425w 2700k Cfl growbox unknown/ bagseedGrowbox

I'm pretty sure the reason my plant is so short is because of how close I've kept the light to it. (Like 1"-2" away)

I moved it to like 6" away so we'll see what happens.
I fuck with my plant way too much lol I am sure I'm probably stressing it out so I've decided just to leave it alone unless I'm water it.

On another note I found another seed. A lil brown seed. I squeezed it to see if it would pop and it was sturdy so I threw it into water and it floated for about 12 hours and then when I poked it it sank. I just planted it in a cup of Fox Farm Happy Frog and put a plastic Baggie over the top and threw it under the light with my other bb
I just wanted to give you a little update of my plant. I recently got my Fox Farm Grow Big and Tiger Bloom in the mail and I watered my plant with a little bit Of the grow big under the recommended general dose per gallon of water yesterday and my plant is already looking greener and perkier.

Plus my seedling hasn't popped yet


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