400w tent setup 1st ever grow!

Hi ppl, jesburger is right u need to learn and get the right info for the right strains ur growing. i got a book and it tells u everything u need to know. Im growing a berry bomb and its 4weeks from germination and its lookin good. starting stright into hydro is a no no 4 me as it didnt work 4 me, but now iv started growing them in 4 inch pots with canna coco soil and then transport into hydro after the 3rd week. a good foot tall. Plus youtube will probs help u abit to. its a art u gotta conker :joint:
whats the point of that ? seems like a lot of extra work growing in canna coco and transplanting them then growing straight from hydro.. but what kinda problems did you have when you 1st started using hydro ? This is my 1st grow period and ive used hydro from seedling and so far the only problem i encountered was nute burn other than that my ladys are doing fine and growing daily so i couldnt be happier
whats the point of that ? seems like a lot of extra work growing in canna coco and transplanting them then growing straight from hydro.. but what kinda problems did you have when you 1st started using hydro ? This is my 1st grow period and ive used hydro from seedling and so far the only problem i encountered was nute burn other than that my ladys are doing fine and growing daily so i couldnt be happier

so other than one dead plant and the other not really doing well, you couldn't be happier? I see you took Marge Simpsons advice from the pretzel episode: "aim so low, no one will even care if you succeed."
your lame bro lmao get off my thread if your gonna criticize every single thing i post up. 1 recovering and 3 healthy is good enough for me
yeah you do need basic knowledge to grow ,and yeah hydro prolly isn't the way to start, having said that yall need to give a brother a break, share the wealth of knowledge we have , every day i learn something new from 1 of you, most of which i wouldn't find in books, learning from other peoples experience is what these sites are about for me...

i stopped using hydro (nft) coz its easier to kill the girls, i have used soil now for years and its really forgiving.

im subbed m8,just to see how you get on bro.....
Her leaves are starting to discolor and look slightly yellow any know what is causing this ? and if so what should i do? shes been in 5.5 ph water for a couple of days now..

Mate i wouldnt give them nutes just yet, its like giving vodka to a baby lol. but i would keep it on water till its a lil bigger and stronger. i waited till i could see a sign of it wanting food, like slight yellow patches then gave her nutes. my PH is 5.7 and using canna aqua vega then flora for flower. what nutes u using anyways mate?
tristans on the money there , i never even feed them 1/4 nutes at that size, i give them rhizotonic to help root growth and thats it for me till they start wanting some nutes.....
i started to give her nutes at 1/4 strength but thats just me i dont wanna wait till her leaves are completely yellow to give her nutes.. i gave my other 2 girls nutes when they were around this size and they seemed to love it they were growing everynite! hoping to have the same luck with these guys. today makes 3 weeks from germ so ill be posting pics of my ladys later on today so stay tuned :D
Mate i wouldnt give them nutes just yet, its like giving vodka to a baby lol. but i would keep it on water till its a lil bigger and stronger. i waited till i could see a sign of it wanting food, like slight yellow patches then gave her nutes. my PH is 5.7 and using canna aqua vega then flora for flower. what nutes u using anyways mate?

i use jungle juice micro and bloom (lucas formula)
Week 3 i started to give em 1/4 strength nutes hope she recovers! the other one is doing ok hopefully things could go smoove from here on out for them.. my other 2 ladys are looking lovely tho im surprised she caught up to the other one last week she was half that size! Today makes about a month for them


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Hi again ppl. mate ur biggish 1s r looking better. the 2 in the big round tub i would start again buts thats me but if ya keep them on water till there bigger should be fine. this is a pic of my girl but shes a lil poorly at mo but still looks ok New Image.jpg
yea shes looking nice how many weeks into veg ? and yea outta the 2 thats in the round tub only 1 of them is growing so i guess ima have to grow that 1 and the 2 biggers ones in the bin. i really hope there females tho or ill be stuck growing my pineapple chunk only, but if thats the case im vegging and flowering her for as long as possible. The 2 in the bin grow so fast tho theres a new set of leaves everytime i check in the morning! i finally covered the blue bin with reflective tape too
Week 4 and my pineapple chunk is looking pretty good had her on 1/4 strength nutes for a week now. I just gave up on the other one it wasnt dying but it wasnt growing neither.. my other 2 ladys are doing well tho they're growing real bushy and short exactly what i hoped for! i also got 3 more little guys growing back there just in case the 2 big ones turn out to be male. As u can see i hung up the filter and taped up the bin. Can any one tell me how deep the 2 bigger ones look into veg ? and also whats a good sign to know that your plant is ready to switch to 12-12 ?


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Week 5 for my pineapple chunk shes growing nice and even not too bushy.. compare this weeks pic to last weeks and look at the difference! my other 2 ladys are doing well the one in the back is growing really tall tho hopefully i can switch to 12-12 in a week or two.. i hit the shorter one by accident thats why i think it slowed the growth a bit, shes been growing but obviously not as fast as the other one. also she has alot of leaves growing in the same area under the fan leaves is that normal ?
I wonder what happens once you get that big huge ball of roots that goes down to the bottom, do you put your airstone under the huge pile of roots? next to it? If the airstone stays underneath, the bubbles are going to have a hard time getting to the higher roots