They look healthy! You should top them, right now, in my opinion. But learning the structure of the plants is important too. Top them or flower them pretty soon if your tent/space is 7’ or shorter.Appreciate the tips!!!
I was skeptical about topping or manipulating the plant in any way since this is my first time and I wanted to see the process to completion at least once before experimenting. Also to be frank I need to educate myself more about plant manipulation to feel comfortable.
I’m thinking a trellis would straight forward to implement but I’m at a similar stage (growth wise) and feel it may be pointless trying to impliment one at this point but then again I could be completely mistaken.
What do you think? [included pictures of current grow status]
They look good! You should top them, right now, in my opinion. But learning the structure of the plants is important too. Top them or flower them pretty soon if your tent/space is 7’ or shorter.
Different plants are differently trainable, practice early, practice often. Topping and/or training are well worth it, in my opinion. You don’t have to top, you don’t have to train, but you should do at least one of them. Subvert that apical dominance, subvert it good!