4th Week Of Flower Pics.

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
You sure you are not misting down your plants and sprinkleing sugar all over them?
Those buds are amazing!!!!!!!!!!! How much longer you think they need until harvest?

Great Grow room. My hat is off to you. :joint: :joint: :joint:


Well-Known Member
You sure you are not misting down your plants and sprinkleing sugar all over them?
Those buds are amazing!!!!!!!!!!! How much longer you think they need until harvest?

Great Grow room. My hat is off to you. :joint: :joint: :joint:
Hahahaha.. I am so happy to say I am sure.. the smell has gotten so strong too. A few more weeks is my guess my feeding schedules is only one more week then a flush for a week before harvest but I think Ill need at least one more. I wish I could share with all of you or at least a scratch and sniff. :peace: Thanks for viewing!


Active Member
great grow dude im in the second week of flowering and im just dying to see that sugar frosting all over my lady. i only have one plant left most of mine died i have someone taking care of them for me if i would of been able to take care of them myself they would of still been alive. i started 2 grows already but none of them are finished lol. my next grow will be hydro. im going to go with dwc. i wont be using any ph or ppm meters so im just going to go really light on the nutes just so i dont mess them up. anyway good luck dude ill keep looking out for your grow

beenthere donethat

Well-Known Member
VERY nice, saine420! Don't rush 'em...they are gonna double in size easily if you give em the time they need. In other words, dDon't look at a feeding schedule, look at the plant. If you need another week or two...so be it. Just replicate the last few weeks feeding schedule again...or..if it is winding down the nutes at a ratio you can discern from the formula..keep winding down a few more weeks THEN flush.

You WON'T be sorry....guaranteed....especially with frosty plants like those...

bt dt


Well-Known Member
VERY nice, saine420! Don't rush 'em...they are gonna double in size easily if you give em the time they need. In other words, dDon't look at a feeding schedule, look at the plant. If you need another week or two...so be it. Just replicate the last few weeks feeding schedule again...or..if it is winding down the nutes at a ratio you can discern from the formula..keep winding down a few more weeks THEN flush.

You WON'T be sorry....guaranteed....especially with frosty plants like those...

bt dt
I so agree. I already fed them 2 weeks at my max. ppm on my schedule, and loved the results. Instead of dropping my ppm's again I am continuing last weeks schedule, and will probably do 2 of next level also I am in no hurry, I just want it all to be right. Thank you for your advice and please stay close and help me pick the last day if you would like.. I would say close to a month even longer. either way I have time. Just need to get some more nutes. Well worth it. Thanks again for your help!! :mrgreen:

beenthere donethat

Well-Known Member
If you don't have a jeweler's loupe (Ebay has nice LIGHTED ones for less than $20) or get a Radio Shack..etc. hand held microscope/viwer to magnifiy the trichs....get one between now and "harvest". Then YOU will know when you took 'em and can gauge from here on out when to take em from using this device consistently.

I'm excited for ya! I see lotsa buds and some very nice hash in your near future bro! Yum.


Well-Known Member
If you don't have a jeweler's loupe (Ebay has nice LIGHTED ones for less than $20) or get a Radio Shack..etc. hand held microscope/viwer to magnifiy the trichs....get one between now and "harvest". Then YOU will know when you took 'em and can gauge from here on out when to take em from using this device consistently.

I'm excited for ya! I see lotsa buds and some very nice hash in your near future bro! Yum.
a def. must. I enjoy the view everyday.. I just started looking under the mag. this week. wish I could take a pic. of that close up.. Thanks again!!:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
great grow dude im in the second week of flowering and im just dying to see that sugar frosting all over my lady. i only have one plant left most of mine died i have someone taking care of them for me if i would of been able to take care of them myself they would of still been alive. i started 2 grows already but none of them are finished lol. my next grow will be hydro. im going to go with dwc. i wont be using any ph or ppm meters so im just going to go really light on the nutes just so i dont mess them up. anyway good luck dude ill keep looking out for your grow

Damn sorry to hear that. Its amazing what a stranger to your plants can do to them in a short time. Gl with what you got and your next grow. :peace: Ill be posting new pics soon


Well-Known Member
so saine you said you were a dirt farmer before,how would you rate the two,in all stages veg and flowering.man i cant see how those will need 2 1/2 more weeks,have you gone to strait water yet.


Active Member
wow man your grow looks amazing and youre almost done a few more weeks and youre ready to chop. im on my 5th week of flowering and mine have no sugar frosting but the buds are forming nicely im planning and hoping to be able to chop in 4 more weeks.


Well-Known Member
wow man your grow looks amazing and youre almost done a few more weeks and youre ready to chop. im on my 5th week of flowering and mine have no sugar frosting but the buds are forming nicely im planning and hoping to be able to chop in 4 more weeks.
Thanks a lot man. I am getting pretty excited, I start my flush of water and final phase today. So from past experience I'd say some trimming will start in about 5 days and be done in 10 days. We will see with this strain. Thanks again and I'll post some pics of them in their final days real soon. Wish I could share with all of you!! :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Hey Saine,you mentioned that you are using advaced nutes, what products are you trying on this grow?Peace..
Sensi A and B, Fulvic, B-52, Sensizim, Sweet tooth, Big Bud, Carboload, Baricade, and was on Voodoo juice. Pretty much followed their formula they have on their site. I added and subtracted a little hear and there. I followed their moderate light feeding schedule. Check out their feeding schedules on the site.