep using RO water... you should always incorporate cal mag... I hope its not too much damage? IF I know you.. im sure you caught it HELLA early :)


Well-Known Member
Or you can grab the Humboldt Equilibrium which is a cal/mag supplement. It's cheaper than buying the SeaCal and SeaMag. Be careful not to overuse it though!
I'm thinking that's been my main problem all along, too much cal/mag locked out everything else...


Active Member
Fill up a bucket with tap water.. let it sit for a day.. ph it and feed.. whalaaa Calmag for free... Or go spend 20 bucks on some ... but if you keep using RO water... you should always incorporate cal mag... I hope its not too much damage? IF I know you.. im sure you caught it HELLA early :)
Leaving the tap water out doesn't get rid of chloramine, which is the thing they use in water instead of chlorine now. It also doesn't get rid of microbials. If you aren't getting a report on your water and finding out what is in it, then you should use RO. There are many things in tap water that can't be gotten rid of simply by leaving them out overnight. Chemicals are added to tap water, such as flouride and chlorine and chloramine amongst others.

I'm not trying to say you can't use tap, I am saying it is more structured. Tap water works, RO water works. Tap water just takes more work and consideration in using it. The plants and your entire system will be cleaner because of it.

I was using tap water and i had calcium residue on the stalk of my plants... Tap water is different on every tap and if you are using it, you should properly monitor and maintain it as such for your plants. Chloramine may be gotten rid of using Vitamin C, I believe. I have posted it here before. Tap water isn't a simple thing. You still need to figure out whats in there and make it proper for your plants.

I understand if that isn't someone's thing to use RO, but if you are using tap you have variables to consider. IMO, I say again, In my opinion it is easier to use RO water and a hellavu lot less variable than tap. You control everything in RO, you simply don't in tap. My city has a well it uses to subsidize it's water plants which adds a ton of minerals and trace elements. Also, an understanding that water can both be hard and soft at any pH level needs to be had by a grower. You may have a pH of 5.0 and it has good calcium and mag in it. You may also have pH 5.0 and it's hard. This is from an article by Geary Coogler, B.Sc. Horticulture in Cannatalk Magazine.


Active Member
Yea I should pick some up then.
The molasses i'm using has cal/mg in it.
Also stopped the 24/0 on the seedlings.
Now they are getting 18/6.
How much Cal/mag does the molasses have in it? I doubt it is in a concentration to support the plants growth.


Well-Known Member
True, I'm going to grab some cal/mg tomorrow from the hydrostore and just add in a little bit whenever I feed.
What doesnt hurt them will only make them stronger.


Well-Known Member
Hey steez lantern dubbzor anybody.. if you guys are high bored whatever.. will you come over to this thread and tell this guy whats up.. HIS FUCKING PLANTS are fucked.. I MEAN FUCKED.. look at the pics.. they have mites.. powdery mildew .. all kinds of dead and deficient leaves....

I been trying to get him to kill them .. because he has seedlings going that are healthy and I dont want the fucked up problems of the big plants he got ripped off on .. ruining his first grow.. BUt for some reason no other actual growers have chimed in .. the guys that have chimed in are telling him to keep the plants.... JUST FUCKING Look at them .. they are not worth the effort. 12/12 from seed would produce more yeild then these 3 ft palm trees hes trying to save. Just check it out if you guys get time.. he wont listen to me .. and hes just spreading mite eggs and mildew all over the grow area and house the longer they are there ..

SOME guy tried to compare powdery mildew to sourdough bread mold lol.. I just need backup .. check it if you have time


if not .. FUCK EM .. ill be back on his thread next month to say >> I TOLD YA SO lol


Well-Known Member
All the plants got water today, 12/12 from seed got plain water alongside hindukush. oh god hindu is gettin good and the redbull is gettin some fat nodes, the redbull already has a top formed with 5-6 nodes connected :].
Master bubba and NL got Nutes and some moab, we'll see how that goes.
I also cut off a straggler on the master bubba, it was just a little branch with 3 nodes at the bottom bottom bottom of the plant hanging down off a more prominent branch, if I didnt cut it it would of been hitting the soil pretty much. I trimmed it up, got it drying alongside a desert dream cut in a small cardboard box [about 3inches by 3 inches by 3 inches] hang drying. the master bubba for being the smallest bud on the plant and at the very bottom is FUCKING HEAVY, AND DANK LOOOOOOOKING OH MY GOD. and it smells like lemons??????? wtf?!!! wow trippin, anyways.
Plants seem to be responding well to the moab, the desert dream doesnt look half bad this morning, the yellow and brown spots hasnt progressed since the flush only thing that looks a little weird is the plant seems a little P short, some darkening of the veins blah blah blah but thats expected since I cut her bloom in half to make room for the moab, I might increase it a tad next time.
anywho, all is well over here fellas so far.
I also watered the seedlings really good and they exploded, the silver skunk is near 10 inches tall now and one of the oaksterdams has FAT leaves, so huge.
the other oaksterdam was having problems, so it had a lot of crispy leaves that I took off, like 1 leaf per day for the past 4 days. Weird thing is, its not growing up that much, its having branches growing outwards like a bush more than its growing upwards, but the other one is the opposite. ehhhh?
Will get some pictures of this shiznit today.


Well-Known Member
Sounds awesome bro.. SO happy your making it to the end.. you gotta be feeling a little cocky at this point LOL ... (glad you didnt throw out the hindu). Looking forward to your upcoming pics and harvest time... JUST KNOW that now you are a addict :)! ( to growing of course)


Well-Known Member
ALOTABALL, god man what would I do without you, what would I do without all you guys!!!
Fuck man, you got me from throwing this bitch out and how could I thank you enough, the hindu is lookin fucking mad dank my man!
and every day she thickens up more, and more, and more, ahhhh. Even just for a cola off this bitch, I'm still happy.
I'm a little cocky to the extent that I'm nearing the title of Successful Marijuana Grower... but not 100% cocky yet.
I aint whipping my dick out till this shits dry, know what I mean? lol!


Well-Known Member
LOL .. well you can be confident that you already made it farther then most peoples first grows.. just shows what can be done with some basic reading and community support! EVEN if you hate the hindu smoke.. im sure she would make some AWESOME hash .. or you could "donate" her to someone else :) Looking forward to the pics!


Well-Known Member
Holy shit you guys have been giving me rep?! I just read all the stuff on my page!
Wow you guys make me wanna shed tears of joy, assholes.

even mugan gave me rep haha.

I should be returning the favor atleast.


Active Member
Ladies looked so god damn good man. Everytime I come over there I'm jealous. That master bubba with crowns coming in. Very sexy. Mad props nyugga!


Well-Known Member
Holy shit you guys have been giving me rep?! I just read all the stuff on my page!
Wow you guys make me wanna shed tears of joy, assholes.

even mugan gave me rep haha.

I should be returning the favor atleast.
I give +rep to those that give it to me, or to those that deserve it. You definitely deserve it homie, just don't whip your dick out or I'll have to -rep your ass ahahaha


Well-Known Member
I give +rep to those that give it to me, or to those that deserve it. You definitely deserve it homie, just don't whip your dick out or I'll have to -rep your ass ahahaha
hahahaha, I would +rep you but it keeps telling me something like, YO. YOU GOTTA SPREAD DAT LOVE AROUND BEFORE COMING BACK HERE HOMIE!.
I wish you would of gotten to spend more time with them though, or seen them this morning lantern.
hopefully i'll harvest soon so we can stop talking about where we got our weed from :P