5x white budda lowryder's, 1x mixed lowryder


Well-Known Member
IMO,topping stunts growths and is over rated, LST imo works better i just bend the main cola till it almost breaks and if it does just support it for about 3 days and it will fix it self,allowing the bottom of the plant to really explode and bushout real nice great way to keep plants from getting to tall and the footprint of the light not reaching.


Well-Known Member
IMO,topping stunts growths and is over rated, LST imo works better i just bend the main cola till it almost breaks and if it does just support it for about 3 days and it will fix it self,allowing the bottom of the plant to really explode and bushout real nice great way to keep plants from getting to tall and the footprint of the light not reaching.
It basically products the same effect, although you can really do some interesting things with LST. I prefer just to top mine. I don't think its over rated, its just that everyone has there own preferences. Some people sware bye soil, some bye just hydro, Some people don't topp or LST, some do. It all depends on what the person likes. So I dont think its over rated, I just think you prefer LST instead of topping.


Well-Known Member
No argument just my opinion,BUT lol you knew it was coming i like your input. LST can do many things topping can not do.And yes i do prefer LST and was not in any way trying to affend you,sry if you took me wrong.Did you mean produces?I use to top many yrs ago and have found for me LST works better and overall time has shortened and achieve better yields.When i need a good big clone i will still top cause again for me they seem to root faster and make the best clones.LEARING SRY FOR THE HIJACK LOL,you need to come bye and check my cross link in sig. Also krat shes a very nice lady.

learing the ways

Well-Known Member
thanx for the help with it lol, i defo think im gona try lst first or maybe i mite top 1 plant and lst the other i really duno lol, repotted another silver kush last nite as it was rootbound in 3"pot, i think im going to water the white widow tomoz at 3/4 str dosage of bio-bloom.


Well-Known Member
No argument just my opinion,BUT lol you knew it was coming i like your input. LST can do many things topping can not do.And yes i do prefer LST and was not in any way trying to affend you,sry if you took me wrong.Did you mean produces?I use to top many yrs ago and have found for me LST works better and overall time has shortened and achieve better yields.When i need a good big clone i will still top cause again for me they seem to root faster and make the best clones.LEARING SRY FOR THE HIJACK LOL,you need to come bye and check my cross link in sig. Also krat shes a very nice lady.
Haha, Ofcourse no arguement. Yeah, LST can do some amazing things that topping can't do, but I don't like to screw with my plants that much, so I just top. No man, you didn't offend me at all, since were on the computer, its really hard to tell how someone is reacting. I was just saying how diff people prefer diff things ect.

We are all fellow cannibis lovers, no reason to argue or be madd at eachother. I value your input and love to hear why certian people perfer certian ways. I am following a really neat LED grow, now that is interesting.

Sorry learning, we didn't mean to hijack your forum, but your babies are looking great!

learing the ways

Well-Known Member
na worries kratose i was looking into doing 1 of those to 1 of my plants soon lol so kinda helped me lol. any you guys got any ideas if you think that putting my lowryders under 12/12 instead of 18/6 gona do any damage??? thanx for positive supposrt to kratose.


Well-Known Member
nice dude, thanks for stopping by my journal...i dont know if ull have suffish light...if i learned right, u need 3000 to 10000 lumens per sq ft...the sun gives 10000.....i figured mine to b about 6000, but i might b wrong...im a first time indoor...

learing the ways

Well-Known Member
im not sure of the lumens that the 200w puts out, i know ive got around 6k currently just for veg and im also getting a 125w cfl 6500k for veg also and considering getting another 200w 2700k flowering cfl.thanx for the positive comments, 1 thing i have learnt from growing over the last few months is it doesnt matter how much information people give u, u wont get it right untill u have learnt from ur own mistakes and experiments. im not saying advice is bad just sometimes go with ur instinct.


Well-Known Member
i think cfls put out 60 to 70 lumens per watt and hps put out 107 lumens per wt...u take the lumens and divide ur sqr ftage....i def agree with u that advise is good but everyones grow is different.....i like that there are so many opinions and growing styles...ive learned so much in the few weeks since ive joined


Well-Known Member
this site is truly awesome...im still trying to figure out how the whole rep thing and things like that work but on the smoker grower side this site has everything i need to make my brain go......POP!...

learing the ways

Well-Known Member
hey all well everythink going ok, built there new home today still got a few bits to add and finish but its good enuff for them to be in at the moment.im currently waiting for my 125w 6500k cfl to come in the post then thats going in wid some smaller cfls. well take a look at what ive done and let me know wat u think thanx all.


learing the ways

Well-Known Member
i didnt realy spend a penny extra only exrra thing i bought was another 2pc fans other than that i had the rest in my grow room.