5 White widow girlies

Che Paddy

Well-Known Member
Think im gonna have to pull the duvet trick too. Morning sun comes straight down the hill and into my grow room and wit the extra heat of the 600w its gonna be hella hot. Good thing its a remote ballast. Trust this summer to be actually not too bad and temps and humidity to be up high. Murphys law as they say. Into their 8th week and slowly more and more hairs are going amber. At this stage Im hoping they go into their ninth week for some extra weight. Could anybody hazard a guess at how much they may yield? Gonna hit them wit a dose of final phase either today or tommorro and then flush with plain water from then on. Does anybody use apple juice in their flush? Read a bit about it and it seems beneficial

mr west

Well-Known Member
thats a hard call Che,maybe if u took a pic of the ww on their own but even then its a hard call to judge final weight on a live plant. Some buds look fat as fuck but have no density. So unless we can have a feel as well as a look its gonna be just a guess.

Che Paddy

Well-Known Member
Thats exactly what I thought, that it would be virtually impossible to guess an amount of weight. Oh well. Looks like Im just gonna have to wait and see. Any ideas on the apple juice Mr. West

mr west

Well-Known Member
ive read its a good sweetener for wen ur flushing but have never tried it. I think theres a good thread called apple juice not jus for babys or something like that, see if u can find it.

Che Paddy

Well-Known Member
Yeah thats one of the threads ive read and was just seeing if you had any thoughts on it. Sure i might give it a go and see.

Che Paddy

Well-Known Member
Tonight I took my ladys out for their dose of final phase and the other got a feed of overdrive. When we had them out we decided to have a small nug to taste the fruits of our work. Dried in the microwave. I know not the best option but was just an experiment. So anyway when breaking up the weed we noticed a couple of seeds in the nug. The plants defo arent males as you can see from the pics. Theres plenty of bud so im thinking hermie. Is this a bad thing or whats the procedure? Will it cause a downgrade in the quality of the overall product? I looked at the offending plant and it is the runt. There appears to be balls on just that branch. Is that possible? Just looking for opinions.

mr west

Well-Known Member
well let us hope the firtilization stays local. I left a ww to go to seed on its own but it took like ten weeks flowering. Many of the boosters and stimulator feed have a sweetener in them ths removing the need for apple juice or molases. I use canna pk13/14 and canna boost so i guess i dont need to use anythijng else


Well-Known Member
Che Paddy,
Congratulations on those beautiful nugs you have going there. I have been following your thread, and I want to put in my two cents (for what its worth). I don't think you should alter the photoperiod of your plants at this stage, it could screw them up. If it isn't too late, I would not switch to having your lights run 12 hours in the day and off for 12 hours at night. You got lucky when your timer went bad before and the light stayed on an extra eight hours. I would continue this crop, and if you want to switch to lights in the daytime, wait until after harvest and your new crop. Besides, running the lights at night is cooler. I don't think it will cause you any problems.

Che Paddy

Well-Known Member
Harleyhawg666 your just a little too late. I actually changed the photoperiod last night. My grow partner left the lights on yesterday morning so they got extra light so last night we decided to change the photoperiod then. I just hope it doesnt stress them too much more.

mr west

Well-Known Member
i doubt the plants will notice if they had extra light and the same 12 hour dark period jsut at a difrent time of day. How are the temps now during the day?

Che Paddy

Well-Known Member
Well checked my crop today and it appears that all the plants have a couple of seeds in them. Not loads but one or two that are visible. Im really confused because the seeds are in these little pods that have a orange hair coming out of them. Therefore i thought they were all girls. Changed to lights coming on at 8 in the morning and going off at 8 in the evening. Temps were a bit high at 31 degrees. Could the time when i had the tent too hot have stressed the feminised seeds to become hermie. Can i still let the plants finish and smoke them? Also a bit worried because my brainstorm and twilight are begining to flower and i dont want them pollinated. Dunno what to do. Dont have the space to quarantine them. Heres a few pictures that look perfectly female. Hope someone can advise me.

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Che Paddy

Well-Known Member
I looked at the plants and in certain spots it looked like there was swollen calyx. So i popped on off each plant and when their squeezed a bit of white stuff comes out. Is this the early formation of seeds or is it the resin store before they are pollinated. Like a unfertilised egg if you will.

mr west

Well-Known Member
yep thats exacly what it is, they will swell up with good stuff if unpolinated. Ur pics are sweet, they look sugar coated. Yes u can finish them and smoke it just as u would sensimillia. t looks like its gonna be an awsome smoke too. Most fem seed come from self polinated femails that have been stress jus enough so they seed themself. As theres only female genes it makes female seeds. Unfortunatly a small pecentage of those fem seeds will have heriphication tendencys. Thats what i thnk any way.

Che Paddy

Well-Known Member
Cheers mr west

This is probably gonna sound a little bit sick but its the only discription i can think of. when you squeeze it its like if u squeezed a spot and theres white stuff. Do that happen even if they are unpollinated.

mr west

Well-Known Member
ive never squeezed a fake seed pod or even a seed pod with seed so dont really know. I dont really interfear with my buds tll they are dry and ready for curing unless its to cut some bud rot out but thats not a problem any more since i have a fan on constant.


Well-Known Member
Che Paddy,

I think you are probably okay - don't sweat it. My suggestion to you was based on what I have read about light leaks and how they can cause hermaphroditism in the female plants. I just figured that such an extensive upset in the dark cycle could possibly cause stress and hermaphroditism in your plants.

P.S. I have been reading the threads on this site for a long time, and you cannot always trust the advice that everyone gives you. Before you make rash or sudden changes to your setup or grow-plan, always get several opinions from others on the board before doing so. Some people give the most awful advice, and oftentimes these people have no experience whatsoever in growing. It looks like your first grow is going to be a great success however. Congratulations and enjoy!

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Che, don't feel bad. I had some odd bits in my buds too. They look like seeds but they're very soft. I only had the two things in the pics below. I was so far into flower that I just went with it. Even if my buds are technically hermie I don't care. They get me super high and taste great! No seeds or anything like that, just the two mushy bits in the pics. You're pics look 100% female and very good, just several weeks left to go. I think you would need huge bursting ballsacks for pollination to occur so if that's not the case I would leave it be.


Che Paddy

Well-Known Member
Well its all game over im afraid. The house was raided last night and its very serious. National drug squad were involved and their valuing the crop between 15000 and 30,000 euros. Really not a good situation