4x4 cxb3590 first time grower

Many thanks, I've got it how to connect :). Buying 5k resistor anything good? I've seen 2 and 3 and 5W versions, unsure if this 5W 5KR 5Kohm 5K Cement Resistor for example good?
OH ya sorry I forgot to mention that. It won't matter what size you use. So just pick one that is easy to work and solder with. Mine are 1/2Watt. Just go to Radio Shack for them. They have them in the Drawer section of the store. Just choose whichever is small enough to work with and is closeSt to 5k.
I Just got my shipment from Jerry @Kingbrite. Still waiting on the heatsinks so i started building a movable light fixture in the 4.5`x5.5`closet im using. I also put together a scrog net to cover the room. If I have time ill put pics up today.
View attachment 3618024 This is what yours should look like exactly if you use a 5k resistor. If radio shack doesn't have them, you could use 5-1ks or 2-2.5ks. Just make it add to close to 5. Mine are ACTUALLY 5.6.
the resistor here is on the white wire.
in the pic before it is on the blue wire and you state to connect to blue wire.
which is the correct way?
You'll have internal dimming via a screw like potentiometer underneath a rubber cap. B versions come with blue and white leads you manually connect a pot to and gives you full 0-100% dimming. But you wanna use a 10k resistor as to not go below 10%

a noob question:

what happens if dim below 10%?

is a 10k resister is a must ?