48 Years Ago Today

How come we were able to make it to the moon with 1960's technology but we can't do it again? I saw a documentary that explained how it was all faked.
In 2013 they found the F-1 engines from Apollo 11's first stage (S1b) on the Atlantic abyssal plain. 44 years in salt water ... and ... will you just look at that. Some high-value alloys in those engines. Jeff Bezos and crew are intent on recovering them and restoring them for a museum exhibit.

bear you keep proving your obsessive paranoia. you know damn well, if i wanted to whizo in your thread i'd let it be known. c'mon man, get ahold of yourself. :peace:
I use work for a guy whose dad worked in Huntsville ( rocket scientist ) and the guy I for was smart but........
So one day were building a roof system on a multi million dollar house and he is trying to figure some rafter lengths and I said need some help and he said fuck you my dad was a rocket scientist and your dad was a drunk well I said fuck you too. ...... And then I got tired of waiting and went and and installed the rafters and he said how did you figure that and I said it's basic building skills and then I asked what was so difficult and he tried to explain and I noticed right away he was using 3.17 for pi so I said well there's the problem asshole pi is 3.14 . He freaked out and repeated that his dad was a rocket scientist and my dad was a drunk so I said well if you're dad was here he'd tell you that pi is 3.14 now go get us so beer .
Let the rocket scientist do the math and let the drunk get the beer.

Always gotta have the right mission specialist for the job.