600w 4x4 HydroHut Silver Edition Grow With Multi Strains


Well-Known Member
Alright, finally heard back from the voice on the phone. Power kicked on about an hour and a half later than the plants are used to.

I am pretty sure they should be fine right? 1 day of 1 1/2 hours more in the dark than normal isn't that bad is it?

Anyway, getting some pics in just a little bit here. I cant wait to see whats going on with the ones I have trained. It's crazy how much darker the plants are getting now that they have good pH and full nutes.

I guess some of plants leaves are still pushing in much darker color, that it almost looks like def's. I checked it out myself on a few of them the last I was there, and it is indeed color pushing in.

Some of my cuttings are sprouting little root systems now. Trying to figure out what to do with them. I have a rare PK cut, its not your normal Purple "Kush." It's actually Purple "Krush."

From what I am told its a cross between California Orange Crush and a Purple Afghani. Honestly one of my favorite strains of all time. I HAVE to keep this thing around, its the only one I have left out of 10 seeds I planted.

They were 2 year old seeds, and made from hermie pollen. I also had to cut down the plants early because I had to move. So far this particular girl is showing all the classic pheno's I am used to seeing.

What is the smallest space any of you have kept a mother in? How long were you able to keep it there?

+Rep for help on that one.


Well-Known Member
Hey that's good to hear statik, i'm sure it won't affect your plants at all maybe if it was extra hours of light then you may have had a problem.

I love purple strains, you should def mother that PK.

I have 3 mothers going in a small little area using only 2 cfl's for light let me shoot you a pic of the area.


Well-Known Member
The area is about 1 1/2 ft deep by almost 2 ft wide and almost 4 feet tall.
This is an old picture I have diferent plants in there now but this should give you an idea of how small the area is.



Well-Known Member
What size pots are those, 1 gallon? Is that a 2x2 space? Rather not just assume, but it looks 2x2 from the pic. Also, how long were you able to keep those mothers alive in there? Thanks man.

EDIT: Guess I gotta spread some rep around man. Trying to hit you up again too soon. lol


Well-Known Member
Yea roughly 2x2, There is 2 3 gal pots in that picture and 3 6" pots.
Right now I have 4 1 gallon pots in there 3 mothers and i'm trying to grow a mango tree LOL.

I'll shoot a quick pic for you. give me a sec...


Well-Known Member
Mango Tree? Seriously? Kick ass. I imagine you plan on throwing that outdoors yes?
Haha sounds funny huh?

It took about 1 1/2 weeks to germinate. It was an ugly big red root, kinda scared me when I first unwrapped it out of the napkin. It hasn't sprouted yet but it takes time it's a tree after all.

I read up on how to grow mangos and since they are only grown in tropical conditions it won't survive in outdoor conditions here in socal, but I might experiment with it, or I might just make it a fancy house plant ;-)


Well-Known Member
Nice, how tall is that larger mother on the right? About what 20"? I take it the mango tree is in the "empty" bucket?


Nevermind, confirmed about the Mango lmao.

Anyway, too cold in SoCal? Wow, yeah they like a warmer climate then. I was just thinking about it fruiting and all. Are you gonna be able to accommodate such a large root system?


Well-Known Member
So I could prolly keep 4 mothers in a 2x2. Perfect. Now, I asked about the height because I dont think I have room for something that tall. If I can keep mothers below 3 ft I may be in business. Some LST may be in order I think.


Well-Known Member
Haha, yeah it's too cold here I guess from what i've read.
Well If it gets that large i'm gonna have to transplant it outside but i'm sure that will take years.
i'm gonna have it in a big 8 gallon pot once it gets about 3 feet tall.
They get up to 45 feet tall but in the deep jungle they can get 120ft +
Now that's a damn monster I wonder what my neighbors would think if I had a tree that big growing in my back yard LOL.


Well-Known Member
So I could prolly keep 4 mothers in a 2x2. Perfect. Now, I asked about the height because I dont think I have room for something that tall. If I can keep mothers below 3 ft I may be in business. Some LST may be in order I think.
You can fit 6 1 gallon pots if you'd like but 4 seems better. oh yea definitely want to Lst them I didn't I hope they don't out grow the area, I'm sure there will be some topping in their future.


Well-Known Member
Haha, yeah it's too cold here I guess from what i've read.
Well If it gets that large i'm gonna have to transplant it outside but i'm sure that will take years.
i'm gonna have it in a big 8 gallon pot once it gets about 3 feet tall.
They get up to 45 feet tall but in the deep jungle they can get 120ft +
Now that's a damn monster I wonder what my neighbors would think if I had a tree that big growing in my back yard LOL.

Neighbors would probably be hoping they move before the next big wind storm blows through. :shock:

Or that they need to get a safety net above their house:

3 A.M.... :sleep: away and then BANG! A mango from 120 feet up slams into their roof. :cuss:


Well-Known Member
That shit would be hillarious, cops come knocking on my door.
"sir we have complaints about falling mangos" hahaha!


