400w tent setup 1st ever grow!

i know but there really isnt anything i can do to lower the temp , i open all the vents sometimes to let it cool off in there but it only changes the temp a little bit
temps are getting real high tho up to 38c any know a good method to keep the tent cool ? shes starting to get droopy again too
temps are getting real high tho up to 38c any know a good method to keep the tent cool ? shes starting to get droopy again too

high temps means more ventilation or a bigger intake of cold air is required.

i have to keep my room 70 degrees for my 400w to be 76 degrees
i know but there really isnt anything i can do to lower the temp , i open all the vents sometimes to let it cool off in there but it only changes the temp a little bit

I have air conditioning in the room, with a fan blowing on the dr60, which has a vortex 6inch 470cfm on a thermostat/fan control, also got a chiller for my water (kijiji to the rescue)
2 inline fans? wow that should be way overkill... are you sure they are inline? they arent just duct boosters?
I have to put my 6 inch at half speed and even then it's a ton

how hot is your room with the tent? if it's 37 in the room, then of course you will have bad results. You have to isolate and control every parameter you can, temperature, water temperature, humidity, everything you can
I think the smaller one is a duct booster im not sure but ones for exhaust and the other is for intake so how is that overkill ? temps in the room are around 30, 35 when its really hot.. i open the tent door during the day that keeps it around 35 in there its not ideal but its the best i can do for now
yeah way to hot, but i would put your strongest fan connected to the carbon filter then blowing through the cooltube, it takes alot of cfm to pull/push through a Carbon filter, alot more when pulling from the end of a 8 foot bent ducting

Consider running your duct booster pushing outside air through the cooltube and out the tent so it never comes in contact with the tent air. the set your larger fan on a thermostat to vent the warm air in the tent.

just a couple ideas, getting your enviroment right is crucial, i like to let mine run for 24 hours and check high and low temps, then tweek, more testing, more tweeking before introducing any ladies.
so u want me to hook up both the fans pushing air through the cool tube ? that makes no sense all the air will be pushed out of course but there wont be no air entering the tent.. ill consider your idea but i doubt its going to get my temps where i need it to be, its the summer now so no matter what i do the temps are always gonna be a little high
my setup is open --> cooltube - 6 inch ducting - out the top hole in the tent - isolated ducting - vortex inline fan - isolated ducting - carbon filter -->

if the temp in the room is 30-35 then that's the lowest it can ever be inside your tent. You need to put in air conditioning if you want good results. If you can't lower the heat, than you'll have to live with worse results.

check on craigslist and local ads, people litterally GIVE that shit away, 50-100$ for a portable or window model
so u want me to hook up both the fans pushing air through the cool tube ? that makes no sense all the air will be pushed out of course but there wont be no air entering the tent.. ill consider your idea but i doubt its going to get my temps where i need it to be, its the summer now so no matter what i do the temps are always gonna be a little high

nah, he said one fan for exhaust the tent, one fan for the cooltube so it goes

hole in the tent - ducting - cooltube - fan - ducting - tent, or again
tent - ducting - cooltube - ducting - tent - fan

but it's not necessary, your tent is so small, just do it like I posted above, with the strongest of the two fans. The second fan is not necessary. Even if you have MAXIMUM VENTILATION your temps will never be lower than the temp in the room
my setup is open --> cooltube - 6 inch ducting - out the top hole in the tent - isolated ducting - vortex inline fan - isolated ducting - carbon filter -->

if the temp in the room is 30-35 then that's the lowest it can ever be inside your tent. You need to put in air conditioning if you want good results. If you can't lower the heat, than you'll have to live with worse results.

check on craigslist and local ads, people litterally GIVE that shit away, 50-100$ for a portable or window model

I have a portable ac in my room its shitty tho it doesnt keep the room cool if the tent gets really hot ill just open the tent door and roll the a/c in front if it.. u have a pic of your setup tho bro ? i dont really know what u mean by that and i wanna set it up correctly
If I was you I would keep one side of the tent closed, the other side open the vent and put your air conditioning right beside it, so that the air is blowing directly on the tent, screw the rest of the room, as long as the tent keeps cold you're good. put your airpump for the water also in front of the cold air

edit- dont open the door, just aim the AC air on one of the vents. Temps will go down if the _only_ air that can go in is cold AC air.

I won't be posting pics sorry bro

edit edit- do you close the windows and close the door in the room when the AC is workling? :P
only the vent is open on the tent
oh i get how u set it up now, theres a problem tho bro i sleep in the same room as the tent.. ill put the a/c on the side when im not home but i cant have it like that all the time. i put a bigger fan in there its around 33 thats gonna have to do for now
33 is really high

I'd sell the portable AC and buy a window AC for your room. will use less electricity, will cool WAY more