5x white budda lowryder's, 1x mixed lowryder

mr west

Well-Known Member
hey all well everythink going ok, built there new home today still got a few bits to add and finish but its good enuff for them to be in at the moment.im currently waiting for my 125w 6500k cfl to come in the post then thats going in wid some smaller cfls. well take a look at what ive done and let me know wat u think thanx all.
looking good ltw, im growing in a drobe too lol


Well-Known Member
Looking great LTW!!

Good to see you got the BBC's going ;-)

Only thing i can say to you now is just be carefull with the bio bizz, theyre only small ryders and wont need alot of food, id keep it at 1.5-2ml bio-bloom per ltr of water, and up it if they tell you they want more, it says 2-5ml on the label but i use 3ml per litre as my max, iv found above that can burn quite quickly, also itl be fine with the ryders, but with the bigger regular non auto plants, you will need bio-grow too, the grow and bloom formulations are actually a two part single fert, they are meant to be used in conjunction with each other, i start mine off on 1ml grow and 1ml bloom per litre at around 2wks into 12/12, then work it up to 1ml grow and 3ml bloom by mid/full bloom, just using bio-bloom in flower with larger plants i can guarantee you N deficiencies ;-)

learing the ways

Well-Known Member
thanx for the positive comments guys. yer im glad to see the BBC cheese growing also :mrgreen:. yer i used 3 ml as my max aswell funnly enuff lol, the first feeding i gave them was 3 ml mixed in wid 2 litres of water, so thats 1/2str im gona water agen today wid 3/4 and see how they get on.i will get the grow in a couple weeks coz im broke till then lol, plus i wont be flowering any other plants for about another 2 and a bit weeks.happy smokeing

learing the ways

Well-Known Member
yes the 1's tht are in the flowering section at the top are, they are white budda, as for the plants at the bottom there 2x Big Budda Cheese(courtesy of a good mate of mine) and 2 silver kush plants also. thanx for stopping by.

Stoney Jake

Well-Known Member
my pleasure :^P
I want to get the lowryder autos when I do buy seeds. I just wanted to get one grow under my belt before moving up to the real deal. I love the idea of autos though because right now I have 2 grow areas, my lady isnt a big fan at the moment(wait till i have buds lol) so only taking up one closet would be ideal

Ill be watching this one all the way to see how much you end up with


Well-Known Member
im sure this is a dumb ?? but by autoflower, u mean the plant just goes into flower at a certain point regardless of lighting??

learing the ways

Well-Known Member
yer it goes into flowering regardless of the light periods, they auto flower at 3-4 weeks, i have the on same 18/6 lighting schedule as my veggin plants.

learing the ways

Well-Known Member
thanx stoney jake im sure i will enjoy haveing you along for the ride, well rough harvest date of the white budda is 22nd december.this is also my first real grow so im just proud of wat i have avhieved so far, and i mean i havent even spent that much lol.

learing the ways

Well-Known Member
i dont know as regards to hydro as i grow in soil. well you could grow them in 1 room if you got the lighting to switch but i have seperate rooms as im growing normal plants aswell which i will have to put on 12/12 wen the white budda is done. the more light u have on lowryders the more buds u gona get thats why it better to have them 18/6 rather than 12/12, any more questions feel free to ask.

learing the ways

Well-Known Member
aloha cheetah, hows you today??(toke,toke,toke) i topped my first plant last night,(toke,toke,toke) hows yours comeing along??(toke,toke,toke) puff puff pass>>>>>>>>>:joint:


Well-Known Member
thanks man....right now im growing soil, but ive been looking into the grow boxes...namely the mini caddy which has a 14 plant system...if i can have a yield this first time that will afford one after i tuck some cash away i think i might give hydro a try.....after growing outside in soil the past few years i gotta say soil gives a potency thats hard to beat....but the time factor def goes to hydro

learing the ways

Well-Known Member
also soil is a lot more forgiving than hydro, alot can go rong in a short space of time with hydro, im sure i will try it eventually but not till i have alot more experience.