400W, 5 Plants, Indoor, First Grow


Well-Known Member
Oranges are my favorite fruit ever. Now you have weed that smells like oranges... ok you can send me some now!

Good luck with the harvest bro. I just started chopping today and my neck is fuckin killing me...


Well-Known Member
lol i cut my girl down on saturday had a nice long holiday weekend. i go back to work today my neck and my back were still sore! im telling you, its just a love hate relationship with the trim.


Well-Known Member
ahaha man I know what you mean. I just woke up from a nap and my neck is still sore...wtf. 11 and 1/2 plants to go... ugh maybe I should rent the trimzilla


Well-Known Member
lol, true story. i was so pumped about my first harvest i was up at 6 in the morning rippin an ready to go. i didnt eat any breakfast or anything. im sitting there at 10 like a fuckin zombie just trimming away. another lesson i learned from my first harvest. never trip on a empty stomach.


Well-Known Member
Yea man I won't do that again either. Today I didn't eat a damn thing and my stomach was not real happy about that. It was like I couldn't stop trimming to go eat either lol I was on a mission damnit!


Well-Known Member
LOL when i trim its hilarious .. I used to do it all cramped in the grow room.. Now I get a huge tarp.. lay it in my living room.. Open a window on one side of the house... and turn my carbon scrubbed exhaust on full blast.. that way all the odor gets funneled into the grow room and filtered.. we sit.. watch tv.. 65 inch led .. :) .. smoke... bbq u name it.. goes way faster ..

Only time I do it alone now is if I have one plant or something small ya know


Scientia Cannabis
Sounds like you guys are crouching over the buds and trimming in a stress position lol ^^

This happens to me as well, I always tense up when I do something that needs precision, I would suggest you change positions through the trimming, I find it most comfortable to trim while standing :joint:


Well-Known Member
thats true.. a rolled pillow behind your back helps as well since you kinda hunch over looking the whole time ..


Well-Known Member
I was thinking of using a lower sitting chair so I wouldn't hunch over as much. That's why my neck is still sore lol

Great ideas though! I'm sure I'll find a more comfortable way, eventually...


Well-Known Member
LOL i sit pow wow style on the floor when the tarp is down .. then I lean against the couch with a pillow behind my back .. works so far.. then when I get cramped and tired .. I bug the wifey to do it for me and bribe her lol


Active Member
LOL when i trim its hilarious .. I used to do it all cramped in the grow room.. Now I get a huge tarp.. lay it in my living room.. Open a window on one side of the house... and turn my carbon scrubbed exhaust on full blast.. that way all the odor gets funneled into the grow room and filtered.. we sit.. watch tv.. 65 inch led .. :) .. smoke... bbq u name it.. goes way faster ..

Only time I do it alone now is if I have one plant or something small ya know
That is exactly how I helped my buddies with their last harvest. Although it wasn't my first rodeo...I used to help trim with friends who grow outdoor up north. The bottom branch of these things were probably a little bigger than my biggest girl. haha. I can't wait to grow outdoor! I will definitely get a trim-zilla by then though hahaha.


Well-Known Member
I did something naughty, but not too worried.
The desert dream had me trippin bad, but it was only because she needed water and I was too high to comprehend that.
Her bottom popcorn nugs, the shit that I wish I could of cut off to begin with and had like 6-7 main colas only, anyways those popcorn nugs were like falling over from being too dry I guess, but I was like wtf? wtf wtf wtf wtf wtf? so I cut them off, hoping it was like rattlesnake venom and I could cut it off at the source.
then I realized she needed water, and watered her.
Northern hasn't been killed yet, waiting til saturday to check again.
I tried out some of the nug I cut off the other day, fucking a this shit is bomb... I actually can say I like northern lights now.


Well-Known Member
Yea when my girls want water they sag all over the place too. Sucks you had to chop them off now but you're close to chopping the whole thing anyway, right?


Well-Known Member
Will just make the tops buds bigger more energy going to the top;-) No loss but lesson learned cant wait to see harvest pics keep at it buddy!


Well-Known Member
The dream still has all her main colas, so it's no biggy, all of them got water, bubba dream and northern lights.
Figure everyone says to flush, no point in giving them more nutrients even if they do look like they want it really bad.....

think this shit is just taking longer cause of my dinky light.


Well-Known Member
Funny you say that... I hit my master kush with nutes today. It was a tough decision but I figured they won't get the chop til next week anyway so fuck it. I can water them a few more times before the chop.

Did you ph the water or just give them straight tap no test?


Well-Known Member
Funny you say that... I hit my master kush with nutes today. It was a tough decision but I figured they won't get the chop til next week anyway so fuck it. I can water them a few more times before the chop.

Did you ph the water or just give them straight tap no test?
ph'd to 6.6, always PH the shit I put in my plants no matter what.
I just wish I knew these strains, life would be so much easier.
"Oh, you have EASILY 2 weeks left master bubba, I should definitely give you more nutrients."
Thats what I wish I could say but its more like....
"Oh snaps it's almost 10 weeks and my shit still isn't 50/50 amber wtf is going on?"


Well-Known Member
Steeze what you said is the exact reason why I am trying to narrow down a few strains to run consistently for a while... You can just improve quality soooo much more when you have experience with that particular strain and pheno .. I mean now when I grow querkle .. I know when to feed... how much ... how often .. watering .... flushing .. harvesting .. as opposed to like you said .. the first time.. hmm is she done .. ill feed again .. oh fuck amber .. i just fed yesterday lol


Active Member
Everything comes with experience man. Good times are to be abundant with your new hobby lol. It's still kinda new because it is behind closed doors and all. There is always so much new going on, it's hard to keep up!