6 seeds under 600w , dont know in how many gallons !


Well-Known Member
You're doing something wrong if you need a 100 watts a plant.
No wonder you hang out in the noob section. Do you really have any idea wtf your talking about or do you just like listening to your own bs?

Do you know the effective footprint of a 600w light? Guess what, I use every inch of it effectively. Key word here being "EFFECTIVELY".

You don't know wtf you're talking about.
hi guys, i have 6 seeds but i don't know in how many seeds to germinate, i want to grow under 600w hps bulb, in a space around 1 square metere, but i dont know how much seeds to germinate and grow, first i was wanted 4 but now i am thinking 6 under 3 gallons pots , it is good? :D

so this will like with 1 m square of space and 6 pots of 3 gallons , real ratio and cooltube 600w .
the big question here is who stole your plug and replaced it with the cartoon one!?


Active Member
the big question here is who stole your plug and replaced it with the cartoon one!?
thank you captain obvious for remark :))

can tell me anyone , i need to put imediatly germinated seed (small root= 1 mm)in ground or i need to wait a tap root to be 3-4 mm in paper towel ? i already put 3 seeds in soil ,3 are with small root 1 mm


Well-Known Member
Get them in soil... the first root to come out of the seed IS the tap root. The longer it gets the more microscopic root hairs you are tearing up messing with it. It's really better to just put your seeds 1/4" down in some dirt, water thoroughly, put a cfl light right over the top of the soil to keep them warm and keep them moist. I have a 99% germ rate like that, no messing with seed and damaging the root... The other 1% were just bad seeds.


Active Member
Shit, :( tap root of one seed exit from soil curling down, , i put it some soil over her. should let them alone or help if another one grow like this??


Well-Known Member
Please explain how lowering my light plays out in your equation of my 6 plants not being enough for a 600 watt light. If you even read half of what I said you'd know I dont even put 6 plants under a 600. I grow 4 and I fill every cm of useable light footprint with buds. Lower my light?? You dont have the first clue as to what you are talking about. Quit spreading misinformation.