THE 12-1 Lighting Method (NOT YOUR 18-6)

Are there any "proven" gas lantern methods for auto flowers?
I run mine 18/6 and just start my lights at 25% and bump them up like 10-20% a week
I’ve been using Joe’s 12/1 veg cycle for the past few months and everything he said is true. They grow faster and more bushy, even if you don’t top the plant. Plus, saving $ on electricity. I’ll never go back to 18/6. And remember, there’s no such thing as ‘cannabis botany’….there’s only botany, it’s a weed :)
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It was controversial when I brought this up a while back- everyone was stuck on “ if you are cutting the light time lower than 12 you are only hurting your quality and yield because light makes photosynthesis which feeds the plant” Which is correct- but only in veg.
The dark period is what is more important for flowering - it tells the plant that winter is coming and I better reproduce.
Dropping the light by 1/2 hour every 2 weeks does the same- the plants go crazy calyxes going sideways as you can see on that big bud. I am at 9 weeks tomorrow- i have already chopped 2 and now taking them down in order of ripeness. So 8 weeks is totally possible with a good environment and lighting.
A couple pictures of the other plants-
My son’s camera is better and was able to pick up the blue in the blueberry-
Mine sucks-Attachment.jpegAttachment.jpegAttachment.jpegAttachment.jpegAttachment.jpegAttachment.jpegAttachment.jpegAttachment.jpeg
A couple White Widow nugs from a damaged stem. Both of the plants are still going.
Monday 7/31 will be 10 weeks- everything will get processed one at a time in the next week or so.IMG_7869.jpegIMG_7870.jpeg
I used the Gas Lantern Technique on my last grow...kind of to prove a point about light-efficiency. I wanted to use my completely inefficient (by today's standard) 400 watt Metal Halide bulb fixture that I bought in the mid-1980's. I already have done several LED grows and I wanted to compare how the old MH would hold up against the new technology. So, by running the MH on the Gas Lantern Technique schedule, I was able to reduce the "on" time by several hours in comparison to running the standard 18/6....which meant that my inefficient HID light was suddenly a LOT more efficient! I've used the GLT twice and it's legit.

When it came to flower, I stuck with the typical 12/12, but, after reading this thread, I am going to try the reduced lighting schedule on this next run. It makes sense since that's the way things happen with natural lighting.
i've been running 6/2 for the veg the last few runs. i know they don't need dark but they do seem to enjoy a bit of it. i was a big fan of 24/0 too
Found this.. maybe, I'm going with a maybe here.. the 12-1 speeds up the flower time with these Sativas? The article (good one too guys, worth the read) mentions up to 6 months in some areas for flowering to finish.

Found this.. maybe, I'm going with a maybe here.. the 12-1 speeds up the flower time with these Sativas? The article (good one too guys, worth the read) mentions up to 6 months in some areas for flowering to finish.

check out if any strains come out of Indonesia. i would think they would be humidity tolerant sativas. although you probably get the death penalty for growing there