48 Years Ago Today

bear you keep proving your obsessive paranoia. you know damn well, if i wanted to whizo in your thread i'd let it be known. c'mon man, get ahold of yourself. :peace:

Whizo King? "Don't out me bro" as Puss and Johnei and other obvious superbro socks. (Quick! Scuttle back and change accounts! They're too stupid to notice!)

As you hand me my own lawn chair (you know, the one you deny I occupy, but I plainly do, in your Franzied psyche) to administer the clue batting. Elegant.
Man your blood is really boiling. How do I know this? You don't know what the hell you're talking about.

If you desperately keep seeking my attention by continually bringing me up (with completely incorrect assumptions), I'll pass through and point out how pathetic you are. Maybe it's Stockholm Syndrome, but I almost feel a speck of empathy for you in your state of confusion while talking out your ass.
Man your blood is really boiling. How do I know this? You don't know what the hell you're talking about.

If you desperately keep seeking my attention by continually bringing me up (with completely incorrect assumptions), I'll pass through and point out how pathetic you are. Maybe it's Stockholm Syndrome, but I almost feel a speck of empathy for you in your state of confusion while talking out your ass.

Man your blood is really boiling. How do I know this? You don't know what the hell you're talking about.

If you desperately keep seeking my attention by continually bringing me up (with completely incorrect assumptions), I'll pass through and point out how pathetic you are. Maybe it's Stockholm Syndrome, but I almost feel a speck of empathy for you in your state of confusion while talking out your ass.
Unless you were actively following that which Cannabineer posts, you wouldn't know that he was "mentioning" you. Ergo, he has a long term occupancy in your head.
So anyway, thinking about the moon landing(s) got me to wondering where the fuck the Voyager(s) are these days.

(Do not tell me to watch the 1st Star Trek movie, thanks.)


V-1 is in interstellar space still transmitting, 40,000 years from a star it's heading towards at it's current speed (from another site other than the above link).
Ok so, the college I work at has an aerospace engineering college and there is some rocket engines over there . I'm not sure what they went to except one is a Russian made unit , that one I remember
I think one of the others is from the Saturn program. A lot of other cool shit too, funny how you see so much that you ignore it.
So anyway, thinking about the moon landing(s) got me to wondering where the fuck the Voyager(s) are these days.

(Do not tell me to watch the 1st Star Trek movie, thanks.)


V-1 is in interstellar space still transmitting, 40,000 years from a star it's heading towards at it's current speed (from another site other than the above link).
Our parent's shit runs on like the energizer bunny, and we have planned (and unplanned), obsolence as our engineer's claim to fame.
Man your blood is really boiling. How do I know this? You don't know what the hell you're talking about.

If you desperately keep seeking my attention by continually bringing me up (with completely incorrect assumptions), I'll pass through and point out how pathetic you are. Maybe it's Stockholm Syndrome, but I almost feel a speck of empathy for you in your state of confusion while talking out your ass.
I feel so much empathy for these guys. It literally makes no sense that they've been following me around and accusing me of being you. They must've really gotten hurt before by a someone with a multi account. They keep throwing all this negativity my way for no reason. I don't know these people and I don't feel a single one of my posts has attacked any of them for any reason. I seriously hope them the best because how worked up they have gotten can't be good for their blood pressure. And it certainly says something about the quality of ganja they have around them. All the info on how to get some top notch ganja is on this site but they waste their time on some witch hunt that defies all logic. But if you are my doppelganger you know what must be done. :bigjoint:
I realize I have a duty as the OP, but I cannot Like the allusion to a real problem: people who believe it was a put-on. In 1972 I touched the Command Module from Apollo 8. It had these so-cool scorch marks wrapping around the shield end. Watching the space program on TV was a formative experience when I was a kid. Having a dad who knew and cared about space boosted the power of the experience.
I saw a shuttle launch around '92, when I was about 14. We were staying on the gulf side on Long Boat Key at a condo my grandparents had rented. Dad woke us all up around one in the morning to drive across Florida. None of it was planned. He heard about it the day before and decided to go last minute. Everyone except him slept on the ride there. He got to about as close as they allowed at the time and pulled off the side of the road and woke everyone up. Then we waited. Then the countdown. I remember the thunderous roar of the engines, feeling it rattle my chest and head and watching the windows in the car vibrating as it slowly rose. Staring skyward, mouth agape, in total awe, though I was kinda shocked at how slow it was... lol. Then we toured Cape Canaveral, I honestly don't remember much of that, I think due to the earlier sensory overload. We went and saw some jet cars at a dragstrip later that vacation and they were disappointing. It has been one of the most awesome experiences of my life.

I still think NASA is mostly a front for black ops and secret military projects. I take issue with them hiding technology, paid for by the public, that could, exponentially make life better for everyone. But that's our government
73 fucking posts, 69 in politics and TnT and now you're talking about "how to get some top notch ganga"?

Abe has some. See if he'll hook you up. I'm guessing no.

Somebody frying bacon around here?
what post was I talking about acquiring some green from this site? Your comprehension of simple sentences is lacking my man.
Rollitup has already welcomed me here. I'd guess that pretty much would prove i'm not a multi account. keep grasping though. If you aim for the stars you might hit the moon.