5 White widow girlies

Che Paddy

Well-Known Member
thanks alot for the info lads i gave them water this morning they all picked up panic over for now
Mared is right again. My grow partner gave them some water this morning and rang me this morning to say they've perked up well. Will give them a proper soaking when the lights go on. Can some give an example of how to water them properly like how much should we give them. For example would it be okay to move them to the bath or something and put them raised on something and pour plenty of water through them.

Thanks guys for your imput and information. Much appreciated and your posts have saved our babies.
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Well-Known Member
Mared can answer to this better than I can as I grow hydro with a drip system. but I believe that generally watering to the point that you can feel some weight when lifting the pot is a good way to start... Ya don't want it to be light.. that tells you that it is very dry.. again this is not my area so seek out more opinion than my guess.

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Yeah, the bathtub idea is good. Just make sure you're real careful when you move them. When the soil is dry, it becomes light and the plants become top heavy and real easy to tip over. I just have a big Rubbermaid tub and those cheap $2 plastic propagation trays. I poke a couple small holes in the tray and lay it across the top of the Rubbermaid tub. Then I only have to pick the plant up onto the tray rather than moving it to another room with a bathtub. Any extra water from the soil will drain into the tray and then through the holes into the tub. Really I think overwatering cases happen only when people water too frequently. You can put 10L through each of those pots each time but as long as you let it dry out before you do it again, the roots will not drown which is what causes overwatering. The only reason experienced growers don't do this is because nutes are expensive and more water equals more nutes. The generally accepted rule is you want to 20% runoff, meaning if you put in 5L you want 1L to come out. How big are your pots? It looks like 3 gallon so I would say you want at least a gallon (3.78L) going through each pot each time. I know it seems like you'll be using a lot of nutes and a lot of water but the quality of your plants will far outweigh the $40 bottle of nutes. I have only two flowering plants and I am now in the flush phase meaning I am done using nutes. I only have half-full bottles left. Just remember that since you are fully saturating the soil now you will need to lift the pots every day until they feel empty before you water again. You'll get the hang of it.

Che Paddy

Well-Known Member
Waited till lights on today and took a few snaps. The buds dont seem to have suffered any major effects of the under watering. We are starting to see the meaning of checking when the pots are empty and feeling the weight. They felt pretty light tonight but the soil is still a small bit damp when we did the finger test. We are going to try a watering of 2litre per plant to see how they respond. Again its only our first real attempt so still a learning curve. We've added nutes to the water as well. Does anyone think its okay to add monkey juice grow and big bud in the same watering or would this be too much. We are going to a flush on alternate watering and only add sweet leave to that. Do the buds look like they are of a decent size for the end of the fourth week of 12/12?



Well-Known Member
Your buds are looking good man! Nice development all over. As far as your nutes go I will defer that one to the soil growers here. but all in all I think you are looking very good, learning curve or not!

mr west

Well-Known Member
Looking really good Che Paddy, I dont know those nutes but Id half the dose or even quater it the first time to see how they get on, if they like it give them more, if they dont u will know soon enough. Gently, gently catchy monkey.

mr west

Well-Known Member
Like i said i dont know those perticular nutes but I use canna flores and canna vegga and canna booster all together from when i see the white hairs then i add pk 13/14 on the 6th week aswell.

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Looking really good. All your leaves remain green and healthy so whatever you're doing with the nutes seems to be working great. Did you mean Monkey Juice Bloom instead of Grow in your last post? It would be okay to use the bigbud and M J Bloom together but I wouldn't use the M J Grow at all anymore.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, how goes it. Thangs is lookin good in here. Good job. Kinda remind me of me a few months ago. lol. I just kept reading, and reading everything I could man. For real, I still read everything I can on the subject. I feel like somewhat of a pro. lol. But you guys came to the right place, and your in good hands. Mared Juwan knows his shit, and a ton of other guys on here. My suggestion is to take a lil from everyone that offers it. How are you liking the tent? Well that's it for now, hit me grow up were about at the same stage. Actually I'm about a week or week and a half behind you. I'll be in touch. Peace.

Che Paddy

Well-Known Member
At day 35 of flowering now. Upped the nute to a heavy feeding program. Had only being using light and medium levels of nute before so hopefully they will put on the weight. Using big bud with the monkey juice bloom but will move onto overdrive for the next two weeks. Crystals are really starting to show on the top leaves too. Let me know what you think


mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Awesome. Totally awesome man. Don't feel like you have to push them too hard. I did the same thing and feel like the slight bit of burn I gave them actually slowed them down. Once I flushed and returned to my less aggressive style (EXACTLY what is on that AN feeding schedule) they seemed to pick back up. At least with my plants, the buds have swollen the most in the last 10 days and I'm on day 54. Yours are just building momentum for that growth. I can't recommend that Overdrive enough. The more I use the more I like:mrgreen:

How's the smell?

Che Paddy

Well-Known Member
Thanks for the encouraging posts lads. Find myself just staring into the tent and watching them for hours. Only gave the heavy feeding program yesterday so will wait a day or two to see results. The responded really well to the medium levels so hopefully they will respond well again. I have to say i expected them to smell alot more. At the moment there is a smell when i open the tent but its not as pungent as i expected. Oh must ask before i forget. Does anybody else have problems with timers. Mine work grand for a week or so then they just stay on. Ive used cheap 10 euro ones and I also wired a central heating timeclock for a house and the same thing happened with that

mr west

Well-Known Member
i think wen u live with the plants u get so used to the smell that u dont really notice it. I keep getting odd wiffs come to me in the oddest places.

Che Paddy

Well-Known Member
I dont actually live with my plants and the carbon filter seems to sort the odour in the room. Plus theres so much been smoked in the house its hard to smell the fresh green over the smoked green :joint:

mr west

Well-Known Member
yeah that an all lol, i cant smell any green even wen i smoke it most the time but if someone elses skins up and sparks it i can smell it lol.

Che Paddy

Well-Known Member
Right few more pictures today for an update. So i took a picture of the tallest plant beside my friend to show comparison on ho tall it is. I also Added some pictures of the beautiful frost on the leaves. However i need some advice. My buds are about 5 and a half weeks into flowering but some of the hairs have gone amber. Is this normal or ami doing something wrong. I upped the dosage of nutes last week so do hairs go amber if you burn them in flowering?

Cheers Che


mr west

Well-Known Member
the brown hairs thing is what u want as u head twords the end of flowering u want 95% of the hairs brown or ginger then u should be checking the trichromes with a magnifiing glas for about 30% amber 70% cloudy tips or what ever stone u are after.
Heres an intrestin articlle on trichromes.
Pot potency