400watts And Runnin' | Grower Witta Aditude

yeah sub'd after watchin that party cup grow. You obviously take a lot of pride in what you do and it shows in your lovely ladies. God luck and best wishes with this one!!
I was amazed at the party cup grow at that time with my skill level I could not get my plants to go more than a month in a party cup:) Sub's up to see what you do with this I can't wait!
glad i found this thread, subscribed

Okay I'm sub'd, took me a day to figure that out again... :joint:

I like what you're working with. I'll be checking in on this one. Good luck.

Thanks for Subscribing :D

Yo SICC, good luck with the grow! I'll be watching this fer sure

Question: I know you said you were at a steady 81-84F; what temp would you consider too high? I know some of this will depend on strain, but in general, what's a good temp to stay around.

any where from 75-85 and you should be good.

Yo when are you gona have pictures up?

cuz I don't like reading and need BIG picture took look at, just kiddin man

I should have mine up tomorrow morning, one of them cracked today and I was waiting on the other 2 to hatch before planting

Come on man let's see some pics!!!

Pics are a couple pages bac, it just got lost with all the subscribers haha.
Ima have some new ones up this weekend :peace:

Sicc I was really impressed with your party cup grow although the results weren't exactly what you wanted. Good luck on this grow. +Sub'd

Thanks JR :leaf:

What up SICC?

Got quite a gathering here, huh? Glad to see you got yourself some real power now. You will not be disappointed.

Nice little babies, by the way. Can't wait to see them flower.

Just started my perpetual... gonna be sweet!


What up fox?
Good to have ya along, im excited for the HPS.
Im going to try and get some perpetual going as well.

You always grow such awesome strains...Sour Kush sounds just delightful!

Best of luck with your grow, I'll be watching with everyone else :leaf:.

Thanks Jerry, you got some good strains going as well :weed:

yeah sub'd after watchin that party cup grow. You obviously take a lot of pride in what you do and it shows in your lovely ladies. God luck and best wishes with this one!!

I was amazed at the party cup grow at that time with my skill level I could not get my plants to go more than a month in a party cup:) Sub's up to see what you do with this I can't wait!

Thanks for the comments and subscribing bongsmilie
Take yeah a few good bong rips Sicc, that will help get you through the day.

That or meditate with your plants, I'm sure that relaxes u, it does me!
everthings cool..

always remember that bullshit happens, and bullshit makes good fertilizer
^^ i might need FDitty to make that rhyme..