6 On 6 Off 6 On 6 Off Lighting Schedule, Ever Tried?

The gas lantern method? Lemme goog. Oh, cool. I don't do this. I work with high-risk cultivars, ones who are likely to herm. if pressured too much. I wouldn't say that your rebuttal proves I'm wrong about my observation that cannabis is a living organism that requires a healthy experience to really thrive. Life is sacred, all life, especially life that empowers our healing. I know they have a psychic connection to us, when we take the time to bond with them, and that they absorb intention which changes them. It's part of the reason Afghan weed is so powerful. The Sufis pray over the crop, to the One God, the Great Spirit, the Knower and the Truth. And before them, the Zoroastrians. Meanwhile, in India, similar practices empower their plants. So how you treat the plant truly matters, regardless of the limitations of scientific testing at present. Bruce Bugbee taught me that hemp responds more to sunlight than any known flora. It'll grow quicker the more you feed it, to ludicrous levels involving extra CO2 being pumped into the grow environment.

I couldn't agree more with experimentation, but to wake me up in the middle of the night to save on your light bill seems... unbalanced. I want to bathe these ladies, let them bask and stretch. I want to honor them as they honor me. There may never be hard evidence to justify what I believe. You need new eyes to see what I see at my best moments. However, if you love the plant by providing organic, living soil and never poison it with salty factory-ferts., you will get unrivaled flavor and intense, beautiful expressions unmatched by hydroponics. And the special terpenes are evident in the air itself, my friend. So honor your plants with luxury and a firm hand, and they will sing a special song for you. I'll pay a few extra dollars for my green friends.
Poison it with salty factory ferts?
1. At the molecular level, those nutrients are mostly the same.
2. The right "salt", is usually cleaner than the organic inputs. (Heavy metal content)

I've done both. Went back to hydro via dtw coco. It's easier, more consistent, and honestly I don't notice a difference in quality.

I'm not knocking organics....I really like it, but where I live, and the hours that i work, limits me from doing it the way I want. My coco is autowatered. It takes me 5 mins to mix up a bucket of nutes, add it to the res, and ph it.
You know, more power to 'em. Now show me a cannabis plant grown that way, to landrace scale and potency. :P
I can see it being more like mad botanists in some lab, with THC resin gland/crystals growing right inside test tubes, using carbon electrolyzers to produce the acetate substrate. So it doesn't need any light, but more like a t-t-t-thchia pet, that you keep scraping hash off of as it grows. No need for the plants\flowers (although I can also see some mutant super albino plants growing\glowing in the dark, with tubes pumping green ooze into the stalk instead of roots, lol..) when you can grow almost pure THC more like algae. I doubt it will be long before they announce that they've completely cracked the genetic code to cannabis, like they did with coca plants recently...

I'll still be growing it the old way. I love it too much to give it up. And bring on coca legalization, but outlaw refined cocaine, which is hardly the plant anymore. Cocaine is coca REFINED, not the clean, organic, energizing, psychedelic, unmolested plant. In with the trees, down with the chem. labs. Plus, if coca leaves were legal to buy, folks would eat more greens. I guarantee. And you know how much leafage it takes to make cocaine, right? Metric shit-tons. It's equivalent to trying to make hash with cannabis leaves, roughly.

Controlling the substance, like cannabis, would help keep folks from abusing it. Even though I've never experience coca, I know it's good for humans, because I trust native accounts of medicinal use. Coca is the weed of South America. Except they have weed too. And ayahuasca. And girls with big butts... Some continents have all the luck.
I sympathize. If you're a resident of Minnesota, you could give me permission to grow a plant for you, so you could experience the difference for yourself. Otherwise, if you invest in living soil in one pot, you only need to water it twice a week. (Don't forget the peat moss and greensand!) If that's still too labor-intensive, you might try hooking up the organic soil to your auto-watering rig. In organic soil, weed doesn't usually mind wet feet, unless it's a hardcore desert plant, like Kif.

EDIT: If you rig it up, tarp. the exposed soil, to minimize black flies. Unless your drip system has factory ferts. in it? I'll address that: Yes, the chemicals are purer from the factory, and often derived from organic sources. However, chemistry is usually applied in the extraction of the various chemicals, which doesn't factor for the natural balance of minerals and chemicals available in soil and the rate at which your plant prefers to absorb them. Nutes are like "force feeding." If you grow in healthy dirt with a good microbial population and maybe some fungus, you allow the plant to take its time, which ultimately makes it a BEAST, 'cause it speeds up growth as veg. advances. The salt in FFs kills living soil by messing with the microbes and impeding mycelial formation.

Right now, I'm harvesting salads off my Urban Poison veg., as well as my Jack Herer. These two are my biggest plants right now, but still need a couple weeks before they're really buff. Because of the organic conditions of their growth, their leaves provide me with minerals and nutrients from flora, which is a great way to uptake vitamins. And I grow 'em under a teasing, blue light that has them constantly in preflower. So the salads have a wonderful, physically stimulating effect.
I appreciate your enthusiasm, but very little of what you're saying is backed up by science.

You're basically saying what you do is better than everyone else and that WE need to do it YOUR way, with zero consideration for the experience of the people you're talking to.