So of the 2 clones I took that rooted, 1 looks very good after just 1 day. It has 3 small sets of new leaves already. The other, the one that was transplated first, is looking better but not putting on new growth yet. It's mostly repairing the growth that was repairable. Alot of it's leaves were just out of energy and yellowed really fast. I didn't put it in the journal here but I tryed taking it into dirt once and it looked really bad just 12 hours later, so I tossed it back in the cloner for a day and it looked a little better, and then I came to my senses and realized if the foliage was to dead to survive in roots, it certainly didn't need to go back in the cloner. It just needed the proper care.
So even tho it was basically just a bunch of crispy leaves (and I removed alot of them) it is starting to green up now and I'm sure it will survive its just gonna be slow.
My batch of clones in the Rapid Rooters look great. I've been keeping ambient temp at around 80-85 and I spray them 2x a day, add a small amount of distilled water to the tray, and spray my dome down about 6x a day.
I keep the moisture on my rooters low, just damp enough but no dripping or sogginess. I took one of the silve haze cuttings that looked wimpy and tossed it in the bubbler. The other 10 look healthy.