6 Inconvienient truths about slavery.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't say the post was ignorant... maybe getting away from the Medved paper though.
Sure blacks enslaved blacks, whites have been slaves. But it was hypocritical for people to claim that 'all men are created equal' while enslaving some men because of their skin color.

these kind of ignorant posts is why people cant have an educated talk about slavery....before we "white devils" came over there to take Africans back to America...they were enslaving each other into their tribes 100's of years prior to the first ship setting foot there....since the first true civilizations started in those area's y'all can thank people of a darker skin for coming up with the idea...that to the victor go the spoils of war...foods, goods, an people....az


Well-Known Member
its 420.

instead of posting an inflammatory remark about an issue that has been dead for 144 years, im going to load up the peace pipe and thank (god, rah, jehova, budda, odin, apollo whoever) for being able to do so.


Well-Known Member
You got Johns going into "brothels" finding the "Whores" beat up and huddled in the corner.
The johns run to the cops.
74% of police tips come from johns.

What do you think was the deal with ACORN a few weeks ago.
They wanted to bring little girls in from Central America to work a Whorehouse.
Thats the slave trade.

Honestly I couldn't care less if women want to sell favors.
But forced is just sick, sorta like Government.


Well-Known Member
What does buying have to do with employees of the govt.?

The govt. certainly has to buy everything since it produces nothing..... for anyone, except regulation and paper pushing.
Your correct:clap:, But they create The paper dollars everyone want's That's capatalism. Right:confused::blsmoke: That's Paper pushingbongsmilie


New Member
The Govt. does not print money on its own. It prints it according to strict instructions from an independent body known as the Federal reserve, which is PRIVATE, not PUBLIC.


Capitalism has more to do with free markets than printing money. Even commies print money... :wink:


Well-Known Member
Oh, I see so your saying you can trust the BANKS more? If that's the case without the Fedral government getting involved, We would be in a world of shit right now! You think it's bad now? Look at the path we were following!


Well-Known Member
I am definitely not a republican or democrat, both groups are far too corrupt. Here is an interesting bit of info. The election of 1856 was when the republican party was formed and they ran their campaign on an anti-slavery platform, the republicans did not win this election. In 1860, the repubs did win the election and this is the same year the civil war began.


Well-Known Member
haha this thread is crazy man we need to leave that bullshit in the past...none of us great...besides we still slaves...just now no colors just flags....


New Member
Oh, I see so your saying you can trust the BANKS more? If that's the case without the Fedral government getting involved, We would be in a world of shit right now! You think it's bad now? Look at the path we were following!
It's not about trusting banks. The Fed isn't the one spending all the money requiring all the flood of dollars on the market.

It's Congress who spends the money. the fed just tries to keep up and balance the carnage on both sides of the books.

Don't blame the FED, blame Congress. Besides, there's no going back now. It's far too late to turn the ship, unless we can pay off our outstanding debts. What are the odds of that happening when the very same Congress is going in the other direction? Hmmm?