4k hps in 680sq feet, temp problems


Active Member
i have a 8x10.5x8foot room with 4 1000w hps hortilux aircooled with 2x6" one for intake and exaust, and a 737cfm 8" exaust turbine, 4" 90cfm intake fan with 60degree intake air temp, and my room still gets a little to hot, it runs around 80degrees or so. my exaust is pulling not pushing and everything is air tight, i have a very loud exaust outside cause of this and i still cannot keep the temps at 72degrees,

my options now are
1- add ac in room
2- change one of the 6" turbines into the rooms intake(for a faster air change time)
3- air cool only 2 lamps per 6" turbine(i have all 4 on the same ducting in a big U)
4- add co2, i already have a genator i would just have to fork out the huge chunk of change for a controller...
5-add insulated ducting insted of aluminumized shit..

whats my best option? or input any if you have better ideas,
thanks in advance.
I think you will be ok at 80 degrees, with all that power in that room you are lucky it is just at 80. If you wanted to add anything I would use AC, it is your best and easiest bet I think.
are you kidding, 80 is perfect, 70-72 at night, prime. if you have problems with the leaves burning, move the light up. oh and co2 no doubt..
i whould add the co2...that way u can get more bang 4 ur buck..if ur going to spend $$$ get something from it...right???..good luck ..peace
put a hand next to the last light in the chain of 4 linked... to be the judge yourself... you might significantly effect temps by only using one fan to move the air from 2 hoods.... 2 hoods is already pushing ur luck. 4 sounds pretty crazy... but if its 700cfm plus maybe its not so bad. i'm thinking of 460 cfm... which i wouldn't want to try to cool more than (2) 1000w lights with.

but, as already mentioned, 80 degrees is not bad at all.
thanks peeps, i bought some extra aluminum ducting today and i think im gonna run 1 exaust per 2 lights, if that doesnt bring down my temps i will add my co2 generator, on a timer for now, until then end of febuary.

i have a 8 burner 24000btu generator, it says i have to run it for 1.7minutes to bring a 1000cu foot room to 1500ppm. so ill try to run it 1.5 minutes \every half hour or so i guess. does this sound about right, i dont have the 400$ for a sniffer controller now... just timing the vent and co2 will be a task.. any tips, thanks again..
Have you considered spidering the ducting (1 line per hood and then teeing into the fan)? If you run hoods in series, the heat continually builds and renders the cooling ineffective.
nope havent thought of that one aeroking, thanks if running 2 cooltubes in series doesnt bring my temps down ill buy some tees tomorrow,,, thanks for the responsses agian..

i personally would take the 4" fan out and open the hole up to 8" with just ducting....if your room is airtight the exaust will create a vacum and do all the intake work for you with one fan....i personally don't think you are gettin enough fresh air in with that little intake fan
my room is on the main floor and the room has a 10.5"x10.5" hole in the floor i have an insultated 8" duct going into the basement where it is being blowen out the foundation. the negative force was drawin in alot of air in i just added the 4 inch fan to help bring in more, there is still a couple inches around the ducting, my floor floating due to the intake pressure. i have a dropcloth floor to protect the floor.

because im dividing the cooltube venting up into 2 sections now, i think ill have to open up the floor some more to get 3x6" holes and 1x8" hole through. 2 6" for the cooltube intakes and 1 6" for passive intake, and the 8" as exaust.
i have a dehumidifier, and the ac i have is 12000btu lol.. my temps are better now,.

i started running cool air into the tubes from my basement rather than my houses heated temps, and exaust only 2 tubes per 6" can fan into my house save on the heating was my intention.

they are staying put at 77degree with lights on,

as im kinda broke for now im going to invest in a thermostat and a small heater to regulate my night temps.

with my next harvest ill add a co2 controller and bring my temps up again.



I've heard low night temps cause elongated internode spacing and potentially slow growth. I've not heard of leaves curling, myself.