Well-Known Member
So, I got pics like I said I would. One problem though, I really need to teach her how to take proper pics! I mean, she doesn't have the best eye sight, nor is she the best with technology...but come on man.

Oh well, there are a few decent ones. I am really enjoying some of the pics she got of my Purple Krush I had just mentioned a few posts up. She's about a 9 week strain. (pics 15 and 16)

Going back tomorrow myself to check things first hand. Plants are indeed darker, starting to see slight nitrogen defs in some fan leaves. This is only week 3 of flower, think adding some slight veg nutes would be wise? Not much, prolly less than 1/4 strength is all. Just enough to give a slight kick?

Anyway, my cuttings are rooting as I said before. I really have to get something together fast, I am NOT going to lose this strain. It was handed to me by a buddy of mine up north a few years back. The only thing I have found that even remotely comes close is Black Domina.

Not trying to say this is better by any means. Just saying that when it comes to raw potency, flavor, smell etc...thats what I compare it to. A taste that sits on your tongue for 30 minutes or longer after smoking. Had people look at me funny just walking past them with a bag in my pocket. I am sure you know what I mean. ;-)

So anyway, I was astounded at some of the plants growth. Namely the ones to the right side of the hut. I will be training those as well I think. I am seriously thinking I need to upgrade my lighting. Even if its some added flouros.



Well-Known Member
They are looking very nice, i'm jelous of your grow tent I can't wait to buy one for myself.
About that N def some of mine are having the same problem, The GO flowering nutes seem to not have enough N to support good green growth. I'm going to feed with 1/2 strength veg nutes on my next feeding hopefully that will clear up this issue. I see what you mean on picture #1 Looks like it's definitely having some N def IMO I would try 1/4 strength like you said in your post hopfully that should clear it up.


Well-Known Member
Alright, went and checked things out yesterday, but I forgot to snap pics while I was there. I had other things on my mind I guess you could say...

Such as the fact my one and only little Purple Krush that is flowering so hard and frosting over...is a damn HERMIE! I am not going to kill it however. It's producing far too nicely for that. Besides, I have some plans for it now that I have had some time to think about it. I want to use it for breeding. I am going to isolate in a closet for a few days or so and let pollen sacs form, and yes..even open. I am going to then go over the plant again and yank off the male parts (ouch, doesnt sound good does it?).

I will then take those plucked male flowers and throw one or two into a handful of sandwich bags. I'm going to go into my hut and find a decent side branch and then tie the sandwich bag around the end and give it a good shake around. I'll let the bag sit on the branch for a day or two and then remove it.

Here is the trip though, I am going to do this to a branch on every single plant I have. That way...who know, I may come out with some crazy ass new strain. Like a Purple Dr. Who...think I'd call it a "Purple What?" LMAO. Instead of Green Tea..we would have Purple Tea. Purple OG KRush? I'd like to see what my PK crossed with an Oregon Grape would be like. So screw it..silver lining to my gray cloud right?

After I have plucked the male flowers of the PK again I will throw it back in the hut and watch it closely from there on out.

Now, with that out of the way. I saw some slight over fert issues when I was there. No burning, just some clawing really. So I am going to follow suit with Terrorizer805 and water with plain R/O every other watering. This time around though, since I am seeing N defs in a # of plants again I diluted a gallon of worm tea across 10 gallons of r/o and fed all 15 plants with that. Hoping it wasn't too much..we shall see.

I wound up training the Dr. Who, and another Silver Haze I think...or was it a Green Tea? IDK, anyway about half of them are bent down now. The canopy is so much more filled in. Using a lot more of the light now. The W.O.W's (which I think are actually a White Russian crossed back to a White Widow) stalks are waaayy too thick to even attempt to bend. Same with the OG, and even my hermie purple.

I took cuttings of the Dr. Who, Oregon Grape, and one of the WOW's. I took some cuttings a couple weeks back and those are mostly rooted now. I have 2 WOW's, i had taken cuts from one a while back...those are rooted and now sitting in small dixie cups. I know it's a hermie...but my PK cuttings have rooted as well. Hard to want to throw those out. So they are still sitting there. I may know a club that will take them and use them for the same reasons I am keeping the mom/dad around.


I have a hut that can hold 25 three gallon pots..with nothing else in there of course. So if I had 25 mother plants, in 3 gallon pots...how many cuttings a week do you think I could take per plant? Of course this is assuming well established mothers, say 2 - 3 months old from clone (and been pruned for bushing)? Not worried about where to find room for clones right now...just getting some #'s here. Do you think 25 clones a week off a well established mother is reasonable?

If not, how large of a plant do you think I would need in order to pull 25 clones/week from it?