Well-Known Member
Hey SICC, I have what I consider the Cadillac for small tents, and mine was only like $195.00 tax included if not less. Can't remember exactly. But it was worth every penny.
I'd make sure that you have both an exhaust fan and and intake fan as well though. You'll get this balloon action going if you don't. You want to stabilize the airflow through the tent, and then hold it there 24/7 while you exhaust the light separately. Otherwise the tent sides will suck in and get hardcore concave when the exhaust fan is on, and it can do the reverse if you have an input fan blowing and no exhaust fan. Then it swells up and looks like a balloon about to pop. I'd recommend stabilizing the airflow with 2 fans. lol
lol yeah man i will be getting some exhaust going, thanks for the tips, hopefully my tent dosnt fly away like a hot air balloon