400W or 600W

Working on my 1st grow and have a 32"X32"X63" inch grow tent

Currently growing 3 plants: Grow journal https://www.rollitup.org/t/found-a-seed-planted-it-and-now-here-i-am.877167/

Currently have a 200Watt CFL and middle of the day dealing with high 80's in the tent (currently no air flow, that is next project after lights)

Didn't mind the CFL for Veg, but would like to upgrade for flowering

Im looking at an Apollo setup from amazon and wasn't sure if I could get away with 400W over 600W giving my small tent size http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00547I5I8/ref=wl_it_dp_o_pC_S_ttl?_encoding=UTF8&colid=2K6C3SUA9UOUP&coliid=I2SGB6CDELNQZQ&psc=1

any suggestions?

Final Phase

Well-Known Member
Consider going with a 1000 watt ballast with a dimmable switch to power down to 500w for now. There may come a time when you expand and will need more light. The cost difference isn't that much between a 600 and a 1000... It will save you some money in the end...


Well-Known Member
If you're getting a dimable ballast why not go for the 600 and dim it down if temps become an issue? Or as Final Phase said the 1000? Biggest limiting factor in running HID's temperature, go as big as you can whilst keeping temps down
Thanks for the replies, I think ill roll with the 1000W and adjust down.

@incognegro999 I plan on rolling with my CFL until I get all the pieces together for my Airflow and Carbon filter. I just had an amazon gift card and figured id jump on one of those Apollo setups.

Ill start researching airflow and carbon filters and hopefully get those locally.


Well-Known Member
1000w will work nice in that space. That's about the size of the tent I used and with the proper intake and exhaust it works beyond awesome. If your gonna go as big as a 6 might as well go a 1k.
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Well-Known Member
Well in that case go for it! My last grow was in 2012ish and I was shocked at how much prices have dropped since my last time. Also that a solid amount of people were recommending the apollo gear for that price. I haven't finished a grow with it yet but so far no complaints at all. I personally am planning on switching out the bulbs after this grow because if nothing else thats what they skimped om im guessing. Get some pics up if/when you get a chance.
@qwizoking will that allow me to run a 1000W as long as my cool tube can hold it? they sent me 600W setup but instead of sending it back maybe they can send me that instead....

So got the Apollo but they sent me the 600W instead of the 1000W instead of sending it back I'm rolling with it for now. Heat is still an issue so dropped it to 50% so running 300W. Really like to get the heat and smell under control so plan on getting a fan and carbon filter tomorrow (open to suggestions). Here are some pics running the apollo 600W setup at 50% currently.

No nutes yet

Pink= unknown seed from a purchase
Blue and Orange = clones



Well-Known Member
Right. So long as yiu have the bulbs, yiu can run any of the most popular wattages...and yes so long as your hood is appropriate. I would assume most should be fine.
I've tested most of their latest products and set up a few grow houses with all Apollo equipment. Great Quality and reasonably priced. Good luck.

You really shouldnt run at less than full power, it throws the spectrum as im sure you noticed and isnt that great for longevity.. what are the temps? Consistently above 90° and you can start to worry. Ive used "vs600f" virtual sun fans, cheap, blows pretty good, pretty quiet. But you really need 2 to cool a tent
91-94 when I'm at 600w but this problem will hopefully be solved tomorrow. Im going to run to the grow shop tomorrow and try to get my air flow under control so i can run 600W with no worry..


Well-Known Member
http://www.amazon.com/VenTech-VT-IF6-CF6-B-Controller/dp/B0051HDECS/ref=sr_1_5?ie=UTF8&qid=1437908417&sr=8-5&keywords=440cfm fan filter

I have this one running now as far as smells and airflow it works great if you don't mind waiting for amazon again lol. Just keep in mind unless you have a window unit a/c in the room already or your grow room is real close to the central a/c main duct there is a good chance you will need/want to add a/c into the room. Either that or vent the exhaust into another room, attic, or outside the house. I'm at 88 with everything running full bore. Gonna throw a portable a/c in the window soon, for now they get 300w, where I am located it would not be smart to exhaust right out the window haha
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Ordered the 1000W they sent me the 600, but going to send me this so I can add 1000 if I want. http://www.amazon.com/Horticulture-Purple-Reign-Digital-Dimmable/dp/B00WAKP4YK/ref=redir_mobile_desktop?ie=UTF8&psc=1

600W gets the tent super hot, but I was able to rig up a little airflow thru the cool tubes that helped out a lot. Im currently running around 90/94 degrees at 600W or about 80/84 when I adjust it down 50% or 300W.

Seems like this will be a good setup once I get my airflow figured out. I can vent the hot air to another room or outside if I have to, but I think I can keep the air cool on the outside of the tent.

I did buy a 6inch inline fan, but it looks as though I have to splice into my cool tubes to power it.. Is this going to cut down on the bulb output?