600 Watt 12/12 From Seed Lazy Susan

Fuck yeah I can update whenever I want to! I'm always a little too quick on the posts I know, but its my thread right :) looking like spiders sprawling out on the table now. 8 days in flower now.
It's narrow to slide in on the right side of the table towards the cabinet. When I have about a month left in flower ill start new seeds and get these bitches filled up again. Unless of course I get a shitty yield and want to try something different.
My new little veg starter table slid right into place. I should be able to save a month off rotation with it.
My bubba cougar outdoor. I topped it the other day, I would say its doing pretty well and probably going to get growing soon. It was started 12/12 for nearly 3 weeks so I'm sure I've confused it a bit. I saw a couple snail/slug trails on the bottom of it but no nibbles. Gave it another dose of sevin spray to keep her safe!
I really hate running my lights at night. I chomp at the bit waiting to get in there! One interesting thing though when I get up early enough and they're still on I can tell the plants got bigger.