400watts And Runnin' | Grower Witta Aditude

Hey SICC, I have what I consider the Cadillac for small tents, and mine was only like $195.00 tax included if not less. Can't remember exactly. But it was worth every penny.

I'd make sure that you have both an exhaust fan and and intake fan as well though. You'll get this balloon action going if you don't. You want to stabilize the airflow through the tent, and then hold it there 24/7 while you exhaust the light separately. Otherwise the tent sides will suck in and get hardcore concave when the exhaust fan is on, and it can do the reverse if you have an input fan blowing and no exhaust fan. Then it swells up and looks like a balloon about to pop. I'd recommend stabilizing the airflow with 2 fans. lol

lol yeah man i will be getting some exhaust going, thanks for the tips, hopefully my tent dosnt fly away like a hot air balloon :lol:
Just a lil update

I bumped up the nutes a lil more, the seedling are pretty hungry, some are a lil off green. I was looking back at my last grow and it seems like im pretty behind in growth compared to it at a week since the seeds were planted.
I think it may be the 24/7 light cycle in that last time i switched to 18/6 after a couple days and they look better then what i got going now.
So im going to start 18/6 today and see what the difference is.
I'll have pics up in a couple days.
Yo SICC, good luck with the grow! I'll be watching this fer sure

Question: I know you said you were at a steady 81-84F; what temp would you consider too high? I know some of this will depend on strain, but in general, what's a good temp to stay around.
Actually negative air pressure is a good thing it keeps air from escaping and only leaving the tent via the carbon filter.

Sure it is, I'm aware of that. But when your 3x5' tent turns into a 1.5x3' tent just because the input fan stopped running, then it's time to turn it back on. Tents are not like cabs or closets, and even less like entire rooms.
Yo when are you gona have pictures up?

cuz I don't like reading and need BIG picture took look at, just kiddin man

I should have mine up tomorrow morning, one of them cracked today and I was waiting on the other 2 to hatch before planting

Come on man let's see some pics!!!
Sicc I was really impressed with your party cup grow although the results weren't exactly what you wanted. Good luck on this grow. +Sub'd
What up SICC?

Got quite a gathering here, huh? Glad to see you got yourself some real power now. You will not be disappointed.

Nice little babies, by the way. Can't wait to see them flower.

Just started my perpetual... gonna be sweet!

You always grow such awesome strains...Sour Kush sounds just delightful!

Best of luck with your grow, I'll be watching with everyone else :leaf:.