5 WEEKS OLD d(-_-)b


Well-Known Member
i will be flowering these babys this friday i will change the light cycle
i was going to wait till the week after but if u look at my previous pics the last time i posted was 3 days ago and now there double the size they were then
i cant wait to see how much they shoot up before friday . and even more looking forwards to the first 2 weeks of flower .i have done 3 grows before and the last one i did i got caught with 45 plants (ak47) got 20 months cro.thats probation if u have never been on it so iv got to keep my head down and go for maximum yield with minimum number of plants (3 plants looks much better infront of a judge dont you think?) anyone else here a fellow bustee? and if i get busted again il simply say to the police (with a solicitor present) allways get a solicitor the cops try to trick you in many many ways .anyway as i was saying i will simply say in the interview
im addicted and all u can get now adays is this gritty weed laced with road linings u can tell im not lacing it with glass to make money im simply trying to feed my addiction the best way i can (some choose to mug/steal ) i choose to be peacefull and grow. who is the real criminal ? i dont bother anyone i live by karma peace all u folks and happy growin



Dea, FBI, ATF MuthaFucker
Your plants are simply amazing mine are almost 2 months old and are just under 10 inches high, please let me know what kinds of lights your using etc.?? if you have aim i prefer that because its faster.

my s/n is robertDwhitt88


Active Member
So you're growing while on probation? Or is your probation over? Either way, takes balls. I'd be sweating bullets non-stop.


Well-Known Member
theres 3 plants in here it doesnt smell yet and im totaly air proofing the whole room cerating a vacuumi have a carbon filter and thats pretty much all i can do for the smell the lights are hps 2 600 watt lamps strain of the plants is white satin i shal go into the grow room 10 mins before the lights come on for some better unoverlit pics

nah my probation was over a year + ago and im in an entirely different county and living with my girlfriends mum now so the pigs dont even know i am here and im doing agency work aswell for the borough council;) think i should tell them my hobbies?

first couple of weeks i used tomatorite and switch to cana vega is it my friend gave me the flower nutes and i havent used them and it says keep them out direct light so i kept them away il post on the nutes tonight when i can acess them
also when i click insert image it says insert url is that a link to a plant picture on here it is asking for?


Well-Known Member
wow 2 600 hps lamps for 3 plants, id say youd onlt need 1. but your plants look good for it. how tall do you want your plants to be before going to 12/12. also have you potted into there final pots yet.


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
i will be flowering these babys this friday i will change the light cycle
i was going to wait till the week after but if u look at my previous pics the last time i posted was 3 days ago and now there double the size they were then
i cant wait to see how much they shoot up before friday . and even more looking forwards to the first 2 weeks of flower .i have done 3 grows before and the last one i did i got caught with 45 plants (ak47) got 20 months cro.thats probation if u have never been on it so iv got to keep my head down and go for maximum yield with minimum number of plants (3 plants looks much better infront of a judge dont you think?) anyone else here a fellow bustee? and if i get busted again il simply say to the police (with a solicitor present) allways get a solicitor the cops try to trick you in many many ways .anyway as i was saying i will simply say in the interview
im addicted and all u can get now adays is this gritty weed laced with road linings u can tell im not lacing it with glass to make money im simply trying to feed my addiction the best way i can (some choose to mug/steal ) i choose to be peacefull and grow. who is the real criminal ? i dont bother anyone i live by karma peace all u folks and happy growin

Hey Pasta, very nice looking ladies you got there. I would flower asap. Have you topped these bushes? Make some clones, lol. I hear you on the karma thing, good advice to live by. :mrgreen::peace:


Well-Known Member
this grow is mainly for some decent weed cause im skint my mate gave me these lights because were buddys that look after each other he is in notts cant get weed im miles away and i can the amount of times i get him some buda and deliver it for free /and go have a smoke with my buddy
so he said have these lights i have sort urself out proper then pay me back with product A HA this grow was born and i was tempted back out of ganja retirement for a grow of epic proportions once i save the £80 a week im spending on shitty street weed a week then il start saving that towards some kick ass ak47 seeds from serious they were my fave every time i have a toke the flavour sends memories rushing back to me (makes a change for weed to bring back memories huh) anyway i feel as if im ranting

believe dude karma works u never see a happy chav do u hangin around outside shops smashin shit up angry lil bastards thats just 1 example


Well-Known Member
same exsact reason, i started growing, i save £300.00 every month. its a rite saving. like half a morgage. mite have some spare money for xmas this year. spend all i save on booze. only kidding, all im saving im saving up, for my big grow, a full b.room, when i feel im 100% ready, and really know what im doing, im getting there.