Hey there. Just wanted to post a little something here. I am new to the site, and there is a lot of good, valuable information here. I want to say thanks. Some excellent work also, and I would like to say "rock on"!!! to those that have invested the time, and money to put together such nice grow rooms. These couple pics are from about a month ago. Small set up. Slow development too. But not to bad for what I had invested. Ran into some problems with Ph and nutrient lock up towards the end and didn't finish as nicely as I would have liked. Got quite a few really good seeds though
and will be working on a more up to date and larger system shorty. Unfortunately I just don't have the space that I need to really do it nicely. But I will improvise and see what I can come up with. In the meantime everyone have fun, enjoy, and be safe.....

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