4th CFL Grow With Jungle Growth Soil - Blue Mataro and Afghan Kush x Train Wreck

CD seed bank, i like that, LoL. i just wanna be done with this one, im sure there will be plenty of seeds. still dont know if it will be any good though. kinda pisses me off though, i wasted 3 1/2 months growin this thing when i should have been growing something good, oh well. that sounds real cool, i hope i wont still be broke though, LoL.
well today is 11 weeks for this thing. looks like tiny buds are forming out of the "seed buds" everything else looks like its dying, what a joke, LoL.DSCF3299.jpg


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"Unbelievable....like some kind of horror show" LoL!! yeah it sure was!! o just cut it down, i'll never do that again!! i'm done for a while.


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i havent really looked yet, its just sitting in the box right now, im gonna go through it in a little bit. i went through all my seed stash, found a whole baggie full of big bud seeds, threw them away, LoL. i did find 1 seed from the kush that going around the track from last year someone gave me. it has that volcano looking butt on one end so maybe its a female?? the thing that kills me with ordering seeds is that i only want 2 seeds which would be like $20 bucks, but the shipping is another $16. im really tryin to put a little money aside to order a couple. i just dont wanna waste any more time growin seed trees or crap weed, LoL, so no, im not done.
Couldn't Agree More!
Sorry about the Grow CD.
~Still my Cardboard Idol!
LoL, thanks man!! how you been? im still around and watchin, just bummin, i had a real good weekend on ebay ( $136 ) and was all set to order a couple seeds and i get a fuckin seatbelt ticket for a $116, i just cant get ahead to do this, WTF, LoL. also, the kush seed i have has been in the dirt for a week now and nothing, LoL.
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well, a little good news afterall, the little kush seed has popped!! when i looked yesterday there was nothing, now lets hope its a female. i remember the weed this seed came from and it was some killer shit.

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on a side note, i thought with the last grow with the male plant there would still have buds, just with seeds like you get with street bag weed, guess i was wrong. all i got were pollen filled "flowers" not really buds. does anyone know how that really works? with male plants?
[QUOTE="Concord Dawn, post: 10687984, member:

on a side note, i thought with the last grow with the male plant there would still have buds, just with seeds like you get with street bag weed, guess i was wrong. all i got were pollen filled "flowers" not really buds. does anyone know how that really works? with male plants?[/QUOTE]
I don't think male plants herm that much. So what you have is a plant with pollen sacs everywhere.
thanks skinny, that was a waste of 3 months of growin, LoL. the little kush seed didnt make it, when it popped, i pulled the shell off and it never recovered, oh well, back to square 1 i guess.

so i go to the courthouse today to pay my ticket i got 8 days ago. they tell me its not in the system and i cant pay it. ive got 30 days to pay it or your license gets suspended. then she tells me they dont know if it will be in the system within the 30 days because the great state of flordia just switched to a new computer system and she told me to come back and try to pay it again on the 30th day, aug 7th, what the fuck???
yeah no doubt, i paid it on tuesday and it still shows a balance owed, i called today and they said it would take a couple days for it to "catch up" on the system, what a joke!!

and still no seeds, no growin, hopefully soon, yeah yeah, LoL.
no bro, nothing, i went through everything i had and came up with that kush seed that just died. i had about a million big bud seeds but i just threw them away when i found the kush seed. i have 4 jars of 2 kinds of buds form the last grow and it sucks, you can smoke 10 bowls and nothing happens, LoL. i dont want nothing to do with anything that has big bud in the name!! i will get some kind of kush going soon i hope, i can get something like that, 2 seeds and shipping for around $35, it will happen soon. then i'll get a couple clones and just keep it going, well thats the plan any ways, LoL.
sup dawn ! hemp depot , chimera has fem seeds 10 for 80$ 7$shipping . i ordered some chimera has good gear never once have i heard a complaint & i for 1 have no complaints . ive grown out dolice sativa , the schnazz , mental floss & currantly growing out bubba x jack . this is first time chimmie has done fems jump on them . 10 for 80$