$50 hit list.


Well-Known Member
peta kills 95% of its, um, inventory?:sad:
...wait what?:o
I thought peta was against wearing fur, leather, meat eating, dairy consumption and factory farming. When the fuck did they start killing everything they get their hands on? 95%??
Wheres the other animal right orgs in protest?
$50 to the first one who hands me the head of peta ceo ingrid newkirk.

Al Gore reponded to the claim that he didn't turn his light off for earth hr.
Gore said he did shut them off. Gores spokenmen said Gore did turn everything off. then stated that Gores house is powered by geothermal power. I guessing just in case photos/video pops up stating otherwise; geo power is the back up answer.
Gore can’t power his lights via geothermal power without a geothermal electrical generation plant on his mansion grounds.
Last I checked, he doesn't have an industrial plant in the yard. try and explain that to a Gore supporter. good luck.
What a two faced empty human.
I'd like to give him the geothermal chair.
$50 for the first one who brings me his head.

and the list begAns with two perfect candidates.


Well-Known Member
How bout the entire house, senate, exectutive branches. hell then we can start with gore, peta, fema heads too.


Well-Known Member
They're much to important darlings......... And thats the whole lot... not RT or Left... politician means sack of lying/selfish sacks of shit by definition... just some stink less.....


Well-Known Member
i just love it when a politician like the hildabeast is ducking sniper fire in bosnia to get off the tar mac after her plane touch's down..LOL
these fucking liberals just pull shit out of their ass ..tell the media.
the media being the liberal cool aid drinkers they are print the shit as fact...and then the sheeple believe it all...just like a pig eating slop out of a trough,,not even looking to see what is in it.
and the news papers are wondering why they are filing bankruptcy.
no one but a fool reads the news paper anymore


New Member
PETA is like most of these left-wing organizations. They are all about donations $$$ ... and could really care less about the causes they pretend to support.

Want to try an experiment? The ACLU claims to be a defender of the Constitution, correct? Give them a call and ask they what they are doing to preserve our Second Amendment rights. :lol:


Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Peta are a bunch of nuts.Seriously.I never understood the need to belong to an organization to do good.I feed and rehome strays on my own, from my own pocket, because I love animals. I too, am an animal, however. I am omnivorous,and I'm not ashamed. Most folks try to place themselves above other animals, and so believe they have the right to dictate whether they live or die.
peta kills 95% of its, um, inventory?:sad:
...wait what?:o
I thought peta was against wearing fur, leather, meat eating, dairy consumption and factory farming. When the fuck did they start killing everything they get their hands on? 95%??
Wheres the other animal right orgs in protest?
$50 to the first one who hands me the head of peta ceo ingrid newkirk.

Al Gore reponded to the claim that he didn't turn his light off for earth hr.
Gore said he did shut them off. Gores spokenmen said Gore did turn everything off. then stated that Gores house is powered by geothermal power. I guessing just in case photos/video pops up stating otherwise; geo power is the back up answer.
Gore can’t power his lights via geothermal power without a geothermal electrical generation plant on his mansion grounds.
Last I checked, he doesn't have an industrial plant in the yard. try and explain that to a Gore supporter. good luck.
What a two faced empty human.
I'd like to give him the geothermal chair.
$50 for the first one who brings me his head.

and the list begAns with two perfect candidates.


Well-Known Member
Peta are a bunch of nuts.Seriously.I never understood the need to belong to an organization to do good.I feed and rehome strays on my own, from my own pocket, because I love animals. I too, am an animal, however. I am omnivorous,and I'm not ashamed. Most folks try to place themselves above other animals, and so believe they have the right to dictate whether they live or die.
I personally don't see a problem with dog fighting

Dogs are not sentient

Now, if they were sentient, then of course I'd have a problem with it. Actually, I wouldn't. I personally think we should have politicians fight to the death for entertainment purposes.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I see a big problem with it. Why should an animal be hurt, maimed, or killed for entertainment purposes? And you don't know if an animal has "sentience" or not.They aren't motivated by the same goals as we are,and the only standard we can judge them by is our own. If an animal must be killed,then do it for food, and quickly.I hate people who think it's amusing to see animals get hurt. I'd love to see lots of people fight to the death, however. And they can give clear consent.
I personally don't see a problem with dog fighting

Dogs are not sentient

Now, if they were sentient, then of course I'd have a problem with it. Actually, I wouldn't. I personally think we should have politicians fight to the death for entertainment purposes.


Well-Known Member
I see a big problem with it. Why should an animal be hurt, maimed, or killed for entertainment purposes? And you don't know if an animal has "sentience" or not.They aren't motivated by the same goals as we are,and the only standard we can judge them by is our own. If an animal must be killed,then do it for food, and quickly.I hate people who think it's amusing to see animals get hurt. I'd love to see lots of people fight to the death, however. And they can give clear consent.
just ignore the brutal truth.
he's a sociopath.


Well-Known Member
Screw informed consent for the gladiators.

Make rapists, murderers, politicians and CEO's fight for their survival.

Like Death Race but with less chance of survival...

All of the above must survive 30 blade armed one on on conflicts with each other in the arena to earn their freedom.

Then as the grand finale to the championship they have to run 1000 meters to the 'freedom door' dodging gunfire from competition marksmen armed with long range high power rifles. If he makes it to the door he lives.

Televised for the people who would watch such a thing... I would just be glad it's going on.



New Member
I personally don't see a problem with dog fighting

Dogs are not sentient

Now, if they were sentient, then of course I'd have a problem with it. Actually, I wouldn't. I personally think we should have politicians fight to the death for entertainment purposes.
Mine are..................


New Member
I personally don't see a problem with dog fighting

Dogs are not sentient

Now, if they were sentient, then of course I'd have a problem with it. Actually, I wouldn't. I personally think we should have politicians fight to the death for entertainment purposes.
all animals are sentient in that they can feel pleasure and pain, which entails the presumption of certain moral rights and ought to entail some legal rights.


New Member
I love animals. They have a definite place ... right next to the mashed potatoes and peas.



New Member
I'll take a wild guess that you've never owned a pet.

My animals feel happiness, joy, sadness, they pout when they don't get their way, they feel fear, shame, remorse.

I'd say that my dogs have more feelings than most humans I come into contact with.

I'd rather see white collar criminals fighting to the death in a ring, at least they'd be deserving of it.

I personally don't see a problem with dog fighting

Dogs are not sentient

Now, if they were sentient, then of course I'd have a problem with it. Actually, I wouldn't. I personally think we should have politicians fight to the death for entertainment purposes.


New Member
I'll take a wild guess that you've never owned a pet.

My animals feel happiness, joy, sadness, they pout when they don't get their way, they feel fear, shame, remorse.

I'd say that my dogs have more feelings than most humans I come into contact with.

I'd rather see white collar criminals fighting to the death in a ring, at least they'd be deserving of it.
hell yes...it does not surprise me that some of these fellows don't have pets